I'm New and EXCITED to be here!


New Member
I finally joined and I am super excited to be a part of this great community! :grin: :yay: I have been lurking for around 3 months now and decided to take the plunge and join so I can be able to interact with all of you great ladies. Soon I will post pictures and give more info about myself and my hair (can't get as in depth as I want b/c I'm @ work). I look forward to posting more and getting to know you.
GIRL! :cowgirl::cowgirl::cowgirl::cowgirl::cowgirl: RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM HERE! :lachen::lachen: Let me tell you these heff@$ will have you in the poor house, but your hair will be clean, moisturize, and a hole bunch of other stuff. But in all honesty I do not know what I would do without them. :welcome: to our family!
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome3: :welcome4: WELCOME TO THE ADDICTION! lool Happy Hair Growing. Just don't become a PJ. Stick to a few products and figure out what works for you before buying EVERYTHING in sight
Glad to have you join us! :club: Keep your regimen simple. This will keep your hair expenses down.

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome3: :welcome4: WELCOME TO THE ADDICTION! lool Happy Hair Growing. Just don't become a PJ. Stick to a few products and figure out what works for you before buying EVERYTHING in sight

GIRL! :cowgirl::cowgirl::cowgirl::cowgirl::cowgirl: RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM HERE! :lachen::lachen: Let me tell you these heff@$ will have you in the poor house, but your hair will be clean, moisturize, and a hole bunch of other stuff. But in all honesty I do not know what I would do without them. :welcome: to our family!

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: wHAT THEY SAID!!! Welcome!