I'm so excited *bounce bounce bounce*


New Member

As some of y'all know, I've been convinced that Aveda products just hate me because none of their stuff has ever worked on my hair.

SOOOOO per my friend whom I gifted the first sap moss shampoo/condish set too, I wasn't using it right.

So ok, I go back to Aveda, figure, I'll try it again and THIS time, I'mma just take it back instead of losing 25 bucks.

So this evening I used Aveda sapmoss shampoo and conditioner and my hair didn't freak out! WHOOO! (hey its an accomplishment!:lol: )

Per her instructions this time around I used a healthy amount of the shampoo and let it sit on my hair for a few minutes. Then I rinsed, Then I put the condish in and rinsed after a couple of minutes.

Granted, I got the smallest ones available, and used quite a bit of the tube. The shampoo is rather on the thick side though as is the condish.

Anyway comb my hair...ooo man, NO TANGLES. barely anything in the comb or the denman either.

My hair is still wet but really soft and feels really hella happy! This is a much different experience than last time. I'll have to try it again on my regular wash day to see if it works just as well.

But so far its been good aside from the smell (I can't seem to get with that)

Seriously, I'm not a PJ (nope):lol:

I'm so glad that worked for you. I love those products. NOW YOU HAVE TO POST PICTURES. We've seen your beautiful home now I want to see your hair.:)
I've had my eye on that sap moss shampoo/condish for a little while...you've convinced me to pick it up tomorrow. And yes, I AM a PJ!
Glad it's working for you Arcadian, now let's see some pics of your pretty hair! :grin:
Oh man, i can't say I'm one to take pictures of my hair for public display, but erm.. ok, let me think about that. I stopped putting bigger pictures of myself out there in the open when I got my very first stalker.

Arcadian said:
Oh man, i can't say I'm one to take pictures of my hair for public display, but erm.. ok, let me think about that. I stopped putting bigger pictures of myself out there in the open when I got my very first stalker.


Yikes! I totally understand. That's another reason I don't post pics of myself. Stalkers are nothing to play with.
caribeandiva said:
i'm glad you got it to work for you. how does it smell? bad?

No it really dosen't smell bad, just like really earthy. like erm.. moss:lol: Some people will really enjoy this smell, its a bit overwhelming to me though.

WomanlyCharm said:
Yikes! I totally understand. That's another reason I don't post pics of myself. Stalkers are nothing to play with.

yeah, that one took 3 years to shake off. I'm careful that if I DO post a pic of myself its small if its public and, if I post a bigger pic its behind a protected area.

I'm feeling a bit safer these days but there's some wackjobs out there no joke at all.

OT: dlewis you are so cute. Now you guys are going to put my outside, I am already broke and now I really want to try these.
Adrian said:
OT: dlewis you are so cute. Now you guys are going to put my outside, I am already broke and now I really want to try these.

Well... you just may have to be broke(r) because this morning my hair is really soft and silky and very tangle free. (I know thats not something you wanted to hear.:lol: ) a dab of moisterizer was all it needed, I didn't even bother with oil because I didn't feel the need to use it!

But I have to say that I think they're actually worth the money. The strong smell didn't stick around after my hair dried.

Maybe just a photo of the back of the head. I know, I know, you're just not comfy with that. But I had to ask.

OT: Thanks Adrian