Interesting convo today


New Member
So, I had a meeting today and was standing outside afterwards taking in scenery. A Caucasian woman and her husband followed me outside shortly and I turned to smile. We commented on the weather and I went back to my brief solace. As I turned to leave, she said to me "I really like your hair" and I said thanks. I had my hair in an afro puff. She said "I have an African-American granddaughter with hair like yours and dealing with her hair given me a new appreciation for Black women." I felt she was being genuine, so I told her that yes, it is a lot of work, but I love it. She, then, asked if my hair was mine and I said no, it is a ponytail clipon, but my hair looks just like this. She said that her granddaughter wears a lot of clip-ons and extensions as well. I asked her if she wanted me to write down a few tips and she said that her mother has it under control. We talked for a while about hair in general and then I said my goodbyes.

I chuckled to myself about a few things in the conversation later, but I also felt slightly wistful about the amount of time we spend on our hair.

Just sharing...
So, I had a meeting today and was standing outside afterwards taking in scenery. A Caucasian woman and her husband followed me outside shortly and I turned to smile. We commented on the weather and I went back to my brief solace. As I turned to leave, she said to me "I really like your hair" and I said thanks. I had my hair in an afro puff. She said "I have an African-American granddaughter with hair like yours and dealing with her hair given me a new appreciation for Black women." I felt she was being genuine, so I told her that yes, it is a lot of work, but I love it. She, then, asked if my hair was mine and I said no, it is a ponytail clipon, but my hair looks just like this. She said that her granddaughter wears a lot of clip-ons and extensions as well. I asked her if she wanted me to write down a few tips and she said that her mother has it under control. We talked for a while about hair in general and then I said my goodbyes.

I chuckled to myself about a few things in the conversation later, but I also felt slightly wistful about the amount of time we spend on our hair.

Just sharing...

Interesting... :popcorn:
It's funny, you never know who may feel a connection with you or why. I guess that is why it's important to always be pleasant towards people even if they are strangers.
I enjoy hearing about genuine non-token exchanges like that. :yep: Way to go.
Me too. That was really nice. And it's nice to read that you didn't automatically snap your fingers and swirl your neck. You had a regular convo expressing love and appreciation for your hair. And I'm sure many Caucasion women share the same story of having grandchildren/nieces/nephews/cousins of AA descent.:yep: Again, way to go.
I thought it was cool the grandmother described her granddaughter as african-american....Sounds like she is cool with that...:drunk: You handled the convo great!!!
It does seem that we must spend way more time on our hair than other races. It makes me feel petty to say that it isn't fair, but I feel that way a little bit sometimes. But the more work you put into something the more you appreciate your return. Besides, when someone (of any race) sees a beautiful head of Black hair, they cannot help but to admire it.