Interesting 'Faith-Based' Method for Growing Long, Healthy Hair...

Alpha Female

New Member
I came across the following website during an online search for natural hair care tips - Beauty 4 Ashes. The hair care products would seem to be the bomb - all natural, no additives, no preservatives, no alcohol, silicones, petroleum, mineral oil, etc. - only the vitamins, oils, and natural products we talk about all the time on LHCF.

The site uses a 'faith-based' theme. Not just from the standpoint of the business owners being grateful to God for blessing them with this business, but from the standpoint of the products themselves working. For example, they have a no return policy, and if you read it carefully, the message between the lines is that if the products don't work, it's basically because your faith isn't strong enough. In fact, if you order anything, you'll also receive a 'victory' prayer and daily meditation scriptures. And they say they pray over every product they make before it ships out for delivery.

What do you ladies think about (1) Beauty 4 Ashes' hair care products, and (2) a 'faith-based' approach to growing long, healthy hair?
Interesting concept, but I think I'd feel better if they stood behind their products with a money back guarantee. I do like the idea of trusting God with ALL aspects of our lives...including hair care. :yep:
Well how do we know that they're actually praying over our products? Are we supposed to have faith in that too? If they do samples it may be worth a try.
Interesting website! Thanks for posting! I may have to check out a few of their products.
Well how do we know that they're actually praying over our products? Are we supposed to have faith in that too? If they do samples it may be worth a try.

Another thing is, if the word and faith is what makes the work, you can just pray over any product and have faith that it will work... Can't you?
I like the concept, but I don't like the "No refunds, just pray on it" message. I agree with the previous poster about standing behind the products, especially since they are so expensive!!!
Another thing is, if the word and faith is what makes the work, you can just pray over any product and have faith that it will work... Can't you?
Thats true.....I guess that their prayer is the added benefit whereas some other companies may not pray over their products:scratchch. IDK just throwing that out there, nonetheless if they make good products i wouldnt be opposed to trying them. The concept/approach is different but I would feel better about some type of refund/exchange policy though.
Well how do we know that they're actually praying over our products? Are we supposed to have faith in that too? If they do samples it may be worth a try.

The prices for the samples I saw were pricey. Like $27.99, I think one of them said. for 4 ounces! That's Aveda prices...LOL...:rolleyes:
Another thing is, if the word and faith is what makes the work, you can just pray over any product and have faith that it will work... Can't you?

Exactly :lachen:....sounds like someone's trying to use the Christian faith to take advantage of of some gullible and desperate consumers.
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The prices for the samples I saw were pricey. Like $27.99, I think one of them said. for 4 ounces! That's Aveda prices...LOL...:rolleyes:

Good Lawd thats alot of money!!! I don't know, If i heard some AVeda-esque reviews on it then maybe, perhaps, possibly.....
Another thing is, if the word and faith is what makes the work, you can just pray over any product and have faith that it will work... Can't you?
I agree with you Keen. We can pray over what we use. We can ask God to direct us in what will / will not work for our particular hair needs for healthy growth.

Another thing. I stand personally on God's word for in His word He says that we will be as He has 'such created.' I was created and designed as woman with long healthy hair. A woman's hair is her crown and God will have His glory in crowning me with long healthy hair.

Prayer works; it NEVER fails. As for this company's no return policy and that one does not have faith if the products do not work, that greatly concerns me. Not all products work the same for everyone and it has nothing do with lack of faith.

If these products really work, it won't take prayer to make it happen, but it does take a good honest product from good honest people who back their guarantees with returning the product if not satisfied. True faith is being a faithful merchant and in return you will have faithful customers who will come back.

It's wrong to misuse prayer and I think they have gone overboard with the reasons for their 'no return policy.'
I agree with you Keen. We can pray over what we use. We can ask God to direct us in what will / will not work for our particular hair needs for healthy growth.

Another thing. I stand personally on God's word for in His word He says that we will be as He has 'such created.' I was created and designed as woman with long healthy hair. A woman's hair is her crown and God will have His glory in crowning me with long healthy hair.

Prayer works; it NEVER fails. As for this company's no return policy and that one does not have faith if the products do not work, that greatly concerns me. Not all products work the same for everyone and it has nothing do with lack of faith.

If these products really work, it won't take prayer to make it happen, but it does take a good honest product from good honest people who back their guarantees with returning the product if not satisfied. True faith is being a faithful merchant and in return you will have faithful customers who will come back.

It's wrong to misuse prayer and I think they have gone overboard with the reasons for their 'no return policy.'
It couldn't have been said any better.
Why do they all have a shelf life of 60 days? That's new. They products are expensive, must be used within 2 months, and have no return policy... :nono:

The return policy
All SALES are FINAL, NO REFUNDS. There are no money back guarantee. Returns are not accepted. Unauthorized returns will be discarded and no refunds will be issued. Results vary from customer to customer based on their diet, lifestyle, water intake, consistency in application, and faith level. Understand that you are buying a Christian product made not simply to restore your hair’s health, but also to rid you from the shame and burdens associated with your hair. The devil does not like the fact that such a product exists. For this reason, he may seek to attack you to erode your faith. Stay steadfast and believe in your scriptures and victory prayer. God led your to this site for a reason.

