I'm thinking about not relaxing my nape tomorrow...need opinions


New Member
I am getting a touch up tomorrow after my first 12 week stretch. I am thinking about not relaxing my nape. I think that's where my hair grows the slowest and I actually think the texture back there is less nappy than the rest of my hair and I believe overlapping the often happens back there since it grows so slow back there. I'm thinking about leaving about not relaxing 1-1.5 inches of hair back there (measuring from my neckline going up).

What do you ladies think? Have any of you ever done this, what were your results??
RabiaElaine said:
I am getting a touch up tomorrow after my first 12 week stretch. I am thinking about not relaxing my nape. I think that's where my hair grows the slowest and I actually think the texture back there is less nappy than the rest of my hair and I believe overlapping the often happens back there since it grows so slow back there. I'm thinking about leaving about not relaxing 1-1.5 inches of hair back there (measuring from my neckline going up).

What do you ladies think? Have any of you ever done this, what were your results??
I did this....it really helped my nape to flourish. The overlapping is what kept it so short, once it completely transitioned I decided to do a whole head transition...
You know, I'm glad you brought this up Rabia, because I've often wanted to NOT relax my hair by my nape and my hair line so that I can give it a break.

What I mean is, what is wrong with relaxing your nape and/hairline ever OTHER relaxer treatment instead of EVERY single freaking time you relax your hair? So for instance, if you relax your hair usually every 12 weeks, I don't see anything wrong with relaxing your "sensitive" areas every 24 weeks. I know for me personally, my hair is finer at the nape of my neck (well, the back of the neck I should say) and on my hair line, and I don't feel like it's necessary to relax that area every single time.

I've put this idea to some of my stylists, and they always seem really hesitant. They'll say: "Well, you can relax it like that if you want, but...I don't know...". OR, they'll say: "But half of your hair will straight and the other part won't be straight/will be underprocessed."

I personally think that stylists are afraid to deviate from the "norm", but there's no RULE that says you HAVE to relax ALL of your hair at the same time, just like there's no rule that says you HAVE relax at [so-and-so] # of weeks either. :rolleyes:

I say it's definitely worth looking into Rabia. I bet your hair will thrive in the back. I think your hair will be thicker for it too.
Yeah I think I'm going to leave it alone until at least my next relaxer. The texture I'm noticing is pretty soft, especially with S-curl in it, so I can deal with it (i hope). I know when I wear my hair in a ponytail my cousin is going to make some comment about how my hair is so nappy bakc there that it didn't even relax. I don't think I'll even tell her that it's not relaxed.
That's what I normally do. I relax my hair but only touch up my nape every 6 months or so. It's so healthy now. That part of my hair is a different texture and was getting over processed and damaged. Now I realize that I'm like a 3b back there so it doesn't even need to be permed.
Sweetcashew, how often so you relax?

sweetcashew said:
That's what I normally do. I relax my hair but only touch up my nape every 6 months or so. It's so healthy now. That part of my hair is a different texture and was getting over processed and damaged. Now I realize that I'm like a 3b back there so it doesn't even need to be permed.
I just brought this topic up in another thread that I posted. And Im happy that other ladies are thinking like me. My problem is that I have no hair in the back. My kitchen is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I looked at what some of the other member was doing and asked some ladies about not perming the nape area and they all strongly recommended that I STOP perming my hair in the nape area. SO IM ALL FOR IT. If thats the sacrific that I have to make in order to achieve my hair goal, Im with it. I really think we should make it a challenge. what do you ladies think. At This point in my life I really have no choice, It seems like the only option I have inorder to grow my hair in the back. I wanted to also ask if anybody know how to maintain the nappps while not perming it.
...oh and another thing. I would do extra moisturizing treatments to my nape and not pull it taunt up into ponytails and stuff. When wearing my hair down, I kept my nape braided. When wearing a cute bun, I'd braid it straight across, it was cute...:yep:
onepraying said:
...oh and another thing. I would do extra moisturizing treatments to my nape and not pull it taunt up into ponytails and stuff. When wearing my hair down, I kept my nape braided. When wearing a cute bun, I'd braid it straight across, it was cute...:yep:

I was just thinking about this yesterday! So now, I'm definitely doing it. My nape hasn't been a decent length since junior high. I am doing the April Fools stretch, which will hopefully give my nape some time to "heal".
So I got my touch up today,

I did not relax the nape about one inch from the neck up. I also used a mild relaxer so it only partially removed my natural curl, i'm not bone straight anymore, at least not at the roots.

So here I go I'll be dealing with 3 textures in a few weeks (Bone straight, texturized/slightly relaxed roots, and new growth), plus dealing with the nape.

I should be in for a good time during the April Fools stretch!
See I want to do this too b/c I don't think the back even needs relaxed....totally different texture than the rest of my hair but I know my beautician will look at my all cross eyed...haven't suffered any breakage though so.....we will see.