"I'm not a stalker, I'm a surprise follower".....A Cautionary Tale!


Well-Known Member
SURPRISE!!! Cuz crazy comes in all kinds of packages for real! :nono:

The Associated Press

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — A doctor involved in an "on-again, off-again" relationship apparently tried to force her way into her boyfriend's home by sliding down the chimney, police said Tuesday. Her decomposing body was found there three days later.

FILE - In this 2007 photo, shows Dr. Jacquelyn Kotarac. who involved in an "on-again, off-again" relationship, apparently tried to force her way into her boyfriend's home by sliding down the chimney, police said Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2010. Her decomposing body was found there three days later. (AP photo/The Bakersfield Californian, Felix Adamo) MANDATORY CREDIT, MAGS OUT, NO SALES


Seen through a fence, emergency personnel break down a chimney at a residence in Bakersfield, Calif. to recover the body of a woman that had died inside the chimney on Aug. 30, 2010. A doctor involved in an "on-again, off-again" relationship apparently tried to force her way into her boyfriend's home by sliding down the chimney, police said Tuesday. Her decomposing body was found there three days later. Dr. Jacquelyn Kotarac, 49, first tried to get into the house with a shovel, then climbed a ladder to the roof last Wednesday night, removed the chimney cap and slid feet first down the flue, Bakersfield police Sgt. Mary DeGeare said. (AP photo/The Bakersfield Californian, Henry A. Barrios)


The house in Bakersfield, Calif., where emergency personnel discovered the body of a woman that had died inside the chimney on Aug. 30, 2010. A doctor involved in an "on-again, off-again" relationship apparently tried to force her way into her boyfriend's home by sliding down the chimney, police said Tuesday. Her decomposing body was found there three days later. Dr. Jacquelyn Kotarac, 49, first tried to get into the house with a shovel, then climbed a ladder to the roof last Wednesday night, removed the chimney cap and slid feet first down the flue, Bakersfield police Sgt. Mary DeGeare said. (AP photo/The Bakersfield Californian, Henry A. Barrios)

Dr. Jacquelyn Kotarac, 49, first tried to get into the house with a shovel, then climbed a ladder to the roof last Wednesday night, removed the chimney cap and slid feet first down the flue, Bakersfield police Sgt. Mary DeGeare said.

While she was trying to break in, the man she was pursuing escaped unnoticed from another exit "to avoid a confrontation," authorities said.

DeGeare said the two were in an "on-again, off-again" relationship.

The man's identity was not revealed by police, but the man who resides in the home is William Moodie, 58.

"She made an unbelievable error in judgment and nobody understands why, and unfortunately she's passed away," Moodie told The Associated Press. "She had her issues — she had her demons — but I never lost my respect for her."

Reached by telephone, Moodie did not dispute the police's characterization of his relationship with Kotarac. He would not comment on the circumstances that led to her death, saying it was more important to focus on the good she did in life.

Moodie, who runs an engineering consulting firm, said Kotarac was a superb internist who often provided service and medication free of charge to her patients.

Kotarac apparently died in the chimney, but her body was not discovered until a house-sitter noticed a stench and fluids coming from the fireplace Saturday, according to a police statement. The house-sitter and her son investigated with a flashlight and found Kotarac dead, wedged about two feet above the top of the interior fireplace opening.

Firefighters spent five hours late Saturday dismantling the chimney and flue from outside the home to extract Kotarac's body, DeGeare said.

Officials said Kotarac's office staff reported her missing two days prior when she failed to show for work. Her car and belongings remained near the man's house.

A cause of death has not been determined, and an autopsy was scheduled for Tuesday. Foul play is not suspected, though investigators have been looking into the incident as suspicious.
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While she was trying to break in, the man she was pursuing escaped unnoticed from another exit "to avoid a confrontation," authorities said.

