Immediate Prayers Needed --Thanks Everyone

Ladies thank you so much. Even to those who are praying and unable to post... Thank you for your loving prayers for Shiks our precious sister.

If and when you are able, please send her a PM of love and encouragement. It will help ease her fears. :yep:

Thanks so much again.

Praying for you and your country!! And I pray for God's covering for you and everyone associated to you!!
I just copied and pasted the names who 'thanked' this post. It's means so much to our sister Shiks. She is very humbled by all of you.

So am I. Thank you so much for including Shiks', her family and loved ones and her country in your Church's worship services.

The devil and his brigade must turn back and never to return, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

@donna894, @Galadriel, @Iwanthealthyhair67, @JaneBond007, @Keen @LiftedUp, @LucieLoo12, @Maracujá, @MRJ1972, @MrsHaseeb, @Nice & Wavy, @sheanu, @Shiks, @Sosa

Love to all of you...


In The Name of Jesus, Bring peace where there is confusion,
joy, where there is sorrow, laughter where there are tears,
companionship where there is isolation, health where there is sickness, and
life where there is death.

In The Name of Jesus, Bring peace where there is confusion,
joy, where there is sorrow, laughter where there are tears,
companionship where there is isolation, health where there is sickness, and
life where there is death.

Thank you mensa :giveheart:
Ladies I'm reposting the prayer from the Prayer Request Thread. Thank you all again and again for your loving hearts and prayers for Shiks. I am so thankful to each of you. :grouphug2:

Here is the prayer that I posted earlier this morning:

Our Dear and Precious Sister @Shiks...

YES! We will all pray.

Dear Father in the Name of Jesus, we ask for your divine and instant and constant protection over our sister, her family, her loved ones and the citizens of her country. Father send your mighty and protecting angels to rise up against these terrorists and to send them away in flight never again to return to harm anyone, in Jesus' Name.

Father we plead the Divine Blood of Jesus to cover these dear ones who have been frightened, terrorized and hindered from your peace. Let them be able to live a life of peace and joy, which your dear Son, Jesus died and paid for with His Blood. The chastisement of our peace (the penalty for it) was laid upon His shoulders and therefore is it theirs, these dear ones in Nairobi to have and to hold and to fulfill their lives with joy.

Dear Father God, place your hands upon them and hide them as you did Moses in the cleft of the rock. Let the enemies bypass them. Convict those who rise to strike and let them be disabled from doing so. Dear Father, please protect these families, the mothers, the fathers, the children, let them be able to remain joyfully one. Protect the orphans, the widows, the poor and the hungry... fill them with your nurture of protection and human provision in every area of their lives. Give shelter to those without, food, water, hygienic supplies, medical attention and medications, to all and those who have been unable to afford it.

Let the Churches be free to worship, honor and give you praise and glory... keep the terrorists out and far away. Let there be legions of Arch Angels who will rise up and scare and scatter them away. Your Host is the Heavenly Host whom you have assigned to each of them to protect and to give them the freedom to love, honor, worship and obey you... let no evil prevail to stop them.

Father, thank you for protecting our Little Sister @Shiks. We love her, we treasure her, we need her and unto you we give continued thanks that Shiks is your beautiful Gift to us and to all who love her which are many.

In Jesus' Name, we bow our hearts and thank you for always,

Amen and Amen.

@Shiks... We love you and surround you with our hearts and loving prayers.

:circle: :love3: :grouphug2: :love3: :circle:

Sweet Sleep Sweetheart :sleep2:

The Angels of the Lord are watching over you. God is protecting you, His precious much loved daughter. :love3:

Fear not, for I am with you...from God's heart.

The prayers are unceasing, even while you rest, Baby Girl.

Dear Father, we come to you on bended knees expressing our faith and confidence in your everlasting grace and power. Lord, you know the requests and desires of your children. As these believers dare to praise you in spite of the dangers that may come against them, I pray that you mark them with your powerful and holy blood. Protect them Lord. Mark the post of each one of your houses of worship just as the children of Israel marked their homes. Make the death angel to pass over your children Father. We unite with them now Lord in lifting up your matchless name. You are the almighty creator and protector. Fill them with the hope and peace that only you can bring them. Be with their families both there and abroad. Let this experience bring your scattered children home. Return the backsliders to their faith and their one and only true love. You. Touch the hearts of the soldiers who dare to come against your precious children. Cause them to lay down their arms and seek you Lord. We raise you up and praise you and thank you Lord.

Amen, Amen and Amen.

Shiks, we are here for you sister.
Dear Father, we come to you on bended knees expressing our faith and confidence in your everlasting grace and power. Lord, you know the requests and desires of your children. As these believers dare to praise you in spite of the dangers that may come against them,

I pray that you mark them with your powerful and holy blood. Protect them Lord. Mark the post of each one of your houses of worship just as the children of Israel marked their homes. Make the death angel to pass over your children Father.

We unite with them now Lord in lifting up your matchless name. You are the almighty creator and protector. Fill them with the hope and peace that only you can bring them. Be with their families both there and abroad.

Let this experience bring your scattered children home. Return the backsliders to their faith and their one and only true love. You.

Touch the hearts of the soldiers who dare to come against your precious children. Cause them to lay down their arms and seek you Lord. We raise you up and praise you and thank you Lord.

Amen, Amen and Amen.

@Shiks, we are here for you sister.

Phoenix14, thank you for such a powerful and loving beautiful prayer.

God bless you. :giveheart:
Ladies, I feel so much better. Thank you all. Please keep praying for us. The devil will not prevail.
Ladies, I feel so much better. Thank you all. Please keep praying for us. The devil will not prevail.

Wonderful, Babygirl. Our love and prayers continue to surround you.

:circle: :love3: :pray: :love3: :circle:

God bless you Sweetheart. :huggle:
Still praying for you Shiks :love2:

How are you doing, Sweetheart?

God is with you, all the way.

I am fine. There is a muslim cleric that was said to be recruiting young men for Al Shabaab that was killed Tuesday. I have no sympathy at all for him. He said the mall attack was justified. Other than that,police seem to be beefing up security.

Thank you all for your prayers. I feel so much better. My friends were in the mall the last time and it was overwhelming thinking it could happen again. God bless you ladies.
I am fine. There is a muslim cleric that was said to be recruiting young men for Al Shabaab that was killed Tuesday. I have no sympathy at all for him. He said the mall attack was justified. Other than that,police seem to be beefing up security.

Thank you all for your prayers. I feel so much better. My friends were in the mall the last time and it was overwhelming thinking it could happen again. God bless you ladies.

Shiks, this is good to hear. We are still keeping you in our hearts and prayers. Have a wonderful day full of God's peace... to you, your family and friends.

Love always,