I'm not black, but I have impossible hair. Losing hope. Please help!

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OMG I think I see where you're all coming from. I didn't mean that my hair is impossible "like everyone else's" because of a racial thing! I actually ran out of space in my title and had to condense it. My original intent was this:

- I'm not a woman of color but I hope it's alright that I'm seeking advice here.
- My hair is impossible to handle and I need help!

Yeah, now I see what you mean. I definitely worded that wrong, and again, I'm really sorry.

Don't worry, after actually reading your post it was clear that you didn't mean it that way. :yep:
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Dang, this sure is a looooooooong thread.

You ladies must be feeling awfully generous with the hair advice.

How sweet.
Definitely. And I really didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm used to being the "white girl" in a very ethnically diverse family. The man I'm marrying is Indian and Colombian. My family is from Sicily, which in itself is a very diverse place. I was always "the white girl" in my school, family, and social circle. This site was actually recommended to me by someone (she doesn't use the site, but she came across it in a search). I'm under no circumstances the kind of person who has problems with anyone... I am grateful for all the help I've gotten here so far, and I'm really sorry if anyone took the title of the post in an offensive way. I don't know why I felt the need to introduce myself in that way, but I didn't mean it in a negative way. I'm just used to having my skin color drawn to my attention constantly in my social circle, so I felt like perhaps it must be something "important". I do consider myself biracial due to my ethnic background, but regardless, we are all women who are here on this forum for the same reasons, and regardless of what we look like, we're all here to help and to give help to others who need it.

I promise to think more about the wording of my next topic! In the meantime, thank you all for being so considerate and accepting. The advice I've received has been overwhelming... I'm already turning into a product junkie!


I'll post updates (under a new title!) within a week or so. Thank you again!

Don't worry about it. I am just suprised you have received SO MUCH help instead of this thread turning into how you shouldn't have said xyz. It has pretty much stayed on topic unlike other threads. You should be proud:lachen:

You have been provided a plethora of advice, so now tell us, what's your next step?
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Don't worry about it. I am just suprised you have received SO MUCH help instead of this thread turning into how you shouldn't have said xyz. It has pretty much stayed on topic unlike other threads. You should be proud:lachen:

You have been provided a plethora of advice, so now tell us, what's your next step?

Through all the responses I received, I learned how much I was doing WRONG. I pretty much have been doing everything wrong and nothing right, and it's my own fault my hair is problematic. My hair usually feels like straw, so I was soaking it to death in oils and moisturizing conditioners, and then posting, "Help, my hair is oily!"

I am going to clarify to remove product build up, and then start with a clean slate. Hopefully I'll find a regimen that works for me, and I will, of course, post lots of updates.

:) Thank you so much for your reply.

Me thinks this is what some refer to as "shucking and jiving." :weird:


Doubtfully :nono: I think the ladies have useful information to give this poster. Also, her question is not the same-o-same-o ... some questions from newbies are so redundant and answering them is boring. I'm sure that the challenge of a different situation woke the board up a bit. :rolleyes:
Doubtfully :nono: I think the ladies have useful information to give this poster. Also, her question is not the same-o-same-o ... some questions from newbies are so redundant and answering them is boring. I'm sure that the challenge of a different situation woke the board up a bit. :rolleyes:

Wow :nono:
Doubtfully :nono: I think the ladies have useful information to give this poster. Also, her question is not the same-o-same-o ... some questions from newbies are so redundant and answering them is boring. I'm sure that the challenge of a different situation woke the board up a bit. :rolleyes:


Perhaps the RED, will indicate how much this topic is the same as other newbies.


This is my first time posting here. My name is Keri and I'm Sicilian, so I'm not exactly a woman of color. However, I've been blessed with an interesting blend of ethnic hair, thanks to my mixed background.
Translation: I don't know my hair type. My grandmother was injun.

I'll start by saying that my hair has NEVER been longer than BSL. This is after growing it for 5-6 years. I used to dye it, so I knew by my roots how much my hair had grown. I could easily go 3 months without having to touch up the roots.

Translation: My hair is damaged because of the chemical colo(u)r

I recently stopped dying my hair, and I've been taking 5000mcg biotin a day, along with a variety of other supplements.

