I'm playing with my newgrowth again and it's making me sick....


New Member
I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

.....because it's making me comtemplate transitioning...AGAIN /images/graemlins/smirk.gif. I attempted to transition last year but i caved in. I'm guessing that it wasnt the right time for me because if it was i would have just gone through until i was finished with my transition. Anyway, who all is at the beginning of transitioning? I'm just curious. Any other type 4's out there thinking to give it a go that dont have plans to texturize after transitioning? I see some transitioners but the plan for many seems to be to texturize afterwards. Anyone out there just planning to transition and create beautiful works of art on their own natural canvas?? TIA -- jainygirl
Re: I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

I'm a 4, and I'm in the thick of transitioning. /images/graemlins/wave.gif I don't have plans to texturize. My thing is if I'm just tired of chemicals period.
Re: I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

Jainygirl, if you do decide to transit, you should get your hair braided for a while, make sure that the braider is gentle with your scalp. Don't do the big chop, do transit for a long time and trim out the relaxed ends every time you take out your braids, until you have achieved a lot of growth. Take your time. I am a type 4b, I had my hair texturised and I transited for nearly three months, then I went to the barber to cut off my relaxed ends. I continued to put my hair in flat twists, and I rinsed every day. Also I don't know if you use Surge 14 or wild growth oil, also put a little bit of castor oil on your roots, that would help your hair, to be stronger. I hope that helps.
Re: I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

Hey Jainygirl,
I always think about transitioning also around relaxer time. Those waves and coils just feel so good. /images/graemlins/grin.gif I also tried transitioning, but it was before LHCF.

I would definitely transition if my hair was shorter, but not now. Plus, I like to wear my hair long & straight and it would be too much natural hair for me to handle.

I'm not sure, but IMO, some naturals are going back to relaxing/texturizing because their hair has grown very long and/or thick and it may be easier to manage w/ a relaxer/texturizer.

Whatever you decide, we've got your back Jainygirl. /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
Re: I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

I'm almost done with my transition (I really need to update my pics) and I have no intentions of texturizing....I am having too much fun with my hair.
Re: I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

Hey Jainygirl,
I always think about transitioning also around relaxer time. Those waves and coils just feel so good. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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Ditto! I can't tell you how many times I've even went as far as to think about BCing. /images/graemlins/look.gif But then I think about my length goals and how I want to achieve them by yesterday....and then I realize that I don't want to start all over from scratch right now....so then that instantly kills those thoughts.
Re: I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

I grew out 2 months of natural hair and chopped the rest off - no transitioning at all. I've never understood why "transitioning" is necessary anyway.
Re: I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

wow that would take some serious guts for me to cut my hair off like that, Honey Vibe. i think that is why most ladies here transition before they do the big chop, because they want to have a pretty nice length of hair when they go natural.
Re: I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

I went four months and chopped. I planned to go at least a year. I find most people chop earlier than they expected.
Re: I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

I grew out 2 months of natural hair and chopped the rest off - no transitioning at all. I've never understood why "transitioning" is necessary anyway.

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I cant remember her name right now but she is a member over at Nappturality and has an EXCELLENT site regarding this exact thing. Basically whether or not you choose to BC or transition is a personal thing same as the decision to remain relaxed or return to our natural hair. She gives all the pros and cons on both BC and transitioning. I think it's a must read for anyone contemplating switching from relaxed back to natural. If you do a search over at NP i'm sure that a link to the info will come up; for anyone interested in reading it. -- jainygirl
Re: I\'m playing with my newgrowth again and it\'s making me sick....

I'm nearing the end of my transition and have no plans to become reliant upon another type of chemical after being on the relaxer cycle for so long. Plus my hair can achieve curly styles without a texturizer so there's no point for me.

There is a whole different sort of freedom that comes from not having to have chemical services done to your hair every couple of months. It's hard to believe I used to stress over new growth when I was relaxing because it meant there would be shedding.In a few months the whole two-texture drama will be a thing of the past for me.