In 2006, I will...


Well-Known Member
I know i know, it's too early to start planning for 2006, but it's 4am, i'm bored, and I'm excited about my hair growing plans :lol: So yeah, i decided to create a thread about what we plan to do in 2006. Not our plans, but what we are downright GOING to do :grin: I'll start :yay:

In 2006, I will airdry less often and doll rollersets once weekly. I will airdry midweek though.

I will stop my subtle PJism because I will basically have successful products :look:

I will grow my hair to 27 inches and from then, decide if I want to go on to waistlength.

I will sport cute hairstyles with my long-*** hair :lol: and stop looking so bland. You can visit "what hairstyles will you do when your hair gets longer" thread

I will probably use cheap products :lachen: why? I figure it might be too much, spending all that cash for all that hair, hehe.

Oooh ohh... I will have a tight stomach and some leg muscles :look:

I will reach my goal and maintain where I am, and not obssess so much over growing my hair. I will just keep it healthy.

Let's have an early mornin' fun! NEXT! :D
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go ahead on...i hope your 2006 goals work for you....
For 2006 i will:

-put a end to my pjism...i stoped myself from reordering MTG..i was tempted...but i have a full jar of sulfur 8 sitting in my drawer..and thats what it smells like...and i really want to get to the point where im using and having only maybe 2 shampoos, 3 conditioners(2 protein and 1 moisturizing) etc...

-start taking my vitamins more often

-exercise and eat right more(lose my stubborn 20 to 30 pounds that ive been wanting to lose and get down to that size 4 to 6) :) :)

-i will get my hair to be healthy and a nice length

-not spend as much on getting my hair done as i did this year

-stick with one growth product(ive went on the rampage since joining LHCF)...going back to ORS fertilizer balm and surge ..and hurrying up and getting rid of the rest(Lenzis request, MTG, all other growth products)

-cowashing/shampooing/deep conditioning more often

-stretching my relaxers more often
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Hopefully, if God wills, I will stick to the products I have and not add anything else to my PJism until the weather gets hotter (I plan buying some Carruso or Revelon steam setters so that I don't have to turn on the hot hooded dryer) until then I won't buy anything unless it needs to be replaced. So, I guess I better go out today and buy my clear rinse by Adore so that I can already have that in my list of products. I will retain what I gained from 2005, and keep up with my regimen, NO SLACKING, and I would like to be eating better by then; only fried food once a month, brown rice not white and no bleached flour, things like that. I will also try to buy in bulk so that I don't find myself replacing the same items so often, because that keeps the PJism going every trip to the BSS or online store opens the door to look at new products which leads to wanting to try them, plus it saves on shipping and handling. Hopefully everyone will have success in their goals. HHG
Great thread !
............................In 2006
I will continue to rollerset and leave the blow dryer usage only to once a month, as well as only flat iron once a month.

I will deep condition my hair w/heat on a constant basis.

I will exercise more and make salads my #1 dinner entree.

I will start a "hair budget" and stick to it ! :lol:
I will deepcondition my hair w/heat atleast 2x per month.

I will style my long hair more and stop wearing it up all the doggone time.

I will not get one single trim, I will only dust my splits. Waist length, here I come, baby!

I will get more sleep and more ME time.

I will workout at least 3 - 4 times per week! :D
In 2006 I WILL: Continue to transition, Big Chop in August, Find a regimine that works, and not buy unnecessary products.
Great thread! I plan on doing the C&G method, 6 sets of braids and maybe a weave here or there, I really don't plan on seeing much of my own hair!;)
Hmmm Good thread!

Im going to experiment ways to air dry my hair so I can wash twice a week or every 4/5 days

Im going to try and use up all my old products and just have two line I alternate with Keracare and either Phyto, Mizani or Nexxus

Im gonna experiment with different ways to wear my hair when its dry- its usually either up or down now...BORING

Keep eating right and exercising!

Keep educating myself on hair and proper hair care
I want to add more:

I will use a brush :eek: lol... i'll get one of those really soft baby brushes. I've done long without a hairbrush and will like to use use one again, one that doesn't damage my hair of course

I will keep those ends moisturized, but not ALWAYS out of sight, ya know? I will trim once every 4 months or so IF NECESSARY

Anyone else? :)
There's nothing wrong with planning for the future.....

- I plan on continuing my regimen of CW 2x during the week and deep conditioning 1x a week.

