I'm so relieved...


New Member
...I've broken my addiction to Fantasic IC Styling Gel and styling gel in general! Yesterday, I did my normal routine except I eliminated gel. From previous experiences this didn't work because I play in my hair wayyy too much. But yesterday I didn't really touch except for a few times where I was twisting my curls around my fingers. My hair held up pretty good considering the circumstances. I went out with my boyfriend yesterday and we had the windows down in his car. So there was a little frizz on top but for the most part it looked better than when I don't use gel. It was also soooo soft. I might use gel for slicking back puffs or ponytails (when it gets to that length) but I think for the most part I'm done with it. It's a great feeling knowing I don't NEED gel in my life. Sorry this is a stupid post but I feel really good about this. I feel like it's going to really help with the health of my hair.
It's not a stupid post. I don't use gel either. I tried it for a while, but I actually hate the way most gels make my hair feel. I think I was using it just because it was like something I was "supposed" to use. I'm happy to have one less product to buy and one less product of which I have to worry about the ingredients. I might go back to it when my hair gets longer, but I'm hoping to stay gel free...or to use it only on certain occasions. The simpler I can make my routine the better. :) I'm glad you were able to find out you don't HAVE to use it.
This is a good thread. This forum is for learning what works best for the members. Can you fill me in on why you feel the gel was not healthy for your hair? I am natural and use it religously.
I too think this is a great post. I just bought some alcohol-free gel for syling my new natural TWA (it's growing out more now though). I too would love to know why gel is not healthy for hair, please do tell. :)
Cookie, your hair is thriving on not using gel? I need help with this and I'm glad u posted this question. I am battling shrinkage like a **** tho... :lol: How else are u styling your hair? Are u just wearing your afro or are u sporting braids or twists?
To everyone who asked why gel isn't healthy. I wasn't necessarily trying to imply that gel is UNHEALTHY for hair...it's just that I am simply trying to get down to a minimalist routine.:) The whole point is to get my regimine as simple as possible. As a child, and before I ever got a relaxer, my mother never used any kind of styling product in my hair. It was just wash it and go. My hair was almost waist length (at four years old) and very thick.

Natrlchallenge, I'm not sure what hair type you have but I have a 3b/c. I think this contributes to the fact that I don't have like major major shrinkage. I do have some, however, and to combat it I just weigh it down with moisturizer and try to keep it EXTREMELY conditioned. I feel that has helped me a lot. I will post a picture of my hair with gel and without later on because I have to go to work now!
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I don't think gel is necessarily bad for your hair. It all depends on what is in the gel, like any product (for instance, some gels can have alcohol that may be drying or protein that might cause problems for some).
NC, I think you just need to accept the shrinkage and move on girl. I am not saying it to be mean. I am just saying it is what it is. My hair when stretched is shoulder length. As it gets longer it seems that the hair with drop south from the heaviest of the hair.
Cichelle said:
I don't think gel is necessarily bad for your hair. It all depends on what is in the gel, like any product (for instance, some gels can have alcohol that may be drying or protein that might cause problems for some).

Yeah that's what I'm saying. I just decided to stop using it because I feel that a minimalist/simple routine is healthier for the hair. I'm just trying to let my hair breathe from all the products I constantly use on it. And I must say, since following this simple regimine of mine, my hair has been thriving. It's very supple to the touch and has taken on a natural sheen of its own.