I'm Sitting Under the Dryer/Steamer And...


Well-Known Member
Just a fun thread. What are you doing while under the dryer/steamer...

I am under the dryer and addressing my Christmas cards.
I use a soft bonnet dryer, I normally put the bonnet on, turn the dryer to cool, get under my covers and go to sleep :lol:
Now that I have a quieter steamer my options are greater and I often watch youtube video's and surf lhcf while listening to music.
I'm back under the dryer and eating a bowl of soup at 12 am :nono: I finished my christmas cards and on lhcf.
Friday I was under my steamer playing Candy Crush. While under the dryer drying my roller set, I was watching Scandal on my Ipad.
Under the dryer I'm usually on here or reading/responding to emails.

The TV is probably on, but the dryer is too loud to pay any attention to it.
Finished installing my curlformers and back under the dryer, alternating between low-hot and high-hot because the high hot is burning but I want my hAir to dry faster.
faithVA before I had my Pibbs I used a soft bonnet dryer to dry my curlformers. I wasn't thinking and put the sulfur pomade on my scalp. I was burning!!!
I'm watching the all star game, playing farm heros and candy crush, and wishing my hair would hurry up already.