I'm taking control of my hair

Well hello there :grin:

I have questions ( If you don't mind me asking)

Are you relaxed/texlaxed/Natural?

Are you trying to reach a certain length besides achieving healthy hair?

OMG my first question :woot:. Lol.
I'm currently relaxed and want to make that transition to texlax. I mentioned the idea to two of my hair dressers and they shut me down. So, I'm going to do it myself :grin:. I've been natural twice in college where I first discovered LHCF but money was tight and I didn't have enough time to nurture my natural hair while studying. If I could make it to BSL I'd be ecstatic to say the least. Currently I'm at shoulder length and have been stuck there for a while (4in from APL). Can't wait to see my 'hur' in a year from now.
HHG everyone. (I'm no longer a lurker and I can post stuff. This feels liberating :lachen: Please excuse me).

I lurked for a long time before reaching out...still don't do it much, but I love to read all the great information available to me here. After years of being on this site, I'm still up till 3am on many nights, because I kept telling myself..."okay, another half hour and I'm going to sleep" over and over again.

Again...welcome, and enjoy!

Hey!!! My hair was FRIZZY out the ying yang too!! lol. I thought that was just the way my hair was supposed to be :-( Until I was introduced to oil rinses a short while ago.

I use Coconut Oil (This is the only oil that I heat, since it's solid at first, but i think the warming it helps), JBCO[just a dab], Avocado Oil, Olive Oil and sometimes I use the Ojon Oil as well, and this really helps. But it's so expensive so I don't use it for EVERY oil rinse or deep conditioning.

This is all I do. I just rinse the oil out. I intended on washing my hair afterwards and conditioning, but when I did it the first time. I saw such a big improvement and my hair was so MOISTURIZED I didn't want to add anything else and mess it up. This is truly the first time I've ever seen my hair in a healthy state , so forgive me but i'm ecstatic. My ends and everything have thickened and aren't dry and brittle anymore. :lick: Oils are the truth!

growinghealthyhair So you do the oil rinses alone too. I like it this way as well. I have tried it every way-- and found that you can't go wrong w/the oil rinses. Wow, you ahve a nice selection of oils! have you tried castor oil yet-- its my favorite? You said just a "dab" of jbco, are u mixing all these oils? Here is a link to the oil rinse thread (you should do a post on your results there or start a thread w/more details/pics (please))! http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=150965

I will do one later :yep:

That thread is actually what got me into Oil Rinsing!! lol. :-)

Also, yea, the JBCO I primarily use for my growth aids. Not so much for oil rinses/deep conditioning. It's just so expensive (I get it locally) so I don't use as much of the other oils. I love it as well though :-) And I don't think my little old results are enough to make a thread over though :-p I ALthough I would love to see the results of others!

That thread is actually what got me into Oil Rinsing!! lol. :-)

Also, yea, the JBCO I primarily use for my growth aids. Not so much for oil rinses/deep conditioning. It's just so expensive (I get it locally) so I don't use as much of the other oils. I love it as well though :-) And I don't think my little old results are enough to make a thread over though :-p I ALthough I would love to see the results of others!

Hi, I figured knew about that thread, I was referencing it for others! I just love discussing oil rinses, and never pass an opportunity. Thanks for sharing your story here though...And, oh yea, jbco is too expensive for oil rinses, I don't use mine for that..but I do use regular castor oil (which is cheap)-- but it sounds like you found oils that give great results and thats good to hear, I'm may open up to trying some :look:
Welcome OP! I've recently become a diy-er, with my hair and my DDs hair, and it's been much easier than I expected it to be. You'll do fine :)

Happy growing!

Hey!!! My hair was FRIZZY out the ying yang too!! lol. I thought that was just the way my hair was supposed to be :-( Until I was introduced to oil rinses a short while ago.

I use Coconut Oil (This is the only oil that I heat, since it's solid at first, but i think the warming it helps), JBCO[just a dab], Avocado Oil, Olive Oil and sometimes I use the Ojon Oil as well, and this really helps. But it's so expensive so I don't use it for EVERY oil rinse or deep conditioning.

This is all I do. I just rinse the oil out. I intended on washing my hair afterwards and conditioning, but when I did it the first time. I saw such a big improvement and my hair was so MOISTURIZED I didn't want to add anything else and mess it up. This is truly the first time I've ever seen my hair in a healthy state , so forgive me but i'm ecstatic. My ends and everything have thickened and aren't dry and brittle anymore. :lick: Oils are the truth!

OOOOOH...I have some oils and the second I have my hair out again, you know I am going to try this!!! THANK YOU!!!