I'm really in my feelings...


I broke up with my bf for so many reasons. I'm really sad because I was hoping that it was finally going to happen for me. I felt like I was finally going to be in a stable relationship. I'm super sad even though I'm playing it off to all my friends. It's not the fact that it's over between us, but the fact that I'm the last one on the single train. What the heck is wrong with me? I just wanted to vent. *sighs*
Kkinds:bighug:I'm sorry to hear about your break up. Break ups are hard and emotionally draining. I'm also going through a break up so I understand your feelings. My advice is to vent to a couple of good friends and lean on family for support. You will need them. It takes time.
There's nothing wrong with you . I think most of us have been where you are, especially If you feel like you're the "last man standing" so to say. Keep your head up and think of this as another lesson... I know any of my "failed" relationships taught me so much more about how to be in my next one. ..same for you :)