I'm pissed


New Member
I\'m pissed

for one simple reason - Creme of Nature. I swore that shampoo was God's answer to my tangles. Little did I know it just made my hair worse.

I'm broke and I'm running out of shampoo so I stopped washing every week and only wash my hair every 3, 4 weeks (ewwww!). Last week I use CON and the last conditioner I would use - St. Ive's Aloe Vera. I don't use it because it doesn't detangle but I figured that with CON it wouldn't be that bad. Ummm....yes it was. I couldn't pull a comb through it at all and this was only after the first shampoo! It was horrible. Then while standing in the shower wondering what the hell I was gonna do next, it hit me. CON was the problem all this time. When I used Motion Moisture Plus for the first time after CON, it was tangles (now it's one of my favorites). Using Aussie 3 Minute Miracle after CON, tangles. Any of my favorites after CON, tangles. No matter if I clarified if I followed it with CON, I got tangles. So I chucked the bottle, used Sauve's Clarifier (the only shampoo have left and I hate it) and used the little bit of Aussie I had left. I got slip, not lots of it as some parts weren't covered but I could comb through. All this time I though I had the holy grail but it was the debbil in sheep's clothing

What I'm gonna do the next time I'm washing my hair, I don't know but it sure won't be CON.
Re: I\'m pissed

Sorry that CON is on ur hit list! I know how frustrating tangles can be... (that's why I take leaps & bounds to pre-condition before I even shampoo).

BTW, were u using CON super detangling or regular formula? For some reason the super detangling formula looses it's strength if I use it too often

Best wishes on ur search for another detangling poo.
Re: I\'m pissed


I was told by my stylist to stop using the Creme of Nature & my best friend was told by her stylist that Creme of Nature wasn't a good shampoo either. Both hair stylists cited the same reason: CON leaves a coating(bad kind) on the hair.
Re: I\'m pissed

I stopped using con after I tried washingmy rollers in it and I saw a bunch of white gunk on the rollers and in the water. That white gunk would be in my hair.
Re: I\'m pissed

I used CON twice in my life, and I hated it both times. It makes my hair tangle up very badly to the point that it can barely be combed. I look like a jigga-boo baby after CON use. The bottle definitely found its way in File 13 (the circular waste basket). Truly not for me!!!
Re: I\'m pissed

Peachtree said:
Sorry that CON is on ur hit list! I know how frustrating tangles can be... (that's why I take leaps & bounds to pre-condition before I even shampoo).

BTW, were u using CON super detangling or regular formula? For some reason the super detangling formula looses it's strength if I use it too often

Best wishes on ur search for another detangling poo.

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I was using both formulas. Both were crappola. I'm just mad it took me almost a year to realize this. I already found my two favorite poos: Pantene R&N and Kenra Moisturizing. I just need the cash to buy them LOL
Re: I\'m pissed

Well...I know what you mean about the coating and stuff. I have never experienced tangles using CON tho. I personally wouldn't use CON as my MAIN shampoo. It's in my rotation, but I use others too. You will definitely love the Kenra. It's worth every penny.
If money is a concern then try the Elasta QP Creme conditioning shampoo. I personally never tried it but, it's next on my shampoo hit list. I heard it's like CON, but without the build-up. Motions Lavish is a good one too and not too expensive. HTHs
Re: I\'m pissed

Supergirl said:
I was told by my stylist to stop using the Creme of Nature & my best friend was told by her stylist that Creme of Nature wasn't a good shampoo either. Both hair stylists cited the same reason: CON leaves a coating(bad kind) on the hair.

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Re: I\'m pissed

shinyblackhair said: You will definitely love the Kenra. It's worth every penny. Motions Lavish is a good one too and not too expensive. HTHs

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Absolutely, Kenra is excellent and like sbh said worth every penny. I also use Motions in my rotation.
Re: I\'m pissed

Have you ever tried Optimum Super Protecting shampoo? I love it way better than CON. Detangles without the greasy buildup.
Re: I\'m pissed

Karonica said:
Have you ever tried Optimum Super Protecting shampoo? I love it way better than CON. Detangles without the greasy buildup.

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That's what I use too!!!! I like it much better!!!!! I don't use CON, but my daughter does, and I definately felt mine came out better. But, I think we have different hair types, so, that might have something to do with it too.
Re: I\'m pissed

JFN u can try as others here have said Motions Lavish Shampoo, its a pretty good shampoo for the price
Re: I\'m pissed

Tebby1017 said:
Where can you buy Kenra?


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from Ulta or Tradesecret
Re: I\'m pissed

yeah i used to like CON but it stopped working a few months ago. i gave it to my brother. Now i only use elucence and kenra
Re: I\'m pissed

Does the professional version of CON cause the same buildup as the green and white one. I've heard complaints about it before, but only from the green and white one.
Re: I\'m pissed

Wow, it's so funny how people have different reactions to hair products. I love CON shampoo and have NEVER had build up on my hair after using it. It detangles my hair and leaves it feeling extra soft. I guess we all have to use what works best for us.
Re: I\'m pissed

I loved creme of nature in the green and white bottle, but my stylist said it was leaving too much build up on my head, so i bought the kenra moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, it's not bad. I like doing a deep conditioner on my hair with it.
Re: I\'m pissed

I liked Creme of Nature at first until I started noticing the buildup. I didn't have any problems with tangles though. Now I use Kerecare hydrating and detngling shampoo which is great. I havn't noticed any buildup so far. I get mine from JC Penny's for $5.99.
Re: I\'m pissed

I like CON but I have to switch usage. One week I might wash with CON, but then I wash with Sauve Clarifying the next week. That stuff will build up on your hair.
Re: I\'m pissed

Yes, I too put my Shampoos on rotation! I love the Pantene R&N, the CON, the Kenra Moisturizing, and I really want to try the Elasta QP I've heard so many wonderful things about the the Elucence!
Re: I\'m pissed

Wow, i love CON in the white bottle w/ green and white label. i don't know where i would be w/o it....oh yeah--the loony bin
'cause i was going crazy trying to detangle my hair after washing it every single time. I told my husband i didn't know what i was gonna do and i was too scared to go to the shop to get it washed and set(TOO many bad experiences to mention) Thank goodness my sister's co-worker told me about CON. Now for once in my life i don't dread washing my hair
But like others have mentioned before, different products work differently for each of us. I'm just glad my 4a/b (mostly b) hair has something that makes it feel good
Re: I\'m pissed

I have used CON but only after I wash with another shampoo first. CON does have a coating property because it is a balsam type shampoo/conditioner. It cleanses like a shampoo but with balsam it also conditions. I think all conditioners have a type of coating ingredient in them.
Re: I\'m pissed

I does great in my hair. I do however rotate between CON extra moisturizing and KeraCare hydrating detangling and First Lather shampoo. I haven't had any problems with it. I do clarify every 5-6 weeks.
Re: I\'m pissed

I hattteeee CON it was great the first try and then caused my hair to tangle in HORRIBLE nots. My favorite staple conditioners couldnt work throught it. I did vinegar rinses, everything and NOTHING WORKED. It was like the first wash was great and then after that my hair went down the drain I had so much breakage due to it and it wasnt until I put a post asking for some type of help and someone told me bout the drying effects of Balsam. The worst experience possible never again. I have a few shampoos I like the cellophanes shampoo and natures plus ultra hair conditioning shampoo. STAY AWAY from CON!!!