In preparation for my Thursday hair salon visit...

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
I did the following on V-day (yesterday):

After I removed as much shedded hair as I could with my fingers, I sectioned my hair in several small sections, spritzed water on each section and saturated with coconut oil. I then sat under the dryer to make sure it stayed melted (not white and hard which it gets very quickly in this cold). In the shower, I rinsed the oil off while detangling with a medium toothed comb.

Today I:

Finally washed with VO5 Free Me Fresia Conditioner,
Applied the ApHogee 3 step protein treatment to each section. By the time I reached the front, the back was hard. Is that bad? Is the use of heat mandatory in this process.
Sat under the dryer for some time (didn't pay attention to time).
Applied a leave in and JBCO oil.


Will wash again and apply a moisturizing DC prior to blowdrying.
Would it be acceptable to request that my stylist blowdry my hair pre-selected sections? He can use his paddle brush however, having my kinks free flowing all over my head as he rakes through with his brush hurts too much. I'd like for him to blowdry each section in a downward motion. Once the hair is straightened out, he can continue with the trimming. What do you ladies think? Stylists what do you think?

I try to do a heavy protein treatment at least once a year and some form of a mild protein prior to a salon visit which will include the usage of heat (in my case a blowdryer).

Pics to follow by the end of the week or Thursday at the earliest. Stay tuned...
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you should be able to ask for whatever service you are paying for.
If he has a problem with it then he don't need your money :)
you should be able to ask for whatever service you are paying for.
If he has a problem with it then he don't need your money :)

^^^^^ I agree.

OP, if I may, why are you a client of this person, who hurts you while doing your hair and has you unsure what you can advise can or can not be done to you hair?
I can't wait to see the pics either

Yeah, I don't see anything wrong with the requests. Just tell him you want your hair trimmed while it's straight. When he goes to blow dry, tell him you're tender headed and need him to do it sections to make it bearable-- he shouldn't have a problem with that. As far as blow drying downwards, don't most stylists do that anyway? See what he does first.
Great question ladies!

He's never given me a problem with any request in the past. If he gets annoyed this time around'll be time for me to move on. Let's think positive *breath*

I'm hoping he doesn't have a problem with my new request. However, I don't want to tell the man how to completely do his job. I'd like to empower him as a stylist in some (albeit) small way. This man has nothing to do with my new found hair health and length and sometimes I wonder if he feels uninvolved and as a result less invested in me as a client. Stytist love to brag about how they saved so and so from losing their hair etc.
I guess it's my issue and not his.

Last year when he blowdried my hair after I arrived to the salon in sections, he untwisted my hair and proceeded to straighten out the edges with the paddle brush. So when doing the left side, all my hair was thrown to the right and on and on. When he's done with the edges (all around) he moved into the center. That's his process I guess.

He is the ONLY person I trust to trim my hair. In fact, I don't think he trims ENOUGH.

All he has to do on Thursday is blowdry and trim. No washing, no DC-ing nothing else. I'd like him to take each section (I'll have maybe 10) and straighten it from the roots down, not flipped over backwards or anything type 2-ish O-K-ayyyyyyyy?