I'm so upset with my landlord


New Member
Thursday the gas was cut off and he didn't tell us. I found out Friday when I tried to boil me so water for a rinse. The stove wouldn't come on. So I told him Friday and he says he knows. But he never got back to us to let us know when we'll have hot water. I'm upset because I can't freaking wash my hair or take a hot shower. Sunday is my do my hair day, because I've doing protective styles. Bur here's the thing He and DH are best friends and he told us we didn't have to pay rent next month. But dayum I'd rather help him pay the gas bill instead of free rent. Should I go upstairs today and ask him when is the gas gonna be back on? Oh and the way this building is made there's only one gas meter. This is considered a single family home, but it has an apartment in it.:wallbash:
This is why I hate to have business dealings with friends/family members. I hope you guys get thing worked out.
I would ask him when it is going to be back on. If the day is not soon enough for you, then you and DH should offer to help with the gas bill in lieu of rent, since you guys are close to him.
He should have told you. I would also be curious to know WHY there was a problem with the gas getting turned off. Friend or not, be sure you and hubby have money in reserve to move in a pinch if needed. There are a lot of people who are in trouble due to no fault of their own because of landlords whose properties are getting foreclosed and they don't even tell the tenants.
Thursday the gas was cut off and he didn't tell us. I found out Friday when I tried to boil me so water for a rinse. The stove wouldn't come on. So I told him Friday and he says he knows. But he never got back to us to let us know when we'll have hot water. I'm upset because I can't freaking wash my hair or take a hot shower. Sunday is my do my hair day, because I've doing protective styles. Bur here's the thing He and DH are best friends and he told us we didn't have to pay rent next month. But dayum I'd rather help him pay the gas bill instead of free rent. Should I go upstairs today and ask him when is the gas gonna be back on? Oh and the way this building is made there's only one gas meter. This is considered a single family home, but it has an apartment in it.:wallbash:

Umm yeah you should ask him when the gas is coming back on, how are you supposed to cook??? You're paying your rent on time, he should be a decent landlord and pay the bills on the time. Like the other poster said, doing deals with friends/family is the WORST.
Hmmm it sounds like maybe the house is getting foreclosed on or something else shady is going on. Start doing some detective work because this situation sounds sketchy. I don't know how you can even be thinking about your hair in this situation.

Oh and this thread needs to be moved to off topic.
I don't understand why he didn't tell you guys since you apparently friends. I would definitely ask when the gas will be turned on and if he needs monetary help then offer to assist since you will be getting free rent next month. That's weird though he didn't tell you.
I don't understand why he didn't tell you guys since you apparently friends. I would definitely ask when the gas will be turned on and if he needs monetary help then offer to assist since you will be getting free rent next month. That's weird though he didn't tell you.

I think he probably just forgot, because like I said, we haven't had any problems. I'm just pissed because I want to wash my hair and butt in hot water.:lachen::lachen:. I'm gonna go up there later and ask him when. And as far as being in foreclose terrible I seriously doubt that.
I think he probably just forgot, because like I said, we haven't had any problems. I'm just pissed because I want to wash my hair and butt in hot water.:lachen::lachen:. I'm gonna go up there later and ask him when. And as far as being in foreclose terrible I seriously doubt that.

If he has a problem paying the gas bill (and doesn't it have to be unpaid for awhile for it to get turned off?), how do you know he's steadily paying the mortgage?
Make plans to move out. This is not cool. He knew and did not give you notice and you do not have to pay rent next month? So wait, he does nto have money problems so what is the issue with teh gas. You deserve a better explanation.
If he has a problem paying the gas bill (and doesn't it have to be unpaid for awhile for it to get turned off?), how do you know he's steadily paying the mortgage?

good question thats why im so scared to leave my apartment building and rent out an apt in a private house
If he has a problem paying the gas bill (and doesn't it have to be unpaid for awhile for it to get turned off?), how do you know he's steadily paying the mortgage?

I never said he had a problem paying it. Because I know him and you don't.
I never said he had a problem paying it. Because I know him and you don't.

