I'm lonely. You're lonely. Let's get married!

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Have you ever known a couple (or perhaps are part of a couple) where the two people wed for the more practical reasons for marriage - companionship and partnership (as opposed to love or romance)? How have these relationships worked out? (NOTE: I am not asking about arranged marriages.)

I can't say that I do. I'll have to think, though, as I might know people who started their marriage for those reasons, but now appear to have a marriage that encompasses everything.

:lol: I don't know many married folks, though.
Yes, I know a couple like this. Well two that I can think of.

The first, both people had lost their husband/ wife. Were older, had grown kids and had small grandkids. Got married for companionship. I believe they are happier than they ever were with their original spouses.

The second, both people lost their husband/wife. Were in the same family. Seems very very happy. But was put out the family.
The second, both people lost their husband/wife. Were in the same family. Seems very very happy. But was put out the family.

Well, DANG - I am glad the marriage at least worked out!

BTW, off topic but I meant to ask you (since I was reading that old thread about how long you should date before marriage) - what in the world did you say when your dh asked you to marry him after only a few weeks . . . and how did he feel about hanging in there until you were ready? (Yes, I'm being nosey :yep:)
Well, DANG - I am glad the marriage at least worked out!

BTW, off topic but I meant to ask you (since I was reading that old thread about how long you should date before marriage) - what in the world did you say when your dh asked you to marry him after only a few weeks . . . and how did he feel about hanging in there until you were ready? (Yes, I'm being nosey :yep:)

I already knew he wanted to marry me even before we started dating. Remember this was the man who would call my parents and always refer to me as his future wife. Even while I was dating someone else.:perplexed

He was ok. I does still brings it up every now and then. I believe he was happy just to have me as his girlfriend :blush: or ole lady as he says:ohwell:.
I already knew he wanted to marry me even before we started dating. Remember this was the man who would call my parents and always refer to me as his future wife. Even while I was dating someone else.:perplexed

He was ok. I does still brings it up every now and then. I believe he was happy just to have me as his girlfriend :blush: or ole lady as he says:ohwell:.

LOL! I love Mr. Lewis :yep: So romantique!
I can't say 100% that the couple I'm thinking of did this - but they had been just friends for many many years first. Then one day she says they decided to get married - but they weren't even dating beforehand. I think they may have had one of those "If we're not married by a certain age let's just marry each other" pacts. But they're happy and expecing a baby, so yay for them!
Yeah people do it alot specially older folks and they seem to have a really good time
Yeah no pressure. Neither one of them can have kids nor would they want anymore, both are retired, sex here and there if their heart can tolerate it and just chillaxin all day. I would:lachen: