I'm so embarrased to post this but i'm sure that i have Scalp Ringworm


New Member
I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

I posted this on the skincare board but thought i should post it here as well.

I've always had dry scalp, so seeing flakes (or what i thought were flakes) didnt really scare me, i just changed dandruff shampoos and forgot about it. But since i've been transitioning i'v been playing with my hair alot more and i noticed that i have a bald patch on the right side of my head near my temple. Not just that, the patch seems to be expanding and has what i thought were white flakes on it. I got frantic and started doing an all over search and i found two more areas with smaller patches and the same balding starting to develop. I went to my Insurance website where they have a place to type in symptoms and y'all i have f*cking Scalp Ringworm which causes bald patches to develop if not treated quickly. I called one of my plans dermatologist a few minutes ago, and they set up an appointment for me for tomorrow morning at 10 am.

I'm so mad with myself for not noticing sooner but i'm just glad i figured it out before i was half bald. I think it may have developed when i was going to the gym months ago. Even though i had my own towel to put over equipment and stuff i still was exposed to stuff just touching door handles and setting the equipment for my own use. I was also guilty of not rinsing my hair after going to the gym which i'm guessing left my scalp open to getting infected from the moisture i left there with sweat in my hair. I'm assuming that this is also the reason i noticed my hair shedding so damn much. I talked to the medical assistant on the phone from the doctors office and she said that there is definitely a course of antibiotic medication that i will be put on that will stop this in it's tracks. Once ringworm gets into the hair shaft through a cut or any little abrasion (any of which can happen during a touchup--i'm so glad to be transitioning) it invades strands and starts the shedding process which causes the balding. Using the drugs and Nizoral shampoo i should be back on track in about 2 months as far as noticing my hair coming back in those areas.

This is so embarrasing but i hope it's helpful to anyone that may be wondering "what all the fuss is about" with being sure to maintain scalp health. Wish me luck with my doctor's visit tomorrow. -- jainygirl
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ringworm

Oh Jainy, don't be embarraseed./images/graemlins/kiss.gifI'm happy to hear that it can be treated and I know you've educated me. I had no idea that ringworm could exist there and what caused it.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Dang, that's SCARY!! Do you have kids, Jainy?? If so, make sure you check their scalps as well!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Ringworm is very contagious...
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Ouch...sorry to hear that, Jainy, but at least you figured it out in time. Good luck tomorrow...online diagnoses aren't the final word, so maybe it isn't even as bad you think /images/graemlins/smile.gif.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ringworm

for real, don't be embarrased. If anything, at least you were able to figure out what it was in a timely fashion and start the process of doing something about it. My 7 year old God son had this last year and he got it from another kid at school. His mom got it treated and it went away after a few months.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

Dont be embarassed Jainy. A lot of people think you get it from not taking baths and other BS. I remember when I was 14 and I got it from the daycare center I worked at. At least you found it and you can treat it early /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

I'm glad that you discovered what the problem is. I didn't know your scalp could have that. Now I'm feeling paranoid. /images/graemlins/sekret.gif
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ringworm

Thanks everyone /images/graemlins/wave.gif i was feeling so down Saturday night and all day yesterday. I have a 5 y/o son and i checked his scalp like crazy looking for it in his scalp. I didnt find anything but i'm making him an appointment to see his doctor as well. I'm just glad that that doctor can see me tomorrow because i'm so paranoid right now. I bought my husband and son their own combs so that it doesnt pass on to them /images/graemlins/crazy.gif. -- jainygirl
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Lindy said:
Dang, that's SCARY!! Do you have kids, Jainy?? If so, make sure you check their scalps as well!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Ringworm is very contagious...

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That is scary. When you touch your hair make sure you wash your hands afterwards. My son caught ringworms when he was in preschool from a little girl whose stupid mother knew she had it and put a band aid over it so no one would see it then I caught it from my son but it was only on my leg my son had it all on his scalp.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

Jainygirl, I thank you for having the courage to share that with us. I just started back to the gym and, like yourself, I am sure to cover the places I set my head. But, I never thought about touching things and then scratching my head, which usually itches when I am sweaty. I will be sure to leave my hands out of my hands. But, I do carry antibacterial wipes in my bag to wipe off the equipment before I use it. I will start periodically wiping my hands, in case I forget and scratch my head. Me with braids probably really leaves my scalp open for anything. Thank you soooo very much for the word of caution...I do pray all will go well with you at the doctor /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ringworm

Don't be embarrassed honey! /images/graemlins/kiss.gif Ringworm is just a fungal infection - just like psoriasis or althlete's foot....

