
Well-Known Member
I did my touch-up on Saturday and went to work on Monday people were like :blush:. Your hair just keep growing what are you doing, I'm like nothing. You guys should have saw the look when I said nothing. I mean they see my hair in a bun every single day I mean every single day. Today one girl was like what do you do to your hair b/c everytime you take your hair down from the bun your hair is longer. I said but it suppose to grow though.. She was like you have to be taking something or what is your diet like? What do you put on your hair? Or you got some indian in you, I was like girl whatttttt...

I really don't do much but wear my bun all the time and you guys see the bun I wear everyday. I don't take any vitamins and I don't eat all that healthy.. I try though..

I just find it interesting that people don't believe me when I say I don't do anything special to grow my hair :ohwell:.
You have a regimen that you follow right?

And you moisturize, you limit direct heat, you deep condition?

I think there are things that you do or do not do in order to keep your hair healthy and retain its length.

All of us do something, otherwise we wouldn't be on LHCF.
Your hair beautiful~ I stalk your fotki waiting on your updates :look:. I get the same reaction. It's usually the "clear" ones who seem most interested because I don't think they think blacks can have long hair either without weaving it up.:rolleyes: :lachen:
I think protective stying is something special. Most people don't realize how much wear and tear they put their hair through on a daily basis or if they do know, they don't have the discipline needed to consistently protect their strands. You're doing the hard work and it's paying off!
Sometimes when people ask you that, they're hoping to hear about some miracle product that will provide them w/a quick fix. Doing nothing really is indeed doing something, others just may not view it that way. I know during my last growth spurt, my aunts swore it must've been the meds I was taking and mind you, both of them are at least WL :rolleyes:. That's why most of the time, I don't even answer the question. 9 times out of 10, they don't wanna hear what you have to say anyway.
Well, you could have said that the buns help you to retain length. I agree with posters that say technically you are doing something. On the other hand, congratulations on your progress!
I would have said nothing too. Like the other poster said, people don't really want to know what you do or they'll think your crazy/hair obsessed. When I read the post I thought it was self explanatory, for someone to say "every time you take your bun down your hair is longer." Well put 2 and 2 together.
Thanks ladies..:grin::grin:
When people ask what do I do to my hair I always say nothing but wear a bun. I really believe what Eisani said that they think it's a quick fix, I really do believe that. I know that protective styling definitely work for me and my regimen is really simple but I find it interesting that a lot of people think that you have to go to the salon often to grow your hair and that's the furthest thing from the truth. Protective styling is the key for some but a lot of women don't believe that and so when I say nothing I mean there are no magical formula that I use.

I like all your responses... When I began my hair care journey, I consistently read the article about how some women gained great lengths by buning all the time and did nothing special. I started bunning all the time to see if it would work for me.. Nothing is really something but its really nothing.. I got it ChocalateDiva but they don't get it... I just don't like the looks that I get when I tell them I do nothing but wear my hair pulled back in a bun...
I never really know what to say when people ask me that. "What do you do to your hair?" I know that deep conditioning at least 2x a month has been a life saver for me up until now. (I never used to DC or use a leave-in) But I know if I wan't to reach my goal of WL healthy thick hair protective styling, minimal heat and manipulation are going to be key.
Thanks ladies..:grin::grin:
When people ask what do I do to my hair I always say nothing but wear a bun. I really believe what Eisani said that they think it's a quick fix, I really do believe that. I know that protective styling definitely work for me and my regimen is really simple but I find it interesting that a lot of people think that you have to go to the salon often to grow your hair and that's the furthest thing from the truth. Protective styling is the key for some but a lot of women don't believe that and so when I say nothing I mean there are no magical formula that I use.

I like all your responses... When I began my hair care journey, I consistently read the article about how some women gained great lengths by buning all the time and did nothing special. I started bunning all the time to see if it would work for me.. Nothing is really something but its really nothing.. I got it ChocalateDiva but they don't get it... I just don't like the looks that I get when I tell them I do nothing but wear my hair pulled back in a bun...

