Ima do it this time!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so usually I try to stretch more than 10 weeks, but something always comes up and I end up relaxing at 8 to 10 weeks. Well I think I'll be able to stretch longer. I'm 10 weeks post now and I don't see anything that will have me relaxing. My NG is easy to handle no tangling and breakage issues. So I'm going for 15 weeks. If I get there and still feel the same as I do now I'm going to go for 20.
Good luck to you! I'm setting my goal as at LEAST four months - hope for 6.5, if everything stays manageable like it is now.
You can do it. :yep: Find the stretchers support thread, it's ginormous with tons of great tips and support. Your hair will thank you!!!! It's all about keeping your line of demarcation moisturized and strong and your ends moisturized. You can do it. :yep:
Thanks ladies for the support. I was stretching and then I relaxed the Thanksgiving week. I wanted to be cute for the holidays, lol. I actually love the way my hair looks on a stretch. My ponytails rock. Really that's what I do after I hit week 8. Condition and ponytail or bun. No heat or anything. Since I have so much NG I don't care about it being straight. Shucks when I regularly flat iron I never try to get the roots... too much work, lol.