In Search of Heavy Duty Headbands


Well-Known Member
I wear a lot of headbands and I also go through a lot of headbands. :sad: Most bands that I get in the store either can't hold my hair or they don't last long.

My hair is the fullest and the densest in the front. And it is still pretty short so it doesn't hang in the front. But its much longer than the back so it looks better if isn't just sticking straight up in the air.

I've done all the local places: Walmart, Target, Sally's, Claires, etc. They are either the wrong material, too flimsy, too big or too girly. The

I would like for it to be
1. sturdy
2. capable of handing dense hair
3. hair friendly material
4. not a brain killer (like the plastic things that rest on your temples :nono:)

Any big haired ladies know where I can get some good headbands?

Also does anyone have a trick they use when the headbands start off too big and you want to adjust them down a size or two?

[USER=8092 said:
Crackers Phinn[/USER];19371501]Sounds like a business opportunity

I'm have already starting looking it it :yep: But while I'm working on it, I need something to hold this mane down. Every time I look in the bathroom mirror I'm shocked at what is currently going on with my head :lol:
I'm liking the goody ouchless ribbon headbands. They're not too tight and you can just put another knot in the back if it starts to become too loose.
I'm liking the goody ouchless ribbon headbands. They're not too tight and you can just put another knot in the back if it starts to become too loose.

They look nice but they aren't wide enough. I probably need something that is at least 3/4". And inch would be nice. Otherwise my hair just pushes it forward.

The softflex is wide enough just not very sturdy. I usually wear something of this thickness
^^^ I've had to make all of mines sturdy. I cut the elastic that comes with it off and added my own which is adjustable.
I lurk on this site a lot but I had to post because this is a good question and something I have been searching for myself since the hairbands I get from stores like Walmart, Target and Claire's end up breaking in my hair eventually.
I'm having the same problem! My hair is dense and I have a big head:nono: I just gave up on using headbands and clip my hair back.
[USER=338599 said:
overtherainbow[/USER];19372335]I'm having the same problem! My hair is dense and I have a big head:nono: I just gave up on using headbands and clip my hair back.

How do you do that? What are you clipping it back with?
I have these huge, no name decorative duckbill clips that I picked up off the street in china town (NY). I like them because they don't pull the hair or hurt like bobbypins. The only downside is that they don't hold a lot of hair, so I'm looking for a replacement. The back of them look like this one:

And I just clip the sides of my hair back. Sometimes I'll roll back the section to make it look neater
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I have these huge, no name decorative duckbill clips that I picked up off the street in china town (NY). I like them because they don't pull the hair or hurt like bobbypins. The only downside is that they don't hold a lot of hair, so I'm looking for a replacement. The back of them look like this one:

And I just clip the sides of my hair back. Sometimes I'll twist back the section to make it look neater

oh those are very pretty. Thank You.