Indian Hemp Grease/Condtioner


New Member
I've been noticing more and more Indian Hemp conditioner jars in beauty supplys. Does anyone use this product? Do you like it? Do the little flecks of "herbs" dissolve in your hair or just sit on your hair?

What is Indian Hemp exactly?
I don't know what it is, but I've used the grease before. I think it was made by Kuza. The flakes didn't show at all. Reminds me of African Pride's herbal greases, those flakes dissolve as well.
I have Softee Indian Hemp (grease), and I like applying it to my hair when wet. It makes it feel softer, lubricated, and more elastic. The little flecks don't show up.

Thanks for letting me know about the flecks. I may give this product a try. Do you still use the grease?

Do you ever use it on your dry hair? If so, did the results differ than when it was used on wet hair?
i loved putting that on my ends when I had some. i used it like some use vaseline on their protective styles. i would still be using it if it were stocked at the only store I have access to hair products...

never had a problem with anything not "dissolving". I think I remember it smelling pretty good too.
lexi_24 said:
I've been noticing more and more Indian Hemp conditioner jars in beauty supplys. Does anyone use this product? Do you like it? Do the little flecks of "herbs" dissolve in your hair or just sit on your hair?

What is Indian Hemp exactly?

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Isn't Indian Hemp like other kinds of hemp?
Indian Hemp
Indian Hemp is a form of cannabis (Marijuana). Its main use during the civil war was as a fever reducer. It was also used as an anesthetic and muscle relaxant. In some cases it was used to help patients regain their appetites (for example after surgery many patients would loose their appetites, they would be administered Indian Hemp to help regain their appetites). Other uses of Indian Hemp Include treating diseases such as neuralgia, gout, rheumatism, delirium tremens, insanity, infantile convulsions, and insomnia.
Indian Hemp is in the dogbane family (Apocynum Cannabinum). Dogbane was named dogbane because it was believed to be fatal to dogs. The natural habitat of Indian Hemp is India, but it has been reported growing wild in Canada and some parts of the U.S. Indian Hemp grows in two-inch cluster and the stems can grow anywhere from three too ten inches tall. The part of the plant used for medical purposes is the dried out flowering tops of the females, but the stems were commonly used to as a cheap and efficient way to make rope and even clothing.
Isubabiedee - I was wondering that too. Maybe it depends on how it is used, I don't know.

Maybe this stuff is really great for our hair and we should stock up on this Indian Hemp conditioner, just in case! LOL!
lexi_24 said:
Do you ever use it on your dry hair? If so, did the results differ than when it was used on wet hair?

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I've used it on dry hair, and it just makes my hair feel greasy. I'd rather use it on wet hair.
Ive always used indian hemp. I buy the one from the health food store. I dont know exactly what it does. But whenever I use it my hair feels much stronger. It's always been a staple of my family. I know it's definately good for my hair. -Melissa
I buy my from the health food store too. I just put the dried leaves into my leave in, this turns the liquid a dark color but it benifits my hair: moist, stronger and shine.
I bought Gro Fine Indian Hemp and used it for the first time after washing my hair.....I put it on my wet hair and then roller set my hair. My hair came out very was soft, had a shine and really kept it's curl (something my hair usually does not do on it own very much). I used it two nights later, I misted my hair, then added the Indian Hemp and rolled my hair....and got similar results as on my wash day. I think my hair likes this product. I can see how using too much might make your hair too greasy though.

Thanks Ipanema for suggesting using it on wet hair.

Update on the indian hemp conditioner-

I've been using it alot since I last posted about it.....and unfortunately I am breaking out on my forehead. And I'm thinking that this product must be the culprit since I have not been using anything else new so regularly.
So i guess I'll have to cut back on using this.
bumping for more responses.

My friend asked me to see what you ladies thought about Indian Hemp. I'm trying to gather up as many opinions as I can. Anyone using this stuff? Thanks.
I was going to post this the other day mines is loaded with essential oils, panthenol, vitamin b, and biotin. I never realized it had all this stuff until I read the jar I can get my sides to grow back quick with this because it promotes growth. Mines is the Vigoral brand it thickens my hair up too.
I've been using Indian Hemp hair oil for years, but only after I wash my hair. I have the pure liquid petrolatum or anything in it, and no flakes. I have used that type before, but it was much to heavy for my hair. But the liquid before a rollerset, mixed with some mango butter? Can't beat it! And I won't use anything else :)

I used to use this grease back in the day, the Always brand in the tan jar with the brown top and I liked it everything dissolved, I used it on my hair when dry and it would be moisturized. I would only use a little cuz a little would go a long way on my hair. My hair was relaxed back then and I would always wear it in a regular ponytail (no hairpiece attached all my own hair) and my ends wouldn't even get dry even in the winter. I stopped using it mainly cuz I couldn't find it in the stores anymore, I tried other brands but didn't like them :ohwell: