I'm hurt, confused and don't know what to do pics


New Member
My hair journey is more than 5 years old. In a nutshell, I went to a premier colorist in the DMV who basically killed my hair. After the resulting chop, I started over. Tragedy in my family left me with fragile, broken hair. I started wearing PS. I've had my hair in some sort of PS for five years. Twists, braids, wigs and recently weaves. I've been 100% natural for 3 years. The rule of thumb, always give my hair at LEAST two weeks to breathe between styles. Only then do I apply heat to see the growth and dust my ends. In feb, after coming out of twists, my hair looked like this:


It was shiny and healthy. I've repeated the process several times since then but didn't take pictures. With this last PS (weave), I washed and conditioned my hair more often but when I took my hair down, blew it out and flat ironed, it looked like this:
It's dry, fuzzy and just nothing like it was. I don't know what's wrong. I clarified and DC and it just didn't work. I've been wearing my hair pulled back in a bun of some sort since I took this pic three weeks ago. I don't want to go into another PS like twists until I get the moisture back in my hair. WHAT TO DO?!?!?


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I'm so sorry to hear that. I know you said your hair was dry but maybe you don't have enough protein in your reggie....just a thought. I wish I had some great advice but hopefully someone that does will be by soon.
What is the base element/purpose of the conditioner you used? Was it protein based? Moisture based? Had you previously used this conditioner before?
I dont have any advice but just wanted to say that ur hair has grown and has thickened up..very nice :)
sometimes my flat iron technique is different from time to time, do you think it hasn't thrived since February because my June and Sept pic look pretty much the same in the pic but I see the difference up close a personal... so sometimes it may be the straightening technique. Just a thought
I used to wear weaves. My hair came out of the weaves in various states depending on how it was put in. Was your weave sewn in? If so, was synthetic hair used to "protect" your hair? If so, that might be part of the issue. When my stylist used the synthetic hair, it dried my hair out something fierce. It also "fused" into my hair at various points which meant she had to cut it out. That chewed up my hair completely and left it dry as straw.

If you can, I would recommend moving to a different protective style. I wore weaves continually for the better part of 8 years. While I got length growth, the overall damage to my hair has and will take years to overcome.
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MZtease, I had this same experience as you where the synthetic weave fused into my hair and no amt of detanger could get it out! I had to cut it all off and start over (first picture below in siggy). Sometimes sew-ins are more damage than good because you arent able to take care of your real hair. I think maybe (OP) will need to change conditioners depending on what u r using. Also how r u taking care of your hair when it is in these protective hair styles?
Hi ladies! Thank you all for your responses. I haven't got my "Quote" game up on the site, so bear with me.

"... dry but maybe you don't have enough protein in your reggie....just a thought. "
That could be. I've read too much and started to fear overdoing it. I used the HAIR protein condition for my DC, but then I won't use anything else for fear it's too much.

"What is the base element/purpose of the conditioner you used? Was it protein based? Moisture based? Had you previously used this conditioner before?"
My first run of conditioners was my usual, aphoogee moisturizing shampoo, HAIR protein DC and the shea butter leave in. When I got these results I went out and bought one of the clarifying shampoos I found here (can't remember the name yet) and a Biolage DC. Perhaps I changed too much too soon?

"sometimes my flat iron technique is different from time to time, do you think it hasn't thrived since February because my June and Sept pic look pretty much the same in the pic but I see the difference up close a personal... so sometimes it may be the straightening technique. Just a thought"

I thought that too. I have a Chi and a cheaper ceramic. I used the chi more on my weave than I do on my own hair. I only use the Chi on my hair on the first run to smooth the hair and follow with my ceramics on a lower heat. I've found that using the heat protectors leave my hair sticky. I've varied my process there because I know it need it, but hate the results. I also had to get used to using oil in my hair. I'd been relaxed for years and heavy oils simply didn't work. Now, my natural hair craves it and I have to get used to it. i'm getting better about it.

From the weave world, my stylist uses yarn when she braids my hair. This last time we rushed to process a bit to get it done before a wedding. Sometimes I wonder if the usual moisturizing she does during braiding was omitted. It wasn't too tight, which is why I like going to her. I'm wondering if I simply didn't do as good of a job with adding the moisture in light of the cleaning that I did.

I'm going to clean an DC today. I'm afraid to even try the heat but curious to see how the last few weeks of juicing and bunning have helped. *fingers crossed*
Any updates, OP?

As a matter of fact, there are. :grin: I think I'd read too much and just done too much. Having my hair in the weave I followed every thread of advice I'd read and didn't follow my own reggie and I think it dried my hair out terribly.

I went back to my old products Aveda Damage Remedy and believe it or not Dr. Miracle tea tree stuff. It's coming around, slowly. It's not as sleek and shiny as it was in February, but it has indeed grown.

I've decided to spend the winter in PS to include my favorite wigs, while using OCT regularly for a little while. We'll see how it goes.

I stuck pics from Oct and last week. The back needs work to get even but it's growing. :yep:


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