That's the suspect part of the story. Why didn't the man call the police and say that someone was breaking into his home if he heard her coming in?
i'm sorry but :rofl: she took crazy to a whole nother level. its weird that she died though; especially in just 3 days. maybe since she was stuck she couldn't take breaths. ♥
Let this serve as a cautionary tale of what happens when good ol' fashion stalking becomes too innovative and goes terribly awry :lachen:
The title seems familiar.. I just can't put my finger on it. :look:

She probs thought 'Santa does this, so can I' :lachen:

I have nothing else to say. I don't want to call a dead woman dumb. I think she's suffered enough.
^^^ The title was taken from a thread that had priceless gems like that one from our own stalker in the relationship forum.
:look: guys, uhm, she DIED and y'all calling her dumb and names? :look: ok...

anyways, chocolate!!!! :grin: you came back!!!!

you're too funny :rolleyes:
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The reality of the situation is that she died doing something that she loved in a way she's more fortunate than most. At least this way he'll never forget her and neither will we. Dying does not give one blanket immunity and absolve you of all the bad choices that you made in life i.e. auditioning for the role of Santa Clause when there was not an opening for the part.
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The reality of the situation is that she died doing something that she loved in a way she's more fortunate than most. At least this way he'll never forget her and neither will we. Dying does give one blanket immunity and absolve you of all the bad choices that you made in life i.e. auditioning for the role of Santa Clause when there was not an opening for the part.

No, the reality of the situation is

She's something that rhymes with thumb.
:look: guys, uhm, she DIED and y'all calling her dumb and names? :look: ok...

anyways, chocolate!!!! :grin: you came back!!!!

you're too funny :rolleyes:

Unless he asked her to climb down the chimney to rendevouz with him, she was dumb. No matter that she died or not. If a person robs a bank and gets shot and killed in the process because they are using a cap gun, they're still dumb.
^^^ If its of any consolation.....

"Live by the sword, die by the sword" is a metaphorical expression that comes to mind. It means that living one's life in a certain way will, in the end, affect one's destiny.
While she was trying to break in, the man she was pursuing escaped unnoticed from another exit "to avoid a confrontation," authorities said.

That's the suspect part of the story. Why didn't the man call the police and say that someone was breaking into his home if he heard her coming in?

Cause he'd be calling them all day. He's probably used to that drama and loved it.

I swear that women and men look at certain acts of "love" in different ways through different eyes. Men love it, whereas women will seek a restraining order.
She probably died happy knowing that she did everything in her power to capture his attention. I get the distinct feeling that he might of heard her in there and decided to ignore her in a last ditch effort to teach her a valuable lesson. The man she was stalking was the real victim. I bet he's utterly relieved that he's no longer the object of her affection and his next dwelling place won't have a chimney. Instead of feeling pity for her one needs to wonder what she intended to do to him once she came down the chimney. I highly doubt that there were any goodies in her sack, while her story is sad the alternative could have been just as tragic in that we could be reading about how a man's on again off again girlfriend came down the chimney and killed him.
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While she was trying to break in, the man she was pursuing escaped unnoticed from another exit "to avoid a confrontation," authorities said.

That's the suspect part of the story. Why didn't the man call the police and say that someone was breaking into his home if he heard her coming in?

Cause he know how she go. She would have turned that whole thing around, and had him arrested in his own home. Stalkers are crazy people, and sadly, he knew that they would have believed her up to the point and taken him down to the station for 'questioning'.
While she was trying to break in, the man she was pursuing escaped unnoticed from another exit "to avoid a confrontation," authorities said.

That's the suspect part of the story. Why didn't the man call the police and say that someone was breaking into his home if he heard her coming in?

Maybe he thought the cops would think he was lying/crazy/pranking.....

"Yes officer, I'd like to report a crime in progress...."

"Go ahead state your issue"

"There's a crazy white woman coming down my Chimney......"

I mean why would a smart educated lady like this doctor climb down a chimney? First of all, there are lots of poisonous particles in a chimney. Second, she knew full well that she could get stuck in there.

I would label this suicide. She wanted to die. Or at least death was a calculated risk.
I mean why would a smart educated lady like this doctor climb down a chimney? First of all, there are lots of poisonous particles in a chimney. Second, she knew full well that she could get stuck in there.

I would label this suicide. She wanted to die. Or at least death was a calculated risk.

For the same reason a "smart educated lady" drove hundreds of miles in a "diaper" to violently confront
the new girlfriend of a man who no longer wanted her. :crazy:
I think it's a shame that she threw her life away for this man. I don't care how wonderful she felt he was, he wasn't. Period. Dot. The article said that she would give free medical services to those in need. So much goodness to be wasted in such drama. And really, a chimney??
you call her dumb?!?!:lachen: :lachen:

Cherrypie - Seriously you can be my mum. You must be like 20 years older than me. Stop surprise following me, and commenting on my ish.


FYI - Not everything somebody types is that truth. You seem to have trouble grasping that concept. This is the internet... chill. If you can't chill Go sew a sock woman!
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