I'm heated! no progress a year later


New Member
I am sooooooooooooooo disappointed right now. I have been taking care of my hair for over a year now. I would trim every once in a blue moon to get rid of thin ends...but I really can't believe that I chopped away all 5-6 inches that I grew out since last year.

My pics are in my siggy. My hair looked longer last year.

This is frustrating.
Your hair is beautiful, if my hair looked like yours disappointed would NOT be the word to describe it:yep::yep:!!!
Your hair is beautiful, if my hair looked like yours disappointed would NOT be the word to describe it:yep::yep:!!!


i'm just like how can people post about all the growth they get in two weeks and i can't get a couple of inches in a YEAR!

i'm just like how can people post about all the growth they get in two weeks and i can't get a couple of inches in a YEAR!

Your hair looks very healthy and it's a great length. It does not look longer or thicker in 1st pic--It looks like you have maintained a healthy head of beautiful hair!!!
Your hair is so pretty!

Look on the bright side - you're where I want to get, but we have the same complaints (not seeing any growth in a year).
You hair looks quite healthy and i would say that's progress since you managed to maintain it's healthy state for 1 whole year. Some of us do struggle with that. Don't be too hard on yourself just STAY AWAY FROM THE SCISSORS!
Do not feel bad. I am on the same boat. My hair grew between October and now but I just had to chop the progress off because it became too thin. So now I am back at square 1 starting over for the year.

Your hair has evened up quite a lot. I think it looks nice.
You hair looks quite healthy and i would say that's progress since you managed to maintain it's healthy state for 1 whole year. Some of us do struggle with that. Don't be too hard on yourself just STAY AWAY FROM THE SCISSORS!

ITA. Did you keep track of how much you trimmed each "blue moon"? I totally understand your frustration, but are you taking interim pics before your trims? I think the best way to keep track of your progress is with one of those Progress Tees after each relaxer/before trims.

Don't beat yourself up too much, though. Your hair is gorgeous, and I'll just bet you start seeing progress when you start treating scissors like a deadly weapon. :grin:
Thanks ladies! You are all right! I have a lot to be thankful for in that I did not have any setbacks this past year, I have evened it up some, and I did not track how much I was cutting.

i do need one of those t-shirts to mark off my growth. i am going to make one because when i do trim, i trim a little at a time (so i think) but it does add up over time apparently to the tune of 5 inches in a year. that's how much growth i think i get in a year.

so no, the scissors are not my friend...especially when i saw a split end today. i thought my gosh with all my cutting you would think every strand would be perfectly blunt and not split.

i am also grateful that it was all my own doing! not one scissor happy stylist put a shear to my hair all year. it was just me...:drunk:

thanks all for the nice words and happy growing y'all!
i feel exactly like you :sad: . i know its my fault though. ive switched stylists and had the WRONG person trim my hair one too many times. im going to invest in my own nice pair of trimming scissors and continue the regimen im on. look on the bright side , you have another year to correct any mistakes you made before :yep:
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i feel exactly like you :sad: . i know its my fault though. ive switched stylists and had the WRONG person trim my hair one too many times. im going to invest in my own nice pair of trimming scissors and continue the regimen im own. look on the bright side , you have another year to correct any mistakes you made before :yep:

you right about that...the kid is going to be bunning/protective styling more to get the strands flowing...enough of this stagnant stuff.....
Ditto! OP, I wish I had your hair!

I know you're upset but your hair is still very beautiful!

What is your regimen?

Thanks! I really don't have a regimen as others....

I wash, condition, and rollerset twice a week (I need to cut rollersetting down to once a week because it is manipulative for me). Love Keracare hydrating detangling poo, silicon mix conditioner, mango butter and now hello hydration coconut conditioner as a leave in. moisturize as needed. clarify as needed. I don't really use direct heat (curling irons, blowdryers)...all but maybe 3 times in a year.

My biggest problem I guess is trimming when I want to...:wallbash: Oh..and self-relax with ORS Lye mixed with oil practically every 8-10 weeks. protein treatment every relaxer.
Thanks ladies! You are all right! I have a lot to be thankful for in that I did not have any setbacks this past year, I have evened it up some, and I did not track how much I was cutting.

i do need one of those t-shirts to mark off my growth. i am going to make one because when i do trim, i trim a little at a time (so i think) but it does add up over time apparently to the tune of 5 inches in a year. that's how much growth i think i get in a year.

so no, the scissors are not my friend...especially when i saw a split end today. i thought my gosh with all my cutting you would think every strand would be perfectly blunt and not split.

i am also grateful that it was all my own doing! not one scissor happy stylist put a shear to my hair all year. it was just me...:drunk:

thanks all for the nice words and happy growing y'all!

