Important Question About Air Drying Hair


New Member
Hi, I have been air drying my hair ever since I started wearing my hair naturally curly, and I notice huge difference any plenty of growth and thickness. But the problem is I seem to be catching more colds more often. I do not go outside when my hair is wet, and i stupid one time to sleep with mininal damp hair which i never do anymore. My hair takes a whole day to dry because i am wearing in protective styles like buns. The problem is living in Michigan where is freezing most of the year. But, in the summer, there is no problem because it is warm and I wear my hair down more often, and my hair can be dry as quickly as 30 min. I already have serious sinus problems, so i am easily am set up to catch colds. I do not know what to do because i do not want to blow dry my hair. i have only blow dried my hair twice this year, and i want to keep it to a miminum. But I am tired of worrying about if I going to get sick. Any suggestions, Please help. Thanks again ladies. Sorry if this is too long.
I live in Michigan too. I wear the naturally curly look everyday and I have not had any problems. In the mornings I aim the car heat vents towards my hair and when I get to work it's 60% dry. I have not had any colds since starting my vitamin regimen (knock on wood). How long is your hair?
Hey Steph,

I find that my hair dries much faster when in braids (2 pigails) than in one bun where it stays damp the entire day AND evening!

You may want to try blotting your hair with a towel a bit longer to really get out the dripping wet water, parting the hair and wrapping the towel around sections for a few moments at a time.

I don't know what your vit intake is like but you might want to look into that too, incase the colds are symptomatic of a vit deficiency (vit C?) and/or the hair wetness.

When its really cold and I'm outside with freshly damp hair, I ALWAYS put a hat on as the feeling of cold wind on a damp/wet head is no joke. Just incase you do step outside when you have a style not yet 50% or more dry.
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steph said:
But the problem is I seem to be catching more colds more often. I do not go outside when my hair is wet, and i stupid one time to sleep with mininal damp hair which i never do anymore. My hair takes a whole day to dry because i am wearing in protective styles like buns. The problem is living in Michigan where is freezing most of the year. But, in the summer, there is no problem because it is warm and I wear my hair down more often, and my hair can be dry as quickly as 30 min. I already have serious sinus problems, so i am easily am set up to catch colds. I do not know what to do because i do not want to blow dry my hair.

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You may want to invest in a blow-drier with a cool setting. The one I own has four settings. You don't really need heat to dry your hair. Just wind.

Also, you might want to look into styles that allow you to space your washings. I wear twists or a roller set when I don't want to leave the house with a wet head.
I have to agree with everyone else here about you taking any vitamins or not. I know I haven't had a cold since last year, and I began taking them since joining here. What I do when my hair is wet after washing it, I moisturize with Proclaim 7 mix oil, sometimes I put my hair up in rollers or braid it in a cornrow or twist braid. Then I wrap a silk scarf on my head and top it with a satin turbin. I wear it all day or before bedtime, cause my hair is fine, my hair dries quickly between 30 minutes to an hour. When I'm up in the morning, I take the scarf and the turbin off and feel that my hair has dried really well. I too, wear protective styles and sometimes I wear my hair down, whenever my mood sets me in.

So I know here in Indiana, it gets cold a lot during the fall and winter seasons. And I know where you're coming across with the sniffles and such. Just make sure you get the suggestions that were posted here, and you won't have any problems air drying your hair. Don't forget your vitamins! lol.
Hi, thank you for the advice. I do not take vitamins, and I think I need to start now. I get sick way too often. It's a bad cycle. I am just getting over a cold now. So if I wash my hair, I might catch another one, but i have to wash my hair every 4 days because i have a lot of build up. I am going to try to braid. Let them air dry mostly, then put them up into a bun. Btw, my hair is about is about 2 to 3inches past shoulder length when shrinked, but my hair is midback when showering so it takes forever for my hair to dry.

Hi Steph:

The girls are absolutely right!

As a child, I had a very strong immune system. Till this day, I've never had the chicken pox (which actually scares me because I hear that it's much worst for women if you get it when you are older), however, about 3 years ago, I started noticing that I would get a very bad cold at least twice a year!

I started taking my vitamins last year, and I've only had like 2 very minor colds that would last for only a day or two. Another thing is that I used to feel very lazy and sluggish, but now I have more energy.

I will always take my vitamins!