I'm not black, but I have impossible hair. Losing hope. Please help!

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Wow, that's an awesome brush! I'll have to try it.

I used to shampoo once or twice a week, and now every other day, on average. I'd love to shampoo less, though, but I don't know how to get rid of the greasiness.

I understand the greasiness. My best friend is white and has to wash daily or her hair will look like an oil slick. I think you need to figure out the right balance for you hair to combat both the dryness and the oiliness..which in a way sounds like madness.
- Infusium 23 leave-in conditioner might be too strong for your hair type. For some people, it can be very drying as well. I would be careful with how regularly I use it.

Hey, thanks for the advice! Do you have any products you could recommend? Here is my routine:

- Herbal Essences moisturizing shampoo
- Herbal Essences moisturizing conditioner
- Biosilk serum in damp hair (ends only)
- let hair dry naturally, and brush only when dry
- if hair is sticky/greasy or if I am unable to brush, I wear it in a messy bun.
- if i AM able to brush it, I leave it down, or on a rare occasion, flat iron with Remington Wet 2 Straight flat iron.

Once weekly:

- Hair Mayonnaise deep conditioner
- Infusium 23 leave-in conditioner

Would you be able to recommend any products? Thank you all so much!
welcome! :wave: Like the other ladies said, get a good moisturizing conditioner, clarify often, and use protein as needed. Also when it comes to hair products cheaper isn't always best.
1. Clarify
2. Deep condition with Silicon Mix
3. Find a good leave-in moisture
4. Clip your ends and keep them moisturized
5. Protein treatments every other week for strengthening
6. Try and avoid too much blow-drying, flat-ironing, and most heat appliances

Good luck and welcome! :welcome:
Hi! I think you could definitely benefit from this site. You don't have to be black or a woman of color to have hair that's dry and needs moisture. You'd benefit from weekly deep conditioning treatments and using leave-in conditioners. I think a misconception a lot of women have is that there's hair care for people of color, and then there's hair care for caucasions. Healthy hair thrives on the same basic things, which is having the right balance of moisture/protein, low manipulation, and good diet and nutrition. Another good way to retain moisture in your hair is to sleep with a silk or satin scarf on your hair at night or have a silk or satin pillow case. Cotton pillowcases absorb the moisture from your hair, leaving it dry.
This is a picture of the conditioner I use for my weekly deep conditioning treatments. I like Aubrey Organics products a lot because they are chemical free and even though I have relaxed hair I try to keep everything else about my routine as natural as possible. I buy this conditioner from Whole Foods Supermarket:

This is a picture of the conditioner I use for my weekly deep conditioning treatments. I like Aubrey Organics products a lot because they are chemical free and even though I have relaxed hair I try to keep everything else about my routine as natural as possible. I buy this conditioner from Whole Foods Supermarket:


I think the AO might be a little too heavy for her hair, heck it weighs mine down.

Oh and welcome Keri!!! :)
I think the AO might be a little too heavy for her hair, heck it weighs mine down.

Oh and welcome Keri!!! :)

:blush: Oh yeah, I forgot that she had oily hair. Giovanni Direct makes a lighter DC treatment that works well. My hair sucks up moisture so I like heavier products. I believe it is called Giovanni hair reconstructor. Here's a picture of it:


It seems like your scalp produces enough oil, but your hair is dry. You may want to concentrate on deep conditioning your hair only and not your scalp. This will prevent your scalp from being greasy. And if you decide to co-wash, you could co-wash your actual hair and shampoo your scalp with a gentle shampoo. Hope I helped a little :).
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Greetings fellow queens girl!

I have a friend with hair like yours and suggested that she co-wash with her hair in braids (and washed this way as well, but with a diluted shampoo), when the hair is overloaded with conditioner still in the braids, begin to detangle with a really wide-tooth comb from the bottom up and let the force of the water in the shower help detangle. then braid that section back up and clip it out of the way and move on to the next section. This should help tremendously with the tangles in the after stages.

hope this helps ...oh yeah and WELCOME! The women around here are wonderful and very knowledgeable about hair care.
Greetings fellow queens girl!

