I'm scared....


New Member
Okay, so I'm having major surgery in late September early October and I'm stressing...about my hair falling out!!!

I know I should be thinking about my overall health (this is a surgery to fuse two of my lumbar discs together) but all I can think about is reading a post here not too long ago about a woman who had surgery and her hair thinned considerably!

Does anyone have any info about this? Has anyone experienced hair loss after a surgery?

I know this much: I will be purchasing several silk pillowcases and a new silk scarf, since I won't be able to wash during the four to six week recovery period. And I'm NOT going to relax in September at all (although I will be overdue). So I will be able to stretch for longer than ever before.

Thanks for your responses!

Crazy Lady
Everyone talks about how the meds in the IV bag make your hair grow and makes your skin beautiful. I would just do a very deep protein treatment prior to surgery because of the anastesha(??)

Godspeed healing to you.
I had surgery a few years ago to remove fibroids and during my convelesence (8 weeks) I made sure to have a couple of protein shakes every day. Your body needs extra protein to aid in healing after surgery. I also discontinued my hair and skin supplements while I was on pain medication and just basically took it really easy and followed my Dr's orders. I did not experience major shedding or other hair problems. This might be a good time to get your hair braided (without extentions) so that you don't have to mess with it at least for the first 2 weeks you're recovering. I wish you speedy healing and success with your surgery!
Hey aileenadq :wave: I hope your surgery goes well. I had a jaw surgery when I was a teen and I did loose a lot of thickness in my hair during the first couple weeks of my recovery but don't panic. In my case it had more to do with my stylist using extremely fine tooth combs when detangling and roughly combing my hair and me not knowing any better than to speak up,lol. Additionally, I made the mistake of not getting a touch-up before the surgery and I was not able to have my hair done for several weeks afterwards which resulted in major tangling problems. I think the combination of not getting a touch-up before the surgery, not being able to have my hair done for weeks during my recovery, already being way past due for a touch-up, and some bad detangling practices is what caused the massive shedding, but I don't believe that the surgery itself or the pain medication caused the hair loss. I'd say that even if you don't want to get a touch-up beforehand make sure that you have your hair in some type of style that you do not have to manipulate at all during the weeks in which you will recover.
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