Inching along --- My progress timeline pics


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,

I'm finally out of braids
and I have some progress pics to show you. I've been growing my hair since August of 2002. I started growing the back of my hair in October of that same year.

This is the progress that I have made so far. My hair grows slow and doesn't spurt up like many of you here. I mean really, what ARE you eating??!!

Well with no further adeui...

March 2004:

Oh Sweetnic your hair is progressing along really nicely. Very pretty. From where you've started I think you've made great progress
. Did you just relax your hair?
Thanks Pookeylou and Amryqt

I just had a touchup Wednesday night. I do them myself using Revlon Realistic Regular. I miss feeling my natural roots
but I did it because I had already planned a certain "look" for a big presentation that I had the next day (Thursday).
Lookin good! You are making steady progress, and your hair looks pretty and healthy.
Hey Nic, Your hair is beautiful! I like it curly and straight. I thought you were gonna' wear it curly for the presentation.. but it looks good straight too.

Do you clip your own ends? My ends always look so raggedy when I come out of braids. I'm a have to get you to clip my ends. I told you about my disaster with my friends hairdresser.

But you look so cute.
Thank you ladies, I even tried my hand at the blow out. It didn't turn out as smooth as the dominicans do it but I saved $20 to $25

wow your hair looks great!! and so do u.....u lost alotta weight.....u look fabb!!!

[/ QUOTE ] I guess the hairstyle must be the reason for me looking slimmer/thicker...My weight has always remained the just lingers around 125 ot 127 lbs.

Crystal, I knew I said I was going to keep the curls but I changed my mind at the last minute. I'm such a punk because I'm now having post partmum depression from relaxing my new growth.

I do clip my own ends but I rarely have to b/c my ends don't really split. The only time they split was when I went to a Dominican salon and they blew dry my hair from wet to dry.

I'll clip your ends girl, no problem. I'm extra stingy with the length so you don't have a thing to work about.

I'll stop by your area later.