I have a friend with hair like yours and suggested that she co-wash with her hair in braids (and washed this way as well, but with a diluted shampoo), when the hair is overloaded with conditioner still in the braids, begin to detangle with a really wide-tooth comb from the bottom up and let the force of the water in the shower help detangle. then braid that section back up and clip it out of the way and move on to the next section. This should help tremendously with the tangles in the after stages.

hope this helps ...oh yeah and WELCOME! The women around here are wonderful and very knowledgeable about hair care.

Great idea! I usually braid it before bed to avoid tangles, but never thought of washing or cowashing while in braids.
Welcome, welcome!:drunk:
This site has been very helpful to me and so many others... I know you'll find what you're looking for.

Also: Infusium is the enemy... also, the protein so often will be too much harsh treatment on your hair and it'll dry it out.

I absolutely LOVE Organic Root Stimulator products, and I think the Replenishing Pak of Conditioner will be good for you. It made my dull dry hair soft and shiny and detangled everything for me... I didn't even have to make an effort when I used it.
Great idea! I usually braid it before bed to avoid tangles, but never thought of washing or cowashing while in braids.

youre very welcome. Big braids, like four big braids is really all you need; five if you have extra thickness at the crown. I do mine this way and the whole process usually takes no more than an extra five minutes in the shower. if you run into a tangle/knotty area, add more condish to that spot and work the tangle out. its all about the "slip" the condish provides.
Welcome!!! I was having a similar problem to yours.. my hair was so tangly and I was using infusium.. once I cut it out, my hair has never been better!!
welcome to the board livesoundtech!!!

I suggest that you toss the infusium, mayo and biosilk, too much protein will make your hair feel dryer. I say get some elucence moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, or some kenra moisturizing conditioner. When you condition, use heat for about 20 minutes.

I agree with Elucence. The moisturizing conditioner is fabulous. I was introduced to this line years ago on this board and I'm still a loyal fan.

I also use Salerm 21 as a leave in. Its super moisturizing too and adds tons of shine.
Welcome to the forum. Have you tried cowashing with the vo5 clarifying conditioners. They are really great, but feel like nothing in your hair.
I have an oily scalp and dry hair and what's worked for me is using castille soap on my scalp from time to time and cowashing. I've been using Cibu Origumi for styling purposes because it's been pretty moisturizing. Coconut oil at night and rinsing with water only is what I do when I'm taking a break from styling products.

Good luck on your journey.
Hi! :grin:Try eliminating drying sulfate containing shampoos if you have not already, Trader Joes has a Nourish Spa sulfate free shampoo and conditioner line. Maybe clarify and stay away from the 'cones conditioner wise for awhile. I would maybe just go organic for awhile with hair products to let your hair breathe. Nothing heavy to clog your hair and scalp. There are great threads here on organic products . Just like facial skin will sometimes over produce oil when it is dehydrated the scalp may also. You may have to get regular trims or cuts until the damaged uneven hair grows out. HTH!
Hi! :grin:Try eliminating drying sulfate containing shampoos if you have not already, Trader Joes has a Nourish Spa sulfate free shampoo and conditioner line. Maybe clarify and stay away from the 'cones conditioner wise for awhile. I would maybe just go organic for awhile with hair products to let your hair breathe. Nothing heavy to clog your hair and scalp. There are great threads here on organic products . Just like facial skin will sometimes over produce oil when it is dehydrated the scalp may also. You may have to get regular trims or cuts until the damaged uneven hair grows out. HTH!

I love this shampoo!!! I have finally found a replacement for CON- it does the job with out stripping the hair.
I love this shampoo!!! I have finally found a replacement for CON- it does the job with out stripping the hair.

Thank you, and thanks for the welcome! Everyone here is so helpful and nice... I didn't expect so many replies, but I've already gotten some great ideas and can't wait to get started. For the first time, I actually feel optimistic about this whole hair situation!

Thanks again!
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Hi and Welcome Keri

Toss the Infusium, the mayo and the biosilk.

Clarify like the other ladies already mentioned to remove any buildup and get your hair to a clean slate to start the rebalancing process.

You need more moisture products. Things like Redken All soft, kenra moisturizing conditioner, joico moisture recovery, mop moisturizing conditioner etc....