Using guilt and fear to lure and keep customer. Wrong. People/companies like these give christianity a bad name.
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Oh goodness. This company :perplexed The products LOOK like they have good ingredients but my goodness...are TITHES built into those prices?

Maybe. Sometimes people are so heavenly minded they're no earthly good.:look:

Ooooh I need to use that quote! I agree w/you, BTW. Jill Scott said something similar in her Essence interview about how people need to keep the whole "Staying positive" mindset in alignment with reality.

Using guilt and fear to lure and keep customer. Wrong. People/companies like these give christianity a bad name.

MJ...YES! The sad thing is, there is probably someone who will come across that site and give all their money to them because they "believe in their mission" and "support christian owned businesses"...

Wolf in sheep's clothing.

With a site so BLATANTLY targeted... they probably have a website for Muslim products, Kosher products... they are probably a black owned company, a whites only company, selling products by latinas for latinas, selling stuff by an asian doctor targeted to asian skin/hair types. They prolly sellin' Kufi's and Klan robes.

Hey... whoever made this site is a HUSTLER. So if people are out there eager for that sense of belonging and desiring to please... they're gonna get hustled.

*logs into her GoDaddy account and sets up a bunch of websites with shopping cart options*

I got a house full of stuff I can sell.


ETA: Start A Business.html

^^^ You can start a business with them. :lachen: This is so sad and pathetic.
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My thought on this company and its products is thank you for sharing or in this case advertising, but no thank you.:nono:
This seems like a cheeky scam to that is designed to play on religous people.

If they are real...they should be handing(for free) out a grow hair long prayer, not making money off products that you have to ask God to activate:nono:
Since when do you have to pay for God's actions in anything. IF prayer is what makes theirs products work how are they going to profit off that. The concept would seem much better if it weren't for their refund policy. They might as well add a disclaimer that the products will not work for heathens. And how are they going to put the blame that if you should have more breakouts (probably some type of reactions to the ingredients) that it's the devils fault. YES, the devil does try to attack us in all manners but if I use a new product and I breakout believe me it ain't the devil himself inflecting blemish to attack my faith. The whole thing is baffling to me.:ohwell:

Ladies, we can and should pray over our own products and if you believe that there is strength in numbers then I'll pray along with you for FREE!!:rolleyes: I'm sure there are plenty of us who would join.
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I like the concept, but I don't like the "No refunds, just pray on it" message. I agree with the previous poster about standing behind the products, especially since they are so expensive!!!
that just what i was thinking i pray that everthing i use on my head works:lachen:what i want from them is my money back if it dont work not someone telling me my faith is not strong:nono::nono:
Interesting concept, but I think I'd feel better if they stood behind their products with a money back guarantee. I do like the idea of trusting God with ALL aspects of our lives...including hair care. :yep:

absurd!! Do u know of any products that offer a MBG?:look: I think that would be impossible.
They definitely seem to be 'preying' on spiritual folks. I'm a God-fearing believer as much as the next person, but this website almost seems to take it too far. Not to say God and business shouldn't be mixed, because if God's blessing is the reason you have your business, for sure, you need to be shouting it from the roof tops and giving God the glory! But to mention it on every page of the site, even in the no-return policy (tsk tsk).

And to even insinuate that the reason the products might not work is because of your own lack of faith...that's just taking it a bit too far. Imagine the impact that could have on someone for whom the products don't work? Not only is their hair not getting healthier & longer (it's own brand of damnation and punishment or it sure feels like it anyway!! :perplexed ), but now there's doubt in this person's mind about their faith and their relationship with God. That's just wrong. And the sad part is that their organic, all-natural products actually look like they might be useful. Too bad they turn people off with their 'faith-based' approach to growing long, healthy hair!
They might as well add a disclaimer that the products will not work for heathens. And how are they going to put the blame that if you should have more breakouts (probably some type of reactions to the ingredients) that it's the devils fault.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: LAWD HAVE MERCY :lachen::lachen::lachen:

The things people will do for money. Please don't buy into this ladies. Pray over your own products this is definitely a scam.
Oh goodness. This company :perplexed The products LOOK like they have good ingredients but my goodness...are TITHES built into those prices?


Yeah, I thought so too (about the ingredients) but everything else just throws you off. Especially paying that much for a product, even the samples are $$$, with no refund!:perplexed
Why do they all have a shelf life of 60 days? That's new. They products are expensive, must be used within 2 months, and have no return policy... :nono:

Probably because they have no preservatives, although I thought it was illegal to sell w/o any type of perservative. If they had a good product, they wouldnt have to worry about a high rate of returns. Tho Oyin has a no return policy also, but their samples are reasonably priced. I wont rehash my last experience with them I get :mad: just thinking about it sometimes.

ETA: This site also has hair care divided into ethnic and non ethnic. I could see hair types...fine...coarse.. etc...but ethnicity?
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