Well-Known Member
I know what God wants of me and I just can't let go of the familiar. I know I'm supposed to move away from here, from this state and I want to stay for several reasons: to be close to my family, to live in a place that has a lower cost of living and to hopefully get back with my ex-boyfriend. I know I shouldn't stay somewhere for someone else, but it's so hard to let go and move onto the unknown. I was afraid to share my real reasons (I posted abou this in the Off Topic board) b/c I was embarassed. I know God is calling me to so much more in Him and I am just so scared out of my mind. I keep thinking about two of my co-workers that are getting married, who currently live with their so's, and I'm trying to do things the right way and I keep coming up with nothing. But their water bill could be higher. And I'm so embarassed b/c I should keep my feelings and thoughts together, but it hurts so bad! I know I'm bugging my friends to death about this, so I thought I would post this in the Christian forum to get Godly advice...I can't sleep, I'm crying way too much and I know I need to get so more zzzz's on the regular.