ino call yet. is he playing games?


Well-Known Member
hey ladies, i need a little advice. i'm not sure if this guy is playing games or nervous or what exactly. I feel like i'm being a little impatient, but i feel that if a guy is interested in you, he will make it apparent and he will make his move. So, this guy is a friend of a friend. I've "sort" of known him for a while, being that we hang in the same circle of friends.

So, a while ago, i got the vibe that he was interested, but he never made a move, so I dismissed it as him just being a really friendly person. Everytime I see him, he makes it a point to speak to me and make small talk. A while ago I was considering making a job change, and he told me his company had openings, and offered to speak to his supervisor on my behalf. (i didnt even ask or tell him about my job situation, just in the course of small talk) so he gives me his email address, but we never got a chance to exchange info. so i email him my info and phone number. i figure, okay, well he has my email and number now, so if he's interested he'll call or something. i hear nothing. a month later, i email him back about the position, and he said they hired someone else. so now i'm thinking oh okay, i just would've liked some feedback, like, got your resume, gave it to my supervisor, just something. but i was a little irritated, but figured i was being sensitive.

so the more recent times i see him, he tells me to get his number from his friend. i always just kind of brushed it off, b/c i figured well i know he has my number, or why not just ask for my number if he's interested? besides, I don't call guys. so recently, he approached my friend asking about me, and my friend asks if its okay to give him my number, i say yes. so he gives him my number 4 days ago, but i have yet to hear from him. now my friend constantly asks, has he called yet? No is always my answer. in my mind, it screams game playing. but i know i can over analyze and read too much into things especially since its only be 4 days. i guess i'm just ticked off, b/c whats the point? sigh. what do u ladies think? :perplexed
Don't worry about it and don't call. I hate to say it, but they are more interested when you aren't. Don't call him and just move on. If it happens, good. If not, oh well.

*But it sounds more like game or he is curious, but not fully interested. Some people can't see a good thing when it's sitting right under their nose. The whole job thing was shady.* Just my :twocents:
well, i don't have his number, so i'm definently not calling. lol. sometimes i'm just easily annoyed, and i think this is one of those times. probably just pms. lmao.
Don't worry about it and don't call. I hate to say it, but they are more interested when you aren't. Don't call him and just move on. If it happens, good. If not, oh well.

*But it sounds more like game or he is curious, but not fully interested. Some people can't see a good thing when it's sitting right under their nose. The whole job thing was shady.* Just my :twocents:

I agree. He's only mildly interested. And, it appears it's barely that. Let him go do what he does and don't wait. Live your life. If he makes it in under the buzzer, good for him....if not, it's his loss.
well, i don't have his number, so i'm definently not calling. lol. sometimes i'm just easily annoyed, and i think this is one of those times. probably just pms. lmao.

I think you should decide to think about him less. He's not thinking about you this much. Doesn't mean he doesn't think you are wonderful, but he's apparently otherwise occupied at the time. You never know, he could be struggling with an unresolved relationship or whatever.

Don't emotionally sit and wait like you are doing. Move on. He has everything he needs to find you. So...if it is meant to be....he will move heaven and earth to get to you. You have nothing left to do but be your wonderful self and enjoy your life. If he is right for you he'll show up.
thanks ladies for your advice. just wanted to clarify, that i am in no way shape or form sitting by the phone or waiting. it's just my friend keeps asking me about him, and it just got to be a little annoyed b/c i just didnt see the point in going through all of that if you weren't going to call or play that, i'll call after 7 days so i dont seem soo pressed game. i'm living my life as usual, just thought it was a little weird and wanted toknow others opinions.
He's very obviously not interested. Just tell your friend that he's not serious, and he already had your phone number prior to asking her for it. He doesn't seem to be worth your time.
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Well, whether or not he's playing games is a little too hard to say at this point. It's a little too soon to tell. I don't think there's enough information yet.

But it DOES seem like he's attracted to you. :yep:

I would just continue to mind your business and not give him too much thought.

I've had to learn (the hard way unfortunately... :rolleyes: ) that a guy can be ATTRACTED to you, but not necessarily want a relationship with you now...or ever. :ohwell: Sometimes the guy may not be ready for a serious relationship with ANY girl, but he likes that he's attracted to you, and you to him, and he likes to flirt. :rolleyes: Other guys may have just gotten out of a relationship and are trying to keep their other options open. Again...he's not ready. He might be ready in the future...but it's not up to you to be waiting on pins and needles for him. :nono:

If he wants you, he'll find you. He already has a lot of ways to get to you. :yep: So, just continue to do you and have fun with your life! :grin: He'll pick up that phone and call you one day when you least expect it if he's TRULY interested and as long as you DON'T chase him.
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