You are lucky that you didn't have to deal with scissor happy stylists. I never realized their wrath until I fell victim to one today. I had just gotten from getting my relaxer washed out and next thing I know she was snipping my ends!! What horror!! :blush: I was like I don't want my ends trimmed, and she was just like, "I need to even them up a bit. I'm not cutting much." When I was under the dryer, I looked at the floor and the 5-6 inches I had worked so hard on this entire year were on the floor. I almost cried. I have been depressed the whole day. :perplexed

All I can say to you is don't worry. Just make sure you only get trims when you want them and not just because some uneducated stylist THINKS you need them. I only get trims twice a year because the way I look at it, after I reach my goals, I'm going to even it up anyway. But I want to do it on my own time.
You are lucky that you didn't have to deal with scissor happy stylists. I never realized their wrath until I fell victim to one today. I had just gotten from getting my relaxer washed out and next thing I know she was snipping my ends!! What horror!! :blush: I was like I don't want my ends trimmed, and she was just like, "I need to even them up a bit. I'm not cutting much." When I was under the dryer, I looked at the floor and the 5-6 inches I had worked so hard on this entire year were on the floor. I almost cried. I have been depressed the whole day. :perplexed

All I can say to you is don't worry. Just make sure you only get trims when you want them and not just because some uneducated stylist THINKS you need them. I only get trims once a year because the way I look at it, after I reach my goals, I'm going to even it up anyway. But I want to do it on my own time.

chile...sorry to hear about your story. cheer up! i don't let them ever trim my hair. for a haircut (where i want layers or something) i may go to a stylist for it...but a trim..i can do it myself without the charge or the hassel.

it was a scissor happy stylist that brought me here...an effed up haircut back in 2006 led to me jumping on the internet to find out how to grow it back out...i guess i cut out all the layers by now :grin:
Stay away from the scissors amiga! You never realise how much you cut until you look at pictures over a long range, but your hair is

true and thanks. i didn't realize until i saw the two pics one after the other..

scissors and me.....no friend!
I'm going through the same thing! I've been rollersetting 3 times a week! lol! Not again. What I have noticed about both your pictures is that in the first one, your hair seems to be shaped more like a v-shape, and now it looks like a blunt cut, so it has grown in my opinion!

But I've realised that I need to make my regimen as simple as possible. I'm going to use Sylver's scarf method and Dyslla's flexirods - maybe I can get away with doing this twice a week.

Then I want to stay on top of my new growth while stretching- I was getting so many tangles, I think this contributed to my lack of growth.

You're using ORS lye!!!! I want to use this!!! What do you think about it???
Your hair looks healthier, thicker and more blunt cut than it did a year ago. It may not be length but that is definitely progress! Keep up the good work!!!
Your hair looks healthier, thicker and more blunt cut than it did a year ago. It may not be length but that is definitely progress! Keep up the good work!!!

I agree with ajoyfuljoy. You may not have retained the length, but it has definitely evened and thickened up. Just look at your sides!! In the end, you'll be more happy about the fullness and thickness rather than just the length. Because trust...I have seen some long, thin, raggedy, flimsy looking hair. :grin:
I also thought I'd come back to say...**steps onto soap box**:

In the beginning...when I first came here I remember seeing ladies who had healthy shoulder to armpit length hair and thinking :rolleyes: "man her hair is pretty, I would looove for my hair to look like that one day."

Fast forward and my hair does look like that and then some. But Oooh No, staring at positively ridiculous, gorgeous, thick, shiny, waist length hair every day has made me a full blown hair anorexic. It's never enough, and probably won't be until I'm sitting on it. :wallbash:

I just had to take a step back from the computer and realize that I have made tremendous progress, and my hair is the healthiest it's ever been and for that I am thankful. And also I cannot track my progress based on someone elses. It's gonna grow at it's own nappy pace.

**Flips my "long for a black girl" hair and steps off box***
I also thought I'd come back to say...**steps onto soap box**:

In the beginning...when I first came here I remember seeing ladies who had healthy shoulder to armpit length hair and thinking :rolleyes: "man her hair is pretty, I would looove for my hair to look like that one day."

Fast forward and my hair does look like that and then some. But Oooh No, staring at positively ridiculous, gorgeous, thick, shiny, waist length hair every day has made me a full blown hair anorexic. It's never enough, and probably won't be until I'm sitting on it. :wallbash:

I just had to take a step back from the computer and realize that I have made tremendous progress, and my hair is the healthiest it's ever been and for that I am thankful. And also I cannot track my progress based on someone elses. It's gonna grow at it's own nappy pace.

**Flips my "long for a black girl" hair and steps off box***

ChanelNo5, you are silly! :grin::grin: Love your post though and couldn't agree more. Believe it or not, I haven't made that much progress in terms of length either but my hair has definitely grown in the back and is much healthier. People are always telling me that my hair has grown and looks nice, but I'm always like, "What?? It's still short compared to so many other heads of hair!!" I guess I'm a hair anorexic also. If I ever get hair to my waist, I'd probably still be up on here complaining that my hair "just won't grow."
Are you taking supplements? TRY AltaSilica!!! Look for my thread, we are doing an Alta silica challenge...
^^gurl...i barely chew my flinstones on a regular basis.:grin:..but i will pop a pill once in a blue moon. i'll check out the silica. thanks!