In search of a good relaxer


New Member
I have been stretching for like four months now and it is almost time for my relaxer. This is going to be my first relaxer ever since I became a member on here. Before LHCF I never knew what relaxer the stylist would put in my hair I didn't care as long my hair was nice I was happy. Well, I want to find a relaxer that I am going to use every time I need a relaxer. But I need help so would you ladies kindly help me find a good relaxer that is not too strong ( I can't handle them)? Another thing, what is the difference between no lye relaxers and the ones that have it? Thank you ladies ahead of time
Bumping for you. This is a very difficult question to answer, IMO, because relaxers work differently depending on the person. For instance, a lot of people like ORS No-lye relaxer, but it's way to harsh for me. Burned my scalp and hair right up. Gentle Treatment and Dark & Lovely products do the same to me. The only relaxer that I've tried works great for me is S&B Ultimate Protection. I had to learn that through experimenting, though.
I've been using Soft & Beautiful Mild formula relaxer (in the pink box). It comes with oil now that you add to the relaxer.....i add an extra tblsp of EVOO everytime tho bc i'm slightly texlaxing this year.

My hair always comes out really soft.
Yeah, I've noticed that adding oils to my relaxer makes the process much gentler and smoother. The Soft & Beautiful Ultimate protection relaxer comes with oil packets in it that I add to it, and the oils they use are natural, vegetable based oils (it's either liquified shea butter, sunflower oil or something like that). I was trying to find a cheaper alternative last month when I relaxed and I ended up with underprocessed hair and a burnt scalp.
I got my first relaxer last week. I used ORS Olive Oil Mild. I love it. It didn't burn at all and I was all up in my head scratching. I'm so happy and pleased with my hair and the way it came out. However this was my very first relaxer. I had been natural all my life.