In need of advice: 15 years old with hair problems


New Member
Hi, I'm new to the board and after a few weeks of browsing the forum I finally decided to register and post a topic. The reason I posted is because I am having a numerous amount of problems with my hair. Everytime I comb my hair large amounts of it comes out, and that occurs whether it is dry or wet. When I wash my hair I untangle it from the roots down so that may be one of the problems. I use Motions-Nourish Leave-In Conditioner and Motions-Lavish Conditioning Shampoo. Before I blow-dry my hair I rub Kemi Oyl on it. I have tried to air dry my hair, but it always comes out extremely frizzy. I try to wash my hair every week, but sometimes I end up washing it every two weeks. I put Kemi Oyl on my hair about once a week and my hair still looks dry. I also occasionally use Dudley's Hair and Scalp Condtioner whenever I'm out of oil, but not that often because I don't like hair grease. I get a relaxer every 6-8 weeks and everytime it leaves my head full of scalp burns. The last time I got one she even did it in two sections and I still had burns. It might be because she combs my hair after she puts the relaxer in. One time she recommended wild growth hair oil, but I didn't like it because it was too heavy. Lately I have been thinking about using Paul Mitchell Products and KeraCare essential hair oil. Also my hair is very thin (see-through thin), dry,lifeless, and breaks whenever I lightly touch it. I wanted to go natural, but my mother insists my hair texture is unmanageable, which is not what I beleive. Please help me when I read the success stories on here or see girls with long, thick healthy hair I feel sad, because I used to have hair like that and I believe I still can. I don't exactly know my hair texture, but when I feel my new growth it feels like waves, only they're tight. I'm sorry the post is long, but I felt all the information was needed in order for me to get the best advice. Thanks to those who reply.

Welcome to the forum. I'm glad you decided to start posting - the sooner you tackle your hair problems the sooner you'll be on the road to healthier hair. Without looking at your hair, just based on the description it sounds like your hair is:

1.Shedding (possibly due to overprocessing which frequent relaxers by stylists who don't take care not to overlap and combing the new growth can create) and;
2. Dry.

The first thing you'll need to understand is that WHAT you DO is WAY more important than WHAT you USE. Paul Mitchell isn't going to be able to undo any damage if you continue to handle your hair the same way as always. /images/graemlins/smile.gif So first things first: lose the blowdryer. Not many women here (and certainly even fewer with relaxed hair) can blowdry their hair with any frequency and grow long, thick, healthy hair unless their hair is reallllly strong. Rollersets are far healthier, particularly while your hair is on the mend. Instructions can be found on any number of threads, and any details you require can be explained. That will help with some of the dryness you are experiencing.

The other thing is I see you only use the Motions Leave In? Any other deep conditioning product in there you you forgot to mention? If not - add one immediately. You really need two - one that gives some protein and one that gives some moisture - but start ith one that gives a little of both. You can use the Motions Moisture Plus or anything else pretty much that you think your hair might like. That will also take care of some of the dryness.

You already know the detangling is no good from the top down /images/graemlins/wink.gif so kill it. Bottom up, wide tooth comb. Always. Until your hair is healthier you should try to use a wide tooth whenever possible to style as well.

Now as for the said you are interested in growing out the relaxer. I agree with you that your hair is fine and that if this is what you wnat to do then you shuld do it. Parents mean well - but they know what they know- and some of what they "know" is a bit old fashioned. Whatever your hair type, texture or density it is BEAUTIFUL and if you want it natural stay on the boards and there are a host of women here who can guide you through the process. There is no such thing as hair that is "too unmanageable" to be natural, only people eho don't desire or have the patience to work with their natural hair. If this doesn't describe you - never relax again.... /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/wink.gif

