I'm new, and I have stupid questions to ask.


New Member
Hey everybody, I'm a loonnnggg time lurker first time paid member and I'd like to say thank you for teaching me how to take care of my hair and I would love to tell you I am now APL but that's a damn lie, so. I know how to take care of my hair but I get soooo lazy when my hair is in protective styles so it doesn't get too moisturized under there. Today I created a spritz with aloe vera gel, spring water, essential oils and jojoba. :D I promise I'll do better!

On to the questions:
1. What is an SSK? Because at the ends of my hair I have like balled up hair almost, I'm not sure if this makes sense but when you tug on your hair a bit perhaps, they're there? I don't know if I have these or not.
2. My hair actually works well with cones...and they're kind of hard to avoid. Is that still okay?
3. My hair loved Dove for a while then I turned it around, and it's got parabens in it. Toss it?
4. How long did it take you to get to APL after you decided to go natural?
5. What's the stupidest hair question you've asked?
6. What's the stupidest hair question you've ever HEARD?

Thank you all :3
One thing I've learned is to not ignore what works for your hair. Your hair knows what it likes better than any unofficial "hair rule". The proof is in the pudding. If you notice that your hair thrives on a product... Use it.

For example... I noticed that my hair loves $1.99 suave naturals conditioner for co-washes a lot more than all of the more expensive brands that I've tried. So... now it is one of my staple products.

Everyone's hair is different & it's hard to find staple products... So if it works, don't "fix" it.

Sent from my iPhone. It does EVERYTHING :grin:... except make calls :ohwell:
Hope this helps:

1) SSK - Single strand knot - this happens when a portion of the hair folds/twists around itself into a knot.

2) & 3) Use the products that work for you. Most people choose to stop using cones/parabens based on their personal health goals & convictions.

4) I am close to APL now. I have been working on my hair for the past year (getting it to grow) altho I have been natural for about 6-7 years. Keep in mind that each person's growth rate is different, so anyone that answers will be talking about their own rate. You may not have the same experience.

5) & 6) Not really sure. I don't think any serious question is really considered "stupid". I hear people ask questions based on ignorant assumptions...but those can be cleared up easily, IMHO.
First off I want to say :welcome3: :welcome2: :newbie: :grouphug:

and like everyone else has said no question is stupid you just don't know these things until you ask lol

I started from 1/4" from a mishap and that was almost 3 years ago and I am apl but before now I didn't put myself under any kind of time limit nor use any special products just what made me happy with my curls. I am just now protecting my ends because I want to see if I can get to bra strap by 3 yr anniversary. I just found out the wonders of castor oil. so you will have to find out what works for you and it is not a lot of work you can keep it really simple. I don't wear weaves so I don't know how that works with the keeping up with your hair under there. but a lot of ladies do so hopefully they will jump in here soon and answer your questions.
Thanks for all the welcoming and encouraging words guys! (It's still me, I got a user name change) I guess it's just the common idea that I should work with what works for me, so Dove is staying my one true love but I'll be waiting until they get an all natural formula. Not as in love with the shampoo as I am with the conditioner so, I'm okay with it. I clarify every month because of the cones anyhow. Thanks again guys!

I guess you guys are different I've heard really stupid questions but I suppose they can be labeled as ignorant, not particularly stupid. I hope someone rolls in here with a story soon :D