Why would you be embarrassed? /images/graemlins/nono.gif
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ringworm

Tracy said:
Don't be embarrassed honey! /images/graemlins/kiss.gif Ringworm is just a fungal infection - just like psoriasis or althlete's foot....

Why would you be embarrassed? /images/graemlins/nono.gif

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Thanks tracy /images/graemlins/kiss.gif I think i'm more embarrassed than anything because i always looked at ringworm as something you get from being dirty instead of from being exposed to it. I know -- bad, bad jainy /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ringworm

Jainy...it's good that you are getting the problem taken care of early. I had this back in my early teens and had no idea what was going on with my hair. My nape area came out in clumps...along with several other areas. It turns out that my nieces that came to stay with us for a few weeks in the Summer had it...but my sister in law neglected to tell us about it. /images/graemlins/spank.gif They were using my hair brushes...combs...and passed it along to me. Anyway I'm sure all will turn out well since you are getting to the root of the problem before you have excessive hair loss. Good luck with everything!
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ringworm

I'm a country girl and if you put a little clorox on a q-tip and put it directly on the worm, it will go away quicker.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ringworm

Aww, Jainy /images/graemlins/kiss.gif At least you know it wasn't your protein intake that was causing your hair loss.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Don't be embarrassed./images/graemlins/kiss.gif I'm glad you found out early and your handling it. good luck and keep up posted.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ringworm

My nephew has it on his scalp and he has bald patches.

You can go to the Dr and get a oral medication, although they dont like to give them out cos they can be damaging to the liver. In the meantime buy some lamisil and start applying it.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

val1212 said:
I'm a country girl and if you put a little clorox on a q-tip and put it directly on the worm, it will go away quicker.

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I heard this before.
Jainy, don't be embarrassed. It happens to the best of us. At least you have an idea of what it is and can get it treated asap before it gets too out of hand. Feel better.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Awwwwww, /images/graemlins/kiss.gif I'm sorry to hear about it Jainy, but it can happen to anyone. I thought I had it a couple of times, because I work with little kids and they're always sickly with something. /images/graemlins/ill.gif

I'm glad you were able to figure it out. See, you can find out alot with "Hand in hair disease". Don't worry, everything will work out fine.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

Im sorry to hear about it but its very common. I had a kinda stupid quesiton. Is a ringworm really a worm or does the infection just resemble a worm?
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

My first case of ringworm occured when I was tutoring a bunch of 3rd graders 2 years ago. I was talking this over with a friend of mine and we both noticed that it wasn't a big of a problem when we was growing up. But now she or I would encounter some kid that has ringworm. Go figure...
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

I believe it it actually a fungus. But don't hold me to that.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m sure that i have Scalp Ringworm

More info on ringworm:
Ringworm is a contagious fungus infection that can affect the scalp, the body, the feet (athlete's foot), or the nails.

People can get Ringworm from: 1) direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or pet, 2) indirect contact with an object or surface that an infected person or pet has touched, or 3) rarely, by contact with soil.
Ringworm can be treated with fungus-killing medicine.
To prevent Ringworm, 1) make sure all infected persons and pets get appropriate treatment, 2) avoid contact with infected persons and pets, 3) do not share personal items, and 4) keep common-use areas clean.

What is Ringworm?

Ringworm is a contagious fungus infection that can affect the scalp, the body (particularly the groin), the feet, and the nails. Despite its name, it has nothing to do with worms. The name comes from the characteristic red ring that can appear on an infected person's skin. Ringworm is also called Tinea.

What is the infectious agent that causes Ringworm?

Ringworm is caused by several different fungus organisms that all belong to a group called "Dermatophytes." Different Dermatophytes affect different parts of the body and cause the various types of Ringworm:

Ringworm of the scalp
Ringworm of the body
Ringworm of the foot (athlete's foot)
Ringworm of the nails

Where is Ringworm found?

Ringworm is widespread around the world and in the United States. The fungus that causes scalp Ringworm lives in humans and animals. The fungus that causes Ringworm of the body lives in humans, animals, and soil. The fungi that cause Ringworm of the foot and Ringworm of the nails live only in humans.

How do people get Ringworm?

Ringworm is spread by either direct or indirect contact. People can get Ringworm by direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or pet. People can also get Ringworm indirectly by contact with objects or surfaces that an infected person or pet has touched, such as hats, combs, brushes, bed linens, stuffed animals, telephones, gym mats, and shower stalls. In rare cases Ringworm can be spread by contact with soil.

