I'm ready to relax


Well-Known Member
Ok I've been natural for about a yr and a half. I really wasnt planning on relaxing until I reached my first goal of arm pit length but I went in my moms closet today and found a relaxer kit. I am so tempted to relax right now:perplexed. The thing is I washed my hair on monday. So would it be ok to relax today or should I wait?
I will just think about it properly before making the decision. I will say if you want to relax pls dont use box perm (no-lyes), the lye/no-base is better.
Well I have been on the fence about relaxing my hair for a few months now. That kit in my moms closet just made up my mind for me. Natural hair just isnt for me.

I'm afraid to try lye relaxers. I've been using no lye my whole life. I dont know how my hair would react to lye. Plus my scalp burns easily and from what I've read on the board lye relaxers are quick to burn your scalp.
Lye or no-lye doesn't matter it's about how you take care of the relaxed hair. Both can thrive as it is obvious on the board. You just have to make sure to take extra care of your hair.Check Sistaslicks fotki out and read her articles about relaxing first they are very good. And it's your decision and your hair and you know what you want and this hair board is here to help you.
but your natural hair is so beautiful...have you always been planning to re-relax? I still do rollersets and wraps and all sorts of things now that I'm natural just as I did when I was permed. I'm thinking of albums to recommend you to with your hair type-here's mine in the meantime, but I'll think of some others:

I just looked at ur album and ur hair is beautiful :drool:! Are u sure u want to relax? Would you consider texturizing to keep some of your texture?
I just looked at ur album and ur hair is beautiful :drool:! Are u sure u want to relax? Would you consider texturizing to keep some of your texture?

I agree...your natural hair is just beautiful to me!!!
I wouldn't even want to texturize it!! :nono:

But it's your decison -- and good luck with it! :)
Well I have been on the fence about relaxing my hair for a few months now. That kit in my moms closet just made up my mind for me. Natural hair just isnt for me.

I'm afraid to try lye relaxers. I've been using no lye my whole life. I dont know how my hair would react to lye. Plus my scalp burns easily and from what I've read on the board lye relaxers are quick to burn your scalp.
If you have used no-lye without issues thats fine.
Lye or no-lye doesn't matter it's about how you take care of the relaxed hair. Both can thrive as it is obvious on the board. You just have to make sure to take extra care of your hair.Check Sistaslicks fotki out and read her articles about relaxing first they are very good. And it's your decision and your hair and you know what you want and this hair board is here to help you.
They r definately not equal, not for me anyway,and also its not the and same active chemical compound. I have used both pre-lhcf and no-lye defiantely means drier hair,and a lot of people on this forum will agree. If it works for you, stick with it.
My hair is quite porous and does better with lye,only advising her base on my experience.
If you've been scratching your scalp really hard, you should probably wait another day or two...or just make sure you protect your scalp with oil or some form of grease....good luck
Thanks Mariposa. Sistaslicks pg had the exact info I was looking for. I see you and all the other lovely heads of relaxed hair on here so I have no doubt with the words of wisdom on here I will be ok.

Thank you so much kblc. I chopped all of my hair off in a fit of rage so I didnt start this journey off with the right mindset. I never intended to go natural and just wanted to stay natural long enough to get some length. Btw your texture is gorge. Are you fully natural?Does your hair get completely straight with a rollerset?

Kurlee thanks I wasn't expecting all the love.
I do want to keep some texture because my hair is naturally thin. More than anything I just want to get rid of some of this shrinkage and be able to straighten without using all that direct heat. I am hoping to relax to at the most 85%.

Kookie we have a very very similar texture. We may be hair twins. DO you find that your texture is getting looser the longer it gets?

Lollyoo Thanks for your advice. I've read that no lye dries out hair but I'm still too scared to try lye. Hopefully the deep con that I do once a week will take care of that.
Yep, you should be fine as long as you base your scalp really good first...also, I would let the base (oil, grease, etc) sit on my scalp for a little while (about 30 mins to an hour) before starting
Also, since you are self relaxing, it may be a good idea to mix a little oil in your relaxer...Sistaslick recommends this in her articles too...(and alot of ladies here)...I think it slows down the process or something like that...which is really good for those of us who are not that fast with the application.
Sistaslick recommends about 1/4 cup...so that should be fine or a little less...I used that amount the last time I relaxed but my hair did not get as straight as I like (bone straight) but I'm not sure if that was too much or if I didn't leave it in long enough.
Kookie we have a very very similar texture. We may be hair twins. DO you find that your texture is getting looser the longer it gets?

Sorry. I'm really very late in responding.
I looked at your all natural hair'd pics...and I think we ARE in the same hair family.

To answer the question...I think that the texture does get a little looser the longer it gets. But I still have LOTS of shrinkage at this point. Hopefully with even more length....I can better observe and answer this question better.