I'm so confused :O(


New Member
I know that there are the obivious movies, music, books, places and even people, that you should avoid. With that being said how can you really avoid some of the stuff. I'm still fairly new to this but I'm wondering what constitutes the wrong kind of movie? A movie that shows sex or living together while not married? A movie with cursing or any kind of violence? I think alot of the movies I have watched has these things and I'm ready to reject the things that are not of the Lord. But does that mean only watching movies like "Left Behind"? By the way I like the "Left Behind" movies :O) But where do I go from here? What does your movie collection consist of? I know when a movie is flat out wrong, but what about the little things? I don't want to sound dramatic but please help. I want to reevaluate my movie collection to today.

P.S. If there is anything misspelled please excuse....I am typing fast and holding my daughter ;O)
I would think anything that does not mesh well with your spirit. There are certain movies or songs that I just don't "feel right" when I listen to or watch them (if that makes sense).
I completely understand what you're going through. Now that I've become more committed I have been trying to cut out many things from my life because I truly believe that they get in my spirit or cause negative/ungodly thoughts.

Some things are obvious, like certain songs. But I've been wondering where to the draw the line as far as books and movies. Example: I love the Twilight book series, but I know vampires definitely aren't of God. Then again it's just fantasy/fiction. Or, is Sex and the City really appropriate for me to watch, especially as a single woman? Stuff like that.

I think Kita is right, so far if it bothers my spirit, I won't watch. If I get any type of bad feelings or negative reaction (it usually happens right off the bat) then I just shut it down, whether it's a book, movie, or song.

I know I have to be careful what I see and hear...those truly are gateways for the devil to get in and start doing his work. So if that means I can't listen to love songs because they make me long for a man instead of seeking the kingdom first (Matthew 6:33 KJV), then I can't listen to them.

I don't want the devil sneaking in just because I don't pay attention to what I let myself be exposed to. Prayer, prayer, more prayer, and reading the word. That's the only way for me to truly know what's right for me and what's not.
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search for plugged in online. They are a Christian site that reviews movies and music and will tell you about the sex, violence and language concerns and whether they think it is a worthwhile film or not.