I'm so frustrated with my hair! (long vent)


New Member
I can't take it. I'm so frustated with my hair right now...its like one step forward and two steps back. I try to do everything right...wash weekly with kera care hydrating detangling shampoo..deep condition with keracare humecto and leave in with of course keracare, protective styling, no heat and i make sure i sleep with my scarf every night. Sometimes I use other conditioners, right now my mind is drawing a serious blank.

Anyway, my hair is constantly shedding and dry after i wash. It takes about 3 days of moisturizing after I wash for my hair to finally feel moisturized. Right now, i'm 6 weeks post relaxer and i'm debating whether i need to swith from no-lye to lye. (I usually stretch to about 14 weeks.) I've tried lye relaxers in the past but they just didnt' straighten my hair. I have noticed since CON added oils to their relaxers it seems my hair is more texlaxed than relax. When i look at my strands i see curly 2-3 inches of curly hair and the rest is bone strait.

Could this be why my hair is shedding? :ohwell: Need advice.
Maybe you should shampoo less. When I used hydrating and washed with it every week my hair was coated and I had to clarify alot more often than I do now. I really didn't think that co-washing would work for me but its been wonderful and my hair loves it.
Umm...interesting. I had been using Keracare products also, the moisturizing shampoo, conditoner for color treated hair and the cream moisturizer. Needless to say, my hair has been looking very dry and dull lately and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why. Maybe my hair doesn't like Keracare products. I recently purchased Cream of Nature shampoo and conditioner and my hair felt and looked a little better. So that could be the culprit.
Thanks ladies for your replies... I think I'm definitely going to start co-washing and cut down on the shampoos..As for the Keracare...that could be contributing to my dryness too. I just starting using them exclusively last month. I'll switch and see what that brings.
Did your hair shed before you have had the difference on texture?

I think that shampoo may be drying. Isn't it ALS based?

My hair HATES keracare. It's very heavy and... "coaty". Maybe try something lighter, less petroleum based that has natural oils in it.

Aubrey organics always used to get my hair moisturized. The shampoos and conditioners are gentle, very moisturizing and don't build up. Giovanni Direct or Vitapro leave in are good too.

DO you seal the moisture with oil?

I also have had the problem of lye relaxers not being able to straighten my hair as well as no lye. You don't have to switch to lye. Plenty people have healthy hair and use no lye.

Imo, the whole no lye leaving calcium deposits makes absolutely no sense. I don't believe one is any better than the other.
Mirror doll-Oh i forgot to add i seal with Keracare essential oils after i moisturize...which i moisturize with UBH dew and creme moisturizer every day and sometimes 2 a day especially after washes. I'm going to try aubrey organics and see what happens.

My hair didn't shed nearly this bad until the last six months. I still get growth, but im worrying about thinning. I thought I was just going through the natural hair phases of shedding.