You can also try co-washing with just conditioner instead of shampooing. Many of us here don't shampoo nearly as often as we used too and as a result, our hair has more moisture and is more managable but still clean.

Giovanni makes great products too. Many ladies including myself like the Giovanni smooth as silk line. It gives weightless moisture but still helps detangle the hair and control it.

What She Said!!!

NO infusium 23/mayonaise /biosilk....

That is too much protien, and will make your hair hard....

Cowashing is great. However when you feel you must shampoo, dilute it. It works great! Drink lots of water, and yeah, add honey to your regimen. Put it into your dc and even your conditioner for cowashing...

You will notice a lot of difference once you grow all of the color out of your hair...it may take awhile to see results but have patience!

Welcome :)
Welcome to LHCF!:yep:


This is my first time posting here. My name is Keri and I'm Sicilian, so I'm not exactly a woman of color. However, I've been blessed with an interesting blend of ethnic hair, thanks to my mixed background.

I'll start by saying that my hair has NEVER been longer than BSL. This is after growing it for 5-6 years. I used to dye it, so I knew by my roots how much my hair had grown. I could easily go 3 months without having to touch up the roots.

I recently stopped dying my hair, and I've been taking 5000mcg biotin a day, along with a variety of other supplements.

My hair is extremely dry AND extremely greasy. It literally sticks together. If I straighten it, I can get a brush through it... otherwise I'll have no such luck. If it's straight and I brush it, and then try to put my fingers through it... impossible. It immediately tangles up. I can't even comb it into a neat ponytail. My hair is impossible to work with.


I'm looking for some advice! I recently got my first professional haircut in almost 8 years, and the woman had to stop in the middle because she couldn't comb my hair. She apologized but said she couldn't continue. I have NEVER permed, relaxed, or used any chemicals in my hair. I always used organic hair dyes, but I've given that up too. I flat iron about twice a month.

Attached are pictures of my hair on a good day... it looks soft and silky, but it's not. It's a nightmare to the touch. So thin I can practically see through it. Please help! Even HAIRSTYLISTS won't help!



What is my hair type? What can I do? I'm desperate and at this point, I'm willing to spend money if I have to. The biotin has caused a lot of NG but I'm not sure how healthy the NG is.

Finally, this is what my hair looked like after I attempted to comb it one day. I tried to use curlers for my boyfriend's prom last year, but ended up with a sticky mess... literally sticky.


I'm looking for ANY advice. I'm posting here because I simply don't have white hair, even though I look white. My friend is half black and half Asian and she's the only other person I know with hair like this... she relaxes hers though. I'm staying away from chemicals.

welcome!!! :wave:

and also... you mentioned that you brush your hair while it's dry. what kind of brush is it? sometimes, brushing can do a lot more harm than good, and cause your hair to break off, giving you uneven ends.

my mother swears by brushing her hair with a plastic bristle brush 100+ times every night-- and not a single strand of her hair is the same length. she's got a ton of short, broken off pieces.

also, it seems as if you prefer to wear your hair straight. have you considered setting your hair on rollers? your hair type appears to be within the 2 ranges, so you shouldn't have any sort of trouble getting your roots to lay flat.

here's a picture of how you could set your hair:

or maybe you can try blow-drying your hair in sections, while it's damp (using a comb attachment).

other than that, the folk here have given pretty good advice. try clarifying your hair, steering clear of sulfated shampoos for a while, and deep conditioning with a non-protein conditioner more often. hope that helps :)
Wow, that's an awesome brush! I'll have to try it.

I used to shampoo once or twice a week, and now every other day, on average. I'd love to shampoo less, though, but I don't know how to get rid of the greasiness.

You might benefit from WEN. There are some threads on this here and it might just work for you while you are getting your hair to the condition you desire.

WEN cleanses your hair and conditions at the same time. Apparently, it has really great properties in it and should work for you.

I hope that helps. I know you have gotten some great tips here!

Queens is not far from me...I'm in Suffolk County!

I'll pm you!

Just wanted to say Welcome :wave: You're in excellent hands here!!

Don't let these ladies turn you into a product junkie :look: Its like a drug...
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