If, however, you are simply reacting to having unhealthy relaxed hair - know that you CAN have healthy relaxed hair with diligent care and patience. On that note - find someone else to do your relaxers if you can. Save your allowance or money from a job if you have one and ask your Mom if it'd be ok to choose your own stylist and have your hair relaxed regularly by them. Find someone whose hair you love and ask them who does their hair. Use a Mild, lye relaxer and base your scalp WELL. Many times when we burn it is because we do not base our scalps well. Be sure not to wash, manipulate too much or aggravate the scalp too much the last 72 hours before your relaxer. Before you relax again (as soon as possible actually), try to use a concentrated protein conditioner like Aphogee or Nexxus Emergencee - use this with caution because it can cause breakage if used incorrectly. Follow the instructions on the packaging exactly. Then when you relax again, make sure they do not overlap the relaxer onto the previously relaxed hair and make sure they do not COMB the relaxer in any way. They can smooth but not comb. They shoukd rinse well, neutralize and condition your hair with heat for 20 minutes. Rollerset and wrap.

I know this is a lot of info but if you have any questions just holler! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'll stop now - I'm the longwinded one around here so I'll give someone else a chance to give some of their expertise and stop babbling! /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Welcome to the board girl..../images/graemlins/grin.gif
I don't really have much to add except make that you have a nutritionally sound diet and that you protect your already fragile hait at night before you go to bed. Otherwise, Tracy pretty muich covered it all.

Good luck'll be swinging your hair in no time...and you're starting earlier too!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!!
Tracy is right on target, as usual. I just want to call attention to one thing she said:
Find a new hairstylist, ASAP! I cringed when I read that she combed the relaxer through your hair. The fact that she continues to put chemicals in your hair while it's shedding so bad boggles my mind. What are they teaching these people in beauty school?! /images/graemlins/confused.gif
I loooooved Wildgrowth on my relaxed hair! I added 5-10 drops of rosemary, sage and peppermint oil. By the time I was done with it, it smelled like Wrigley's spearmint gum. You only need to use it 1-2x a week, though. Not every day.
Lose the blow fryer. I noticed a big differnece in the health of my hair after I stopped torching it. Do a search for roller sets (AmiLion had an excellent post on this a few weeks ago...)and the ponytail drying method.
Whether you choose to stay relaxed or go natural (and it's your choice), this is the place for you!
Good Luck!
I think the products your using are alright for now, and I also highly recomend the protein treatments-Aphogee but you MUST follow that up with a moisterizing/balancing conditioner and do some deep conditioning after that with cholesterol under a heating cap you can use a plastic cap and dryer but you need to put moisture in your hair not take it out. Keep your ends trimmed regularly like every 6-8 weeks until it gets healthier, just trimm off a little at a time you don't have to chop it off. There is a post on Wanakee, check that out by doing a search you'll get the link and that will help alot.
I'll stop now
I haven't got anything to add like the extensive tips that have been mentioned already, but I just wanted to welcome you to the board and I REALLY hope your hair problem becomes sorted out real soon.

Good Luck and be patient, in time you'll get the hair you desire back to full health and length. Stay positive /images/graemlins/smile.gif
" Also my hair is very thin (see-through thin), dry,lifeless, and breaks whenever I lightly touch it. "

In addition to a nutritionally sound diet, you may also want to start a vitamin regimine. There are many posts about what vitamins to take for hair growth. You don't need expensive vitamins, just the right vitamins. My personal regime includes:

Biotin, 1000 mcg 2x
MSM, 500 mg 1x
Zinc, 500 mg 1x
B-50 Complex, 1x
Calcium, 3x
Silica, 1x
Flaxseed Oil or Evening Primrose Oil, 500 mg, 1-2x per week (I had to cut back on one of each every day -- made my back break out like crazy)

I've been using this regime for 2 weeks now, and my hair is growing like wildfire. Remember, that results vary from person to person, so experiment with what your body can handle.

Keep a positive outlook - negative thoughts will only get you down and distracted from your goal.
Welcome and you've come to the right place.

In addition to what the other ladies have recommended, you might want to wear your hair in protective styles, ex: buns (with or without a hair piece) or french rolls. I would steer away from braids until you strengthen your hair.

Good luck and be patient.

Welcome to the Board. The Ladies here are very good and they would advise you very well. Once you follow their advice, you will find that your hair will be a lot healthier and stronger. All the best.