I'm ready to big chop BUT...


New Member
Hey Ladies:

It has been close to 18mnths since my last relaxer and I am finally ready to do the big chop. I've been rocking a sew-in for the past 6mnths and chopped all traces of perm from the leave out hair, which is now almost 5inches!!

So, as for the rest of my hair that has been hidden away...I'm sure there's atleast 3-4inches under there.
Should I chop while wet or dry?
Should I do it myself or pay someone?

The person who does my hair wanted to flat iron my hair and then cut it, but I kind of want it cut while wet so it can have some shape for when I wear it in a bush (i hope i can wear it in a bush).

Any thoughts?
I did my own BC but it was just that a chop. If you want a nice shape to it, you might want to use your person- unless u can do that yourself. wet or dry? well since your natural hair will curl up when wet, you might want to have it blown out dry to cut it to get the right shape. I don't think it needs to be flat ironed- just my thoughts.
Hey Ladies:

Any thoughts?

If you straighten first then you'll be getting your hair cut into a style that may or may not remove all your relaxed ends.

If you cut while your hair is wet/damp (loaded with conditioner) you will be able to clearly see where the natural hair ends and the relaxed hair begins.

Personally, I'd cut it myself (which I did) and THEN go somewhere and have it shaped into a style(which I didn't since I wore alot of natural styles).
I just BC'd on Saturday and I cannot imagine having been able to do it myself....for all other hair services I am a DIYer but this was different! IMHO of course :0)

I encourage anyone who is debating.....to just do it! I love my hair
My mom cut mines...twice. Then i finished it up(looking for ANY straight ends).

Both times my hair was wet, loading conditioner on my hair made it even easier to tell the difference between textures.
I totally agree with Legs and Lady. If you wet and con your hair, you would clearly be able to see the difference in the texture and should be able to cut it yourself....you may need help with the nape and back area...then go to the salon and have them to "trim" off the remaining relaxed portion....you'll save money! LOL