Interfaith marriages?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Is anyone here involved in an interfaith marriage? Or are you related to or close friends with someone in an interfaith marriage? Presuming that religion/faith is a big deal to at least ONE party in the marriage, how does that all work? If you don't mind, here are some questions for those involved in interfaith relationships . . . I realize there are a lot here, but I would really appreciate any feedback.

What religion are you? What religion is your husband?

Are either or both of you very religious?

Do you view your religions as compatible with one another (e.g., two branches or denominations of the same faith) or completely at odds?

Did you know your husband was a different religion than you when you all started dating? How did that impact things early on (or did it at all)?

When you all got more serious, how did you address any potential interfaith challenges?

Do you all have any children or plan to have children? What do you (plan to) teach them about faith? Are they raised one particular religion over the other? How do you deal with any contradictions between you and your spouse's faith when it comes to the children?

Do you participate in your spouse's faith traditions and vice versa?

This one is for my church folks: Do you get the side-eye from super-duper saved folks for being "unequally yoked"?

Would you say being in an interfaith relationship has strained or strengthened your personal faith? How so?

Anything else you would like to add about this topic?
If either faith is highly important to either party it can be difficult. If both faiths are important to both parties most times it cannot work. Especially with Abrahamic religions.
My ex husband was Christian (of a Southern Baptist background) and I'm Catholic. I think religion is really important, and people should be in something other than just money and politics--like he did. I'm not saying Catholicism is the only way to go, but he never went to church or even prayed as far as I can remember. I think the second time around, my man has got to have faith in something holier than himself...
I know a couple that consists of a Muslim female and an atheist male. They've been together for four years.