1 year progress (pic heavy)..........

Your hair looks really good.

I would love to do a 6 month stretch also, but around week 16 my crown is so dry and mattie (even with curl activator/moisturizer) that I'm like running for the relaxer.

It's worth the stretching and the proof is in your results!!!

Keep on stretching,




Most impressive progress I have seen in a long while!!!! I was amazed by your progress in August but this is just.... WOW!
Thanks everyone for all the kudos!! I was so excited with my results, I went out of town this weekend and received nothing but compliments about my hair!

Very nice progress. Your relaxer results look great. Rollerset? Love it
Thanks. I didn't rollerset this time, against her wishes again, LOL. I didn't have the time to spend I was on my way out of town and needed to be in and out.

I love it!
Are you APL?

Thank you. Not quite but I think I'm close.

Your hair looks really good.
I would love to do a 6 month stretch also, but around week 16 my crown is so dry and mattie (even with curl activator/moisturizer) that I'm like running for the relaxer.
It's worth the stretching and the proof is in your results!!!

Keep on stretching,

Thank you. I get very paranoid through out my stretches, I have a few paranoid posts in the support thread from my first stretch. When I felt paranoid I'd go see my stylist and have her check out my hair. She'd wash it, rollerset it and then flat iron the roots. I'd do this about once a month because I had it in my head my hair was breaking at the crown b/c it was the thickest area and seemed to be the driest, but this was never the case. I've never tried using curl activator as a moisturizer (although I've heard it works), I tend to co wash moreoften the further I get into my stretch and I pretty much airdry using the scarf method and bun. When I feel like my crown is extra dry I'll do an oil rinse using Vatika Frosting or Coconut oil (concentrating on this area), before cowashing with AM and detangling my hair in the shower, I also apply my DC like a relaxer to ensure its penatrating, afterwards I spray a mix of 100%avj, glycerin, AM, jojoba oil and water on my roots, and apply PM The Conditioner before tying down my hair with my scarf to airdry. I detangle every cowash, to some that may seem too often, but I have to comb my hair every couple of days or my NG will matte. IMO you have to find a detangling regimine that will work for you when you are facing an issue with matting.
Hi Ladies-

I've been a "member" for a year, but I lurked long before I officially joined. Below are pics of my hair from around the time I decided to join:

Dec 2008

Feb 2009

Feb 2009

I decided in Feb to try and stretch my relaxer for 16 weeks, I'd last relaxed on Dec 12, 2008. Once I hit my 16 week goal, I continued setting different goals until I finally decided on 9 months. I think it would have been something like 39 weeks. Well I made it 33 weeks and here are those results:

Aug 2009
Right after the relaxer blowdried:

Aug 2009

I decided I'd start relaxing every 6 months, which would put my next relaxer in Feb. Well I didn't make it to Feb, but I did make to around 17-18 weeks. I'm still pretty proud of myself, considering I was relaxing every 10-12 weeks (by my choice not my stylists). So when I get to the shop today my stylist tries to talk me out of the relaxer (I love her), but she lost. I was determined to get the relaxer. I did set a new goal for April/May. However, she made a valid point that by then the weather will be warm, I'll be doing more twist outs, wash n go's, and co washing. So i probably should go for November, while I agreed with her point, I did not agree with her time frame. My next relaxer will be in Aug/Sept.

Anyway, Here are the results of my relaxer today:

Dec 2009

Dec 2009

Oh my goodness your progress is incredible. I always strech my relaxers as they say but never make any progress, but to be honest this is my first week actually learning how to take care of my hair. Im new to the forum. Hopefully next year i can have the progress you have. Congrats!!!!!