What are the signs and symptoms of Ringworm?

Ringworm of the scalp usually begins as a small pimple that becomes larger, leaving scaly patches of temporary baldness. Infected hairs become brittle and break off easily. Yellowish crusty areas sometimes develop.

Ringworm of the body shows up as a flat, round patch anywhere on the skin except for the scalp and feet. The groin is a common area of infection (groin Ringworm). As the rash gradually expands, its center clears to produce a ring. More than one patch might appear, and the patches can overlap. The area is sometimes itchy.

Ringworm of the foot is also called athlete's foot. It appears as a scaling or cracking of the skin, especially between the toes.

Ringworm of the nails causes the affected nails to become thicker, discolored, and brittle, or to become chalky and disintegrate.

How soon after exposure do symptoms appear?

Scalp Ringworm usually appears 10 to 14 days after contact, and Ringworm of the skin 4 to 10 days after contact. The time between exposure and symptoms isnot known for the other types of Ringworm.

How is Ringworm diagnosed?

A health-care provider can diagnose Ringworm by examining the site of infection with special tests.

Who is at risk for Ringworm?

Anyone can get Ringworm. Scalp Ringworm often strikes young children; outbreaks have been recognized in schools, day-care centers, and infant nurseries. School athletes are at risk for scalp Ringworm, Ringworm of the body, and foot Ringworm; there have been outbreaks among high school wrestling teams. Children with young pets are at increased risk for Ringworm of the body.

What is the treatment for Ringworm?

Ringworm can be treated with fungus-killing medicine. The medicine can be in taken in tablet or liquid form by mouth or as a cream applied directly to the affected area.

What complications can result from Ringworm?

Lack of or inadequate treatment can result in an infection that will not clear up.

Is Ringworm an emerging infection?

Although Ringworm is not tracked by health authorities, infections appear to be increasing steadily, especially among pre-school and school-age children. Early recognition and treatment are needed to slow the spread of infection and to prevent re-infection.

How can Ringworm be prevented?

Ringworm is difficult to prevent. The fungus is very common, and it is contagious even before symptoms appear.

Steps to prevent infection include the following:

Educate the public, especially parents, about the risk of Ringworm from infected persons and pets.
Keep common-use areas clean, especially in schools, day-care centers, gyms, and locker rooms. Disinfect sleeping mats and gym mats after each use.
Do not share clothing, towels, hair brushes, or other personal items.

Infected persons should follow these steps to keep the infection from spreading:

Complete treatment as instructed, even after symptoms disappear.
Do not share towels, hats, clothing, or other personal items with others.
Minimize close contact with others until treated.
Make sure the person or animal that was the source of infection gets treated.

This fact sheet is for information only and is not meant to be used for self-diagnosis or as a substitute for consultation with a health-care provider. If you have any questions about the disease described above or think that you might have a fungus infection, consult a health-care provider.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

You'll be alright with the medication, my son has had it twice, his hair did finally grow back..
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

Thanks champagne wishes for that info. I had ringworm too then at one time because i remeber having a rash that formed a ring like was described on my arm. It went away fine with no problems once my mom took me to the doctors.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

I'm sorry to hear that. Is the baldness only noticeable to you or is it to the point that others can see it if you wear your hair up or down?? Whatever the case, I hope your doctor can help!
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

Aw Jainy, dont be down about it, everything will be cool before your know it. The good news is you caught it before it got really bad. Dont fret, it'll grow back in no time.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

lovelymissyoli said:
I'm sorry to hear that. Is the baldness only noticeable to you or is it to the point that others can see it if you wear your hair up or down?? Whatever the case, I hope your doctor can help!

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Thanks everyone for the advice and kind words /images/graemlins/kiss.gif I didnt even notice it was there until i started playing with my hair but the spot is a nice size. My hair is thick as it grows out so i think that camouflaged it from me. No one can see it unless i lift my hair and seperate it near my scalp. It's gonna be kinda funny once it starts growing in since i'm transitioning and i wont be touching the new hair up. I'm gonna have 3 sections that i know of with zero relaxed ends so i'll already have a pseudo-twa in those areas /images/graemlins/rofl.gif -- jainygirl
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

I'm glad you discovered what it was and you'll be getting treated soon. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Please don't feel embarrassed.
Re: I\'m so embarrased to post this but i\'m that that i have Scalp Ring

Definitely do not feel bad about this happening- it truely can happen to anyone. Thank you for sharing the info though I knew nothing about ring worm and will definitely be taking better precautions especially when it comes to my children.