He clearly had a problem paying the bill if it got turned off. The fact that he "forgot" to tell you is a red flag. Well I guess the gas getting turned off was the first red flag though :look:.
not having hot water and heat for tenants is against the law. God forbid something happen in your house, because he could end up going to jail or paying a major fine.
MJ.. I hope you are able to get your hotwater soon..
I know :rolleyes: to those jump to all kind of conclusions... hey it could be possible.. but I for one am judge of NO ONE..

Let's deal with the matter at hand.. YOUR HAIR.. :lachen:now do you belong to a gym or anything where you can go wash it and still do your reggie?

Good luck sweetie!
MJ.. I hope you are able to get your hotwater soon..
I know :rolleyes: to those jump to all kind of conclusions... hey it could be possible.. but I for one am judge of NO ONE..

Let's deal with the matter at hand.. YOUR HAIR.. :lachen:now do you belong to a gym or anything where you can go wash it and still do your reggie?
Thanks for not judging some folks know everything:rolleyes: But I do belong to the health club and gonna go in a hour.:lachen::lachen::lachen:Because I need to wash my hair dernit!!!!
Thanks for not judging some folks know everything:rolleyes:

I don't think its necesssarily judging, but I think some of the posters here are indicating that at the very least, you should express concern about this situation beyond your hair.

As a landlord, a major utility to pay is gas. On top of this, if you miss your monthly bills, you receive repeated notices, all culimnating in a not so friendly disconnect notice which is hard to simply forget. The fact that he didn't pay strongly suggests a hardship (and if not a hardship, simple carelessness, and if that's the case, you should be running towards the hills). Maybe you are taken off guard by the forwardness of some posters, but I certainly agree that there is something that you should be careful about with your landlord.

I hope things work out for you though. There is nothing like the feel of warm water on your scalp :)
I don't think its necesssarily judging, but I think some of the posters here are indicating that at the very least, you should express concern about this situation beyond your hair.

As a landlord, a major utility to pay is gas. On top of this, if you miss your monthly bills, you receive repeated notices, all culimnating in a not so friendly disconnect notice which is hard to simply forget. The fact that he didn't pay strongly suggests a hardship (and if not a hardship, simple carelessness, and if that's the case, you should be running towards the hills). Maybe you are taken off guard by the forwardness of some posters, but I certainly agree that there is something that you should be careful about with your landlord.

I hope things work out for you though. There is nothing like the feel of warm water on your scalp :)
I don't think its necesssarily judging, but I think some of the posters here are indicating that at the very least, you should express concern about this situation beyond your hair.

As a landlord, a major utility to pay is gas. On top of this, if you miss your monthly bills, you receive repeated notices, all culimnatinig in a not so friendly disconnect notice which is hard to simply forget. The fact that he didn't pay strongly suggests a hardship (and if not a hardship, simple carelessness, and if that's the case, you should be running towards the hills). Maybe you are taken off guard by the forwardness of some posters, but I certainly agree that there is something that you should be careful about with your landlord.

I hope things work out for you though. There is nothing like the feel of warm water on your scalp :)

My hubby talked to him and things are straight now:grin:
Thursday the gas was cut off and he didn't tell us. I found out Friday when I tried to boil me so water for a rinse. The stove wouldn't come on. So I told him Friday and he says he knows. But he never got back to us to let us know when we'll have hot water. I'm upset because I can't freaking wash my hair or take a hot shower. Sunday is my do my hair day, because I've doing protective styles. Bur here's the thing He and DH are best friends and he told us we didn't have to pay rent next month. But dayum I'd rather help him pay the gas bill instead of free rent. Should I go upstairs today and ask him when is the gas gonna be back on? Oh and the way this building is made there's only one gas meter. This is considered a single family home, but it has an apartment in it.:wallbash:

OP, I'm sorry if you've already answered this question, but I don't understand why the hesitation to ask him? If I needed to do sth and someone was holding me up, I wouldn't need anyone to tell me whether I need to find out when he'll get his act together. I'd need that info so I could reorganize my plans. So what am I missing?

ETA never mind my question. I see hubby talked to him and all's well.