I'm just really disgusted


New Member
My ends are damaged and my hair wont hold a curl. I've been having this issue for some time now. It's like my hair is fine until it gets about two inches from the bottom. So if I put my hair in a ponytail at the back of my head and just chopped, would my hair be really uneven?
Sounds like your ends are over processed? Have you tried a protein treatment?

It will probably be much shorter in the front than it is in the back. However, I don't think that anything that drastic is really necessary. Why don't you just do a good trim. Since you are looking to have a bit chopped off you might even consider getting the trim professional done. Then spend a lot of time nurturing and protecting your ends and you shouldn't have the same problem in the future.
i say chop about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches off. then wash with aphogee shampoo for damage hair and deep condition with ORS olive oil pak or a moisturizing conditioner and follow up with the aphogee 2 minute treatment. it really works. even if you use it on hair that is not damaged your hair will thank you for it.

with that said i would not do the cut in a ponytail, i know that would make it easier for you but i dont think it would turn out right.
when people cut their hair is a pony tail holder 9 times out of 10 they arent trying to have an even cut at the end results. If you going to cut your hair try to cut it evenly. It will look so much better :) If you dont cut it use a good protein treatment to revive your hair HTH
I think your best bet would to be to get your hair cut in universal layers. That way, it wont look as if as much has been cut off. I like that cut b/c it creates an illusion, and its even. Oh yeah, and to cut your hair in a ponytail, would cut your hair into a asymmetrical bob. If thats what you want, cut across evenly. ♥♥
I would cut the ends evenly. I wouldn't cut it with my hair up in a pony tail. Especially if the hair is split it is dead anyway so you might as well cut it before the split continues up the shaft and takes more length away.