I'm partying tomorrow night wish me luck.

Mook's hair

New Member
OK, I am taking this natural hair for a party run.
Tomorrow night I'm going to a party in Atlantic City.
Here's the Kicker. It's at a state of the art indoor pool where they keep the temperature a constant 86 degrees; and its a bit humid in there too.

I will be sporting a Braidout which will surely transform into a 4B Fabulishious FRO starting from the moment I enter the room.

I will take photos for ya'll. This should be fun. I hope its not a disaster.
I plan to take some extra hair accessories in my purse (knowing that by the second hour I may have to turn it into a puff).

These are the cornrows that will turn into the braidout.
Click me to see the Pic.

Do ya'll have any other suggestions for me. I want to get the input today so that I can make preparations.
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I don't think you need luck, your hair always looks great.

I do need you to take me with you to the party. LOL

My DH and I are going to stay at that hotel next month.

If you have Sabino MB I would use that to minimize the freak-out effect you're anticipating...but I think you will be fine. Have fun!
When I go out I always stash some good day hair pins, and a scarf headband in case I need to slap the do into a quick bun.

ETA: I'm really mad at my lack of cornrowing skills right now. NO FAIR. Do you have to look in the mirror to make your parts or are you just naturally gifted?
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well whatever you end up using to fight the frizz....please keep us posted. Cuz if your hair can withstand that.....then my hair can withstand a club. and i've been shopping around for a new product to help with frizz for when i go out
When I go out I always stash some good day hair pins, and a scarf headband in case I need to slap the do into a quick bun.

ETA: I'm really mad at my lack of cornrowing skills right now. NO FAIR. Do you have to look in the mirror to make your parts or are you just naturally gifted?

Usually I don't have to look in the mirror at all, unless I'm doing something very fancy. I just do it by feel at this point and I'll look in the mirror if I feel like I've made a jagged part.

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Good luck, I can't wait to see how it turns out! Definitly take a scarf or ouchelss headband, along with a brush. You can just pull it back into a puff and brush the edges a bit if things get out of hand.
Is it tonight? Bring a headband and flower so you can put it in a puff if it turns into something you don't like. But I'm betting it will look really good!

Can't wait for 17th! :)
You'll look cute w/ your braidout fro...Definitely throw some hair accessories in your bag. It's amazing w/ a simple flower clip/funky scarf can do...Have fun!!!
Well, last night was the party. It wasn't humid in there at all. And the temperature was moderate.
My hair was big and pretty. I know you are gonna scream at me but when I pulled out my camera to take photos...No flash card.:wallbash::wallbash: Doh!
But I took some photos today. even though it doesn't look as good because I've been messing with it and I slept on it. Here they are. I got several positive comments. Men like the smell of Mango Butter. I learned that; lots of hair sniffers.


Your hair looked nice. Which mango butter did you use? Elasta QP or pure mango butter? Did you trim your relaxed ends yet? I hardly see any in your new photos on fotki.
C'mon, Mook, you're the hair guru. You don't NEED luck.:rolleyes::lachen: You will look so good that everyone will be pointing and whispering.:wink2:
Mook you are brading queen. Do you have any youtube tutorial? Braiding for dummies or something?

Yes, these are the best 2.

Your hair looked nice. Which mango butter did you use? Elasta QP or pure mango butter? Did you trim your relaxed ends yet? I hardly see any in your new photos on fotki.

I use the Elasta QP kind. But I always twist off the cap in the store to make sure its soft, creamy & fresh before I purchase.:yep:
:takecover:Ladies. I'm natural now. :look:I quietly did my Edward Scissorhands move early this morning.

Transition - From April 17 2007 through April 17 2009.

And I'm done.:dance7:
Haven't posted any pics yet. I will do it next week.
Congratulations on being natural now!!!!!!!!!!

You will be fine at the party, you already have a back up plan of accessories.. don't stress about your hair too much - have fun!!!