in-between stage is a *&^% @!!!!!!!


New Member
okay my twa is starting to look a mess. its only been a month and a half and my hair is starting to act up already! i thought it would at least last till feb because i heard that your hair grows slower in the winter but i guess not
it doesnt stick close to my head anymore (which i liked). now its poofy and curly. i would try to pull it back in a headband but the front is shorter than the back. i overchopped a little in the front so i have about an inch to go for it to get pulled back smoothly with out short curls sticking out in the front. im just lost
any suggestions?
I suggest that you pick and pat your hair into the shape you want. When I had a TWA the almost-straight part in the front would stick up somthin' ugly! To fix that, I would just slick it back a little with some gel. Hope I helped you and good luck with your not-so-TWA!
Re: in-between stage is a *&^% @!!!!!!!

I used to put gel all over my hair then do a little part on the side then slick down the front and sides. It was a breeze and looked like it had been cut in a style I never looked like I had a TWA although it was only 2 inches. You have to get the right gel though paul mitchell super clean sculpting gel was the only thing I got to work right...expensive but it gives you waves for days. HTH

hair 3c
Re: in-between stage is a *&^% @!!!!!!!

thanks guys! i guess my mango butter "only" days are over. i think i will give the paul mitchell gel a try. dunno when though cuz im broke for the season. guess i have to deal with it until then.
Re: in-between stage is a *&^% @!!!!!!!

in fact now that i think about it, its just the front of my head thats actin up due to the awkward length....i gotta experiment...