- I will faithfully continue to moisturize my ends twice daily (Gotta work on retaining that length)

- I will only trim/dust when needed

- I have been good about not jumping the bandwagon on every new product that comes out, so I plan on sticking with what works

- I will continue to air dry my hair during the week, although I need to learn how to work on my ends which look like $%^& sometimes.

- I plan on doing all these things with the ultimate goal of reaching bra-strap length hair (blunt cut).
In 2006, I will continue to:

take good care of my hair
take good care of my body (especially since I've lost weight!)
IN 2006 I WILL:

In 2006 I will:

-not trim, just dust my ends (I was a little scissor-happy this year).
-not use heat...1 year 10 mos and counting...
-continue taking my vitamins.
-keep up my same regimen and products.
-continue daily washing cuz its great for my hair and scalp.
-get to full, even waist length by Sept 06 and darn close to tailbone by the end of the year.
Get to bra-strap if Gods willing
Continue to lose weight when bikini season comes through I can roll up and down the beach with my bra-strap long silky black hair and my tight abs, and thighs!! :) * a girl can dream * lol
My plans for 2006:
  • My first focus for the new year is perfecting my vitamin regimen. I'll be looking for a more complete/rounded regimen, with higher levels of the B-vitamins and more essential minerals than my current basic multi provides. I'm considering a liquid and/or powdered vitamin regimen, but we'll see...

  • Broaden my hairstyle repertoire. I gotta learn how to do something with my hair besides a wash n go puff :lol:

  • I WILL, at some point during 2006, even if it's just ONCE, achieve one inch of growth in one month. I don't know how yet, but I'm gonna :lachen:

  • I will be a super-duper LHCF member and help lost newbies find their way :grin:
In 2006, I will be wearing weaves so that my hair will not be out. I will be streamlining my products and will only buy replacements and join a support group for pjs.
...attempt to wear my hair in protective styles that don't include braids or weaves (I AM SCARED TO DO THAT!!)
karezone said:
In 2006, I will be wearing weaves so that my hair will not be out. I will be streamlining my products and will only buy replacements and join a support group for pjs.

funny. i want to stop weaves and you will wear them more often.

I am so scared to stop wearing them, my hair thrives in weaves, but I miss touching and treating ALL of my hair, not just the little bit left our of the weave.
I will learn to do roller sets better... practice more on a Sat/or Fri. instead of waiting until Sunday night:(

I will deep condition with heat 2x a month.
Moisturize my ends better
Stop being such a pj and stick to the things I have discovered my hair likes:ohwell:
Drink more water
be more consistant with my exercising
Wear more protective styles
and take my vitamins on a more consistant basis.
I will continue with a vigorous exercise regime
I will get even past shoulder length hair by the end of 2006
I will perfect my twists and twistouts for summer
I will have healthy hair that grows like no one has ever seen!
In 2006 I will....

Hopefully be completely natural and still wearing protective styles until i get the length i want.
2006 will find me...

*Taking care of my body-- eating right, drinking more water and exercising CONSITENTLY-- 5 times a week. (yahhhh babee! :))

*Learning new hairstyles for my transitioning hair and not depending on phony ponies so much!

*Washing, conditioning and deep conditioning my hair twice a week

*Limiting the amount of direct heat used on my hair

*With 6 inches of natural hair!! Yay!!! :grin:

*Taking more "me" time.... hair, nails, spa, relaxation :)
I will give up ALL forms of fake (extensions, weaves, phonies) hair, and just wear my own full, healthy, growing natural hair. ;)

This will be HARD.... becuase I have work a weave or braids!
I plan, no I WILL:
-curb my PJism
-reach my ultimate goal
-learn how to handle 20 weeks post relaxer w/o using heat and
-find and follow a good exercise and eating regime

+ Curb PJism (no new products for the first 4 months of 2006)
+ Have a workout plan together as well as eating
+ Introduce a multivitamin and a essential fish oil complex into my regimen
+ Learn to do more styles myself, and try to keep hair up a little more
+ Hopefully reach my mostly armpit goal by the end of 2006, beginning of 2007
In 2006 I will...

NOT wear a weave, braids, etc...just leave my own hair out

gain 6inches and reach bra-strap length.

thicker, fuller hair =)

get Back to 120lbs

ok... i have a lot...

-in 2006, I will maybe eventually become Feature of the Month... won't matter that much but it'd be nice.