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For 45 minutes I sat in front of the mirror with scissor in hand and cut every split end I could find. Lemme tell ya - there were PLENTY!! I don't understand it and I'm frustrated.

I tried the bun method and the middle of my hair broke off where the the bun was. My ends have been looking soo scraggly. After reading a few threads I decided to dust and find the splits and cut above them. What I found were ends that not only were split at the ends but 2 and 3x up the shaft. I rarely use head, always sleep with a scarf on.

So here I am this morning examing my hair again. Why? Because I'm obsessive-compulsive. What did I find you ask? MORE SPLIT ENDS ALL UP THE SHAFT!! What's going on??? I honestly can't think of what I've done to result in this kind of damage. Do I have Chronic Split End Syndrome (CSES)?

Should I just cut this mess ALL OFF? Has anyone been where I am and recovered? :wallbash:
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K you are crazy ...CSEC hahahaha! Girl it will be okay. I don't think you acquired split ends overnight. When my hair is out I sometimes go through each strand and cut split ends too. I would say just continue to cut the split ends, don't chop it all off girl.
YES!!! I certainly have been where you are. Let me tell you, one day I sat down with a good pair of scissors and I took my time and cut every split end that i found, it took me a more than an hour. I was happy, my hair felt smooth and there were no more frizzy ends.......
The following week, I was examining my ends and what did I find???? it looked as if I had never removed the split ends. Talk about frustrating. I finally came to the conclusion that the split ends were from all the bad things that I USED to do to my hair before I learned better and if I would just continue taking care of my hair, eventually all the damaged hair would be trimmed away, leaving only healthy hair. So don't be too frustrated, just keep taking care of your hair and eventually all those damaged ends will be trimmed away and your healthy hair will remain.
I did that too. Only because I was too cheap to pay Leon's $9 to have my ends trimmed. I was really in need of a trim. I don't think that I got all of the ones in the back, but I will go get it done during break, and let them trim it for me.
CP I mean honestly...this is craazeee, I've gotten to the point where I'm just snapping them off with 2 fingers.
i too have CSES especially in the front of my hair where the dye was i snip it daily
today i trimmed my ends and i trimmed the ends as well as rolling my hair between
my fingers so that i could get the possible split ends that were too short to cut
when i did the longer parts
K it's going to be okay just back away from the scissors! The hair is making you crazy right now. When I get like that I get my hair braiding so I don't have see or touch it.
Maybe a good trim will help. I used to try to chip away at the split ends and for every one that I chipped, there were two or three more that I'd find. I got a good trim and that helped me.
Kisz4tj- My hair gets like this and I dont use heat and I havent for years. I think that is could be due to combing even if you are combing gently. What has really worked for me is applying surge to the length of my hair for strength. I think any protein based leave in would work. Once I started doing that, I dont get a single one unless I've been slacking.
Poohbear said:
What's your regime? What do you do to your hair on a daily and/or weekly basis???
I wash and deep condition once a week. I wrap my hair every night and apply qp mango to my ends. :ohwell:
I recently started using Tigi ego booster.
kisz4tj said:
Sade7 how often do u think I should trim till the damage is gone?

Well, some ladies suggested that you just go and get a good trim. That might work, or you can continue cutting the splits as you see them, either way I think you will end up cutting the same damaged hair away, the only diff will be that with a trim its done all at once, and with dusting it will be a little at a time.
ChoclatePrincess said:
K it's going to be okay just back away from the scissors! The hair is making you crazy right now. When I get like that I get my hair braiding so I don't have see or touch it.
