I'm sprung.


New Member
I like this guy who lives in my dormority. He's a comp sci major, he's fairly attractive, EXTREMELY nice, hard-working, an athlete, Christian, amazing smile...and I really like him so I've stopped by his room a few times etc. I just can't stop smiling, I'm the biggest dork ever. We just had our real first conversation two days ago, but he just makes me smile.

Lord help me. And he's white, not that that's an issue - it's just that I really haven't had an attraction to a white man at all.

I reallllllly like him, and when we talk I feel like I melt like a 6 year old. I have no idea if he likes me. How do we tell these things? Sighhh
Awwh...you are too sweet! Being sprung is nice at times; just don't get caught up!! But continue to be friendly, ask him out for coffee or go out casually to foster more interactions..
Good Luck!!
yes, i totally agree with sweetness. keep it simple, dont follow him around like a puppy dog:grin:but just create ways to interact with him. he should start initiating things with you and then you'll find out that he is attracted to you too.
dont get caught up missy pooh:grin:
let us know how it goes
he should start initiating things with you and then you'll find out that he is attracted to you too.

Aw, I remember being *into* this guy...I remember *cheesing* as I walked to and from classes after knowing the guy *liked* me in return, lol. I remember thinking..*gosh what is wrong with me...why am I a grinning fool?, lol*. I chalked that up to my innocence at that time (like a jr. high school crush only I was in college :look:). Not saying that is the case with you or anything but for me...well let's just say that no matter how infatuated I was with a guy after that I wasn't ever a *grinning fool* again...maybe I was just jaded. :ohwell: Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I agree with honeybadgirl...I think you can tell if he likes you if he strikes up conversations with you, responds to your flirting (if you flirt)...just initiating things to be with you in general. Some guys are indirect...(as opposed to those who have the direct approach :rolleyes:).
Let him take the lead, try not to be too overzealous. Get to know him as a freind, and let HIm CHASE you. Why don't you ask him how he feels about interracial dating to get a feel of if he might be in to you or not.
Turns out he dated a Haitian girl before, but it's over - he's just working too slowly and I told my roommate and they were talking about me and blah blah...Now I'll NEVER tell her anything. EVER.

Yeah okay so, turns out that:

1. My roommate was trying to set us up.
2. He likes me

Last night we went to our neighbor's house to chat, eat, drink a bit, and just relax after a long day of work. It was tons of fun, and he was there so we talked for awhile and then we went back to his room (I KNOW it sounds sketch) but he lives like righttt next to me and my roommate was sleeping anyway.

I sat on his guest chair and he sat on his bed and we just talked for like an hour and it was great. Left his room around 3 AM. He's graduating though so it's a little complicated but I don't know, we're going to church together and probably dinner after today so hopefully I'll see how it works out.

=) Big sigh!

Thanks for listening to me ramble. =)