I'm One Year Post Relaxer! *pic heavy*


Well-Known Member
Hi LHCF :hiya2:,
I’m one year post relaxer today! :woot: I rarely post and wasn’t going to start a thread, but I decided to because so many of you lovely ladies are kind enough to share your progress and it is only fair that I give back and contribute. Plus, there might be someone like me who has fine, thin density and slow growing hair that needs encouragement. So here is my hair history w/ pics. Enjoy!

In December 2008, I took out a weave and my brother (who never notices anything about my hair) commented on my thin edges and proceeded to rub my bald patch for emphasis! Yeah….that was the beginning of my healthy hair journey. I found LHCF and joined on New Year’s Eve.

January to June 2009 – I started experimenting with new products (became a pj) and protective styles (like weaves, wigs, and bunning) and switched to phytospecific index II relaxer. My hair improved, but was still very dry and breaking at the ends.

Dec 2008 – Feb 2009

Feb 2009

May 2009

June to December 2009 – Over the summer I discovered Joico k-pak and Qhemet moisturizers and that is when I really began to see a difference in my hair. In September, I switched to Hawaiian Silky Regular Lye relaxer, because I thought no-lye relaxers were the culprit for my dry hair. It made a difference, but not enough. My last relaxer was Dec 9th 2009 and after that I decided to transition. I made some length progress in 2009, but with all the breakage and trims that year I lost most of it.

Oct 2009

Dec 2009



January to June 2010 – I taught myself to self-install sew-ins and that was going to be my protective style for transitioning. However weaves made me feel like I was suffocating, because they itched and I didn’t get to play with and access my hair and scalp as much as I wanted to.

March 2010

June 2010

June 2010 to present – I mostly switched between lace fronts (w/ hair in cornrows underneath) and bunning.

Nov 2010

Finally today Dec 9th 2010, I am one year post relaxer. I took some texture shots, wet with no product.





This is how I wore my hair today. I really like the ease of beanies when I’m in a rush.

I have about 3.5 - 4 inches of new growth. I always knew I was a slow grower, but dang! I used castor oil on my scalp and took hair vitamins and biotin for about 6 months this year and this is still all the growth I got. Oh well, I love my little coilies and my hair feels sooooo much healthier, stronger and smoother. For a while during my hair journey, I was focusing on what my hair couldn't do and its limitations. It was really stressing me out and I felt like I wasn't making any progress. I have finally come to a place where I ENJOY my hair, it isn’t where I want it to be length wise, but it has exceeded my expectations health wise. I’m trying new styles and FINALLY after years, I had a successful twist out this week.


On the third day I threw it in an EZ-comb

I’ve mostly figured out my regimen and staples (Joico products, Hair One and ACV rinses). All I need are staple moisturizers and leave-ins. I ordered 10 leave-ins/moisturizers on Black Friday (don’t judge me :look:) and I’m pretty sure one of them will be a staple.

Thanks ladies for all the knowledge and support over the years and for reading my super long post. I look forward to healthy hair in 2011 and probably a big chop towards the end of the year.
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You're making some fantastic progress! :yep:

And don't worry, I won't judge about the leave-ins! Personally, I have a bit of a problem with conditioner myself, so I'm really in no place to judge! :look: :lol:
You're making great progress, don't worry about the slow growth. I noticed you have to be patient for this stuff to kick in and I'm still waiting, so you're not alone:yep:

It's encouraging to see your progress. So thick and healthy!

Your twistout is beautiful. Love the comb.
awesome progress, your hair looks soooo much more healthy.

The best thing is when you get to the point of enjoying your hair and the journey!!!!

all the best for YEAR 2.

how long do you plan to transition for?
Even though you don't see the length you want, I think you have made wonderful progress! Your hair looks very healthy and I LOVE your braidout bun!

Keep up the good work!
Yes! Slow Growers Unite!

Your hair looks GREAT, your progress is GREAT- Congrats on your decision to transition.

I love the way the beanie looks on you.
Congrats!!! You're looking good, and making great progress!! Let us know how those '10' leave-ins work out for ya. :grin:
Great pics! You're doing great. We have similar textures, so I know the moisture battle. So spill, what exactly did you buy on Black Friday?
Thanks for the post, I've been considering committing myself to a one year stretch. Your hair is gaining thickness...looks great. What your regi (how often do u wash/ detangle)?