Translation: I'm using (insert current drug/hair growth aid on rotation)

My hair is extremely dry AND extremely greasy. It literally sticks together. If I straighten it, I can get a brush through it... otherwise I'll have no such luck. If it's straight and I brush it, and then try to put my fingers through it... impossible. It immediately tangles up. I can't even comb it into a neat ponytail. My hair is impossible to work with.

Translation: I have the same problems that so many other people have complained about on the board previous to my topic. Dry hair, greasy roots, split ends, coarse shaft.. etc.. etc

I'm looking for some advice! I recently got my first professional haircut in almost 8 years, and the woman had to stop in the middle because she couldn't comb my hair. She apologized but said she couldn't continue. I have NEVER permed, relaxed, or used any chemicals in my hair. I always used organic hair dyes, but I've given that up too. I flat iron about twice a month.

Translation: I thought I was doing everything right... Please help

Attached are pictures of my hair on a good day... it looks soft and silky, but it's not. It's a nightmare to the touch. So thin I can practically see through it. Please help! Even HAIRSTYLISTS won't help!
Translation: Here are some pictures of my hair

I'm looking for ANY advice. I'm posting here because I simply don't have white hair, even though I look white. My friend is half black and half Asian and she's the only other person I know with hair like this... she relaxes hers though. I'm staying away from chemicals.


Translation: I've been lurking, and the search function isn't working, any help will be appreciated.
I would really... really love it if every noobie post received as much help as this one did.

also... i would really love it if noobies with questions specifically laid out their issues, and had specific questions to ask, like this one did. :yep:

i've seen countless noobie posts that go "i have no idea what to do with my hair, here's a pic (insert blurry picture of the back of their head, relaxed bone straight), please tell me my hair type, and how i need to take care of it!!!"

and then after a week with only 3 or 5 replies, they get upset, and demand for more answers.


BUT.... PLEASE let us not forget that we were ALL newbies at one point in time!!!!!!!! just because you found your way doesn't mean you're above helping someone else find theirs. :)

: walks out of thread, singing Bob Marley's "One Love" :
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Doubtfully :nono: I think the ladies have useful information to give this poster. Also, her question is not the same-o-same-o ... some questions from newbies are so redundant and answering them is boring. I'm sure that the challenge of a different situation woke the board up a bit. :rolleyes:

Yeah :popcorn: that must be it.

Welcome OP! Please visit Off Topic if you get a chance :wave:
I think you need a cleating shampoo then . try the products you are using. your hair is pretty to me. and WELCOME:welcome::welcome:
I would really... really love it if every noobie post received as much help as this one did.

also... i would really love it if noobies with questions specifically laid out their issues, and had specific questions to ask, like this one did. :yep:

i've seen countless noobie posts that go "i have no idea what to do with my hair, here's a pic (insert blurry picture of the back of their head, relaxed bone straight), please tell me my hair type, and how i need to take care of it!!!"

and then after a week with only 3 or 5 replies, they get upset, and demand for more answers.


BUT.... PLEASE let us not forget that we were ALL newbies at one point in time!!!!!!!! just because you found your way doesn't mean you're above helping someone else find theirs. :)

: walks out of thread, singing Bob Marley's "One Love" :

like this one http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=287303
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Hi Keri & Welcome to LHCF! The mayo & infusium were the devil to my hair. They made my hair so hard to detangle even though the ingredients in them may be harmless to some hair types. My hair doesn't like a lot of proteins or silicones so I try to avoid products with these ingredients. Also, since your hair is long and appears to be a little thick, you might want to try detangling your hair in sections instead of all at once.
Sorry, OP. Nothing against you but your hair doesn't look "ethnic", it just looks dry. Please do not mix the two.

Some of y'all "Auntie Toms" really showing y'all biases. :lachen:

A newbie with a 4b can't even get a glance, yet y'all giving the in's and out's to a nw person because she is white. WOW.
A newbie with a 4b can't even get a glance, yet y'all giving the in's and out's to a nw person because she is white. WOW.
Whew I thought it was just me. This ish brought me out of lurkdom.
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