Screw 'em...and I mean that in the nicest way possible :look:
Your hair beautiful~ I stalk your fotki waiting on your updates :look:. I get the same reaction. It's usually the "clear" ones who seem most interested because I don't think they think blacks can have long hair either without weaving it up.:rolleyes: :lachen:

Funny!!!! That is funny.
What do you use to secure your hair in a bun without it damaging your hair? Is there any special technique you use? I'm a dancer so buns are one of my regular styles, I just get worried all the time about it because it tends to break my sides, even when I secure them loosely, which never really holds the bun... Bunning for me is my preferred get up and go because it's just that easy and looks good on me.. Thansk for your help!
What do you use to secure your hair in a bun without it damaging your hair? Is there any special technique you use? I'm a dancer so buns are one of my regular styles, I just get worried all the time about it because it tends to break my sides, even when I secure them loosely, which never really holds the bun... Bunning for me is my preferred get up and go because it's just that easy and looks good on me.. Thansk for your help!

I know you weren't asking me but this question is important. Many women wear buns all the time, but create damage in the process. I used to be one of them. Now I make sure that I don't pull my hair too tight, moisturize before I bun, and limit the amount of time I spend in a bun all together. I usually alternate between large claw clips, buns, or pinning my hair up using pins like these. I also alternate the placement of my bun to minimize any breakage.

When I get tired of all of those protective styles I do a single french braid with the ends tucked under.
Sometimes when people ask you that, they're hoping to hear about some miracle product that will provide them w/a quick fix. Doing nothing really is indeed doing something, others just may not view it that way. I know during my last growth spurt, my aunts swore it must've been the meds I was taking and mind you, both of them are at least WL :rolleyes:. That's why most of the time, I don't even answer the question. 9 times out of 10, they don't wanna hear what you have to say anyway.

This is all that it is. They want to hear about a miracle product or magic potion. When you begin to tell them about boring things like protective styling and moisturizing, their eyes just glaze over.:ohwell:
I know you weren't asking me but this question is important. Many women wear buns all the time, but create damage in the process. I used to be one of them. Now I make sure that I don't pull my hair too tight, moisturize before I bun, and limit the amount of time I spend in a bun all together. I usually alternate between large claw clips, buns, or pinning my hair up using pins like these. I also alternate the placement of my bun to minimize any breakage.

When I get tired of all of those protective styles I do a single french braid with the ends tucked under.

I like those pins. Where do you get yours?
I like those pins. Where do you get yours?

I think I found mine at Sally's. I've been on the lookout for more. I can't remember the brand either. Mine are about 4 inches long and came 2 in a pack. They are really strong and don't rip the hair. My hair tends to break accessories...these have held up for more than a year.
I think I found mine at Sally's. I've been on the lookout for more. I can't remember the brand either. Mine are about 4 inches long and came 2 in a pack. They are really strong and don't rip the hair. My hair tends to break accessories...these have held up for more than a year.

Thank you. :) I'm going to look for them, I've been meaning to stop into Sally's anyway.:yep:
Thank you. :) I'm going to look for them, I've been meaning to stop into Sally's anyway.:yep:

I hope you find them. Maybe Walmart has them...thats the next place I'm gonna check.

OP your hair is beautiful!!! Whatever you are doing is working. I don't blame you for not giving your full regimen. I never do.
OP your hair is just beautiful. I just came your fotki and your progress has been amazing.

As for the topic, I honestly don't see the point in answering questions about what I do to my hair to people that ask me (unless it's a reader from my blog). I found that no matter what I tell them, they don't listen. They just say I have good hair or I must be mixed... blah, blah, blah.
why is it that when a black has beautiful hair that she grew out of their own head she has to be part indian/white/etc? it's not impossible for black women to have beautiful hair. i mean they saw you in buns and they kept pressuring you to tell them your secret regimen so why not assume that the way you care for your hair is the true reason that it looks great? protective styling is soooo important for retaining length and i think a lot of people underestimate how beneficial it is to leave your hair alone. you know you are doing a lot of things right when you have a squad of hair haters. keep up the good work!