I'm Having A HAIRMERGENCY! HELP!!!! (pics)


Well-Known Member
So for weeks I've been praying for and applying for a job and today I got a call for an interview at the number one place I wanted to work!:pepper: I have my outfit picked out, my shapewear ready (cuz ya girl has been misbehaving with the carbs and is a bit bloated:blush:) but what to do with my hair!?!?!

I'm a 4b natural. Right now my hair is chin length stretched in the front, shoulder length stretched in the back. Since I'm at home right now I usually keep my hair in a puff or 2 french braids/flat twists, both with a headband covering my temple area. My natural hair at this length looks best pulled back BUT my hairline hasn't recovered from PP shedding and wearing a headband over it doesn't look very professional.

Hairline before:








It's a drastic improvement from where it was but still not filled in enough to wear my hair in public.

I'm just going to flat iron my hair for my interview tomorrow but DH pointed out, since the position I am applying for is a public position (sales associate) they may expect my hair to look a certain way on a regular basis.

My plan is to like I mentioned flat iron for the interview and wear it straight until I find a nice natural looking wig to wear to work while my hair grows out and hairline grows in.

Can you ladies recommend a realistic and affordable full cap or lacefront? I plan to wear my hair out more when I reach a nice length and have a hairline again lol but until then I need to keep it tucked away sooooo HELP ladies!:grin:
See a doctor if you can! They will be able to prescribe meds to help to help foster growth in those areas.
I love the Mommy Wig. I know since it became popular the price went up on it.....I think its a about 50.00 but it is human hair and looks very natural not wiggy at all to me.
Your only option is probably a wig. This is a bit off topic, but I don't get the post-partum shedding thing (I didn't experience it). Why does it only occur on your hairline? Was it possibly something else that contributed to it?
See a doctor if you can! They will be able to prescribe meds to help to help foster growth in those areas.

I don't have affordable insurance currently and I probably wouldn't be able to take any meds/shots until I finished breastfeeding but thanks for the suggestion.:yep: I told DH I'm going to price and save up for cortisone shots after I wean DS:yep:
Your only option is probably a wig. This is a bit off topic, but I don't get the post-partum shedding thing (I didn't experience it). Why does it only occur on your hairline? Was it possibly something else that contributed to it?

When you're pregnant the hormones in your body change in such a way that you don't shed hair at your normal rate. After you have the baby and the hormones return to normal the hair that would have been shed falls out. In some cases like mine though the person is very sensitive to hormonal changes (I can't take hormonal BC or anything:nono:) and not only does the un-shed hair fall out, but other hair as well. I've had this happen with each pregnancy though this time it is much worse. I started a thread on this a couple months back and there are several others as well with ladies who had the same loss pattern who experienced re-growth:yep:
PP shedding is a beyotch!! I didn't have any, but a few friends did.

About the interview, I would wear a super defined twist out w/ a middle part. You could camouflage your edges if you position your twist/twist-out a certain way. Good Luck!!
When I was having your issue I did a low bun with a center part and tried to slick the hair from the top over the temple area with a good gel. Maybe not the best solution but I was able to look presentable and professional.
Have you considered making yourself a quick-weave wig? Check tutorials on youtube...seems pretty simple and less expensive some wigs...
I would not say that your only opt is a wig... by the way I love how much your hair grew in. I say keep it real and use wide bands or scarfs and baby down your edges that is going to show and wet n go the back of your hair. this way you can have a curly puff with the eco styler in it and make sure you use jobc or olive oil to keep the moisture.
^^^ i say go with a wig. go to the beauty supply store and see if they have the Mommy or Marilyn wig. you can rock scarfs and headbands once you get the gig. also for medical insurance does your state have a program for moms and babies, you may or may not be able to include your husband, but at least you and your children can get some medical care. i don't think you need the shots. it seems like your efforts are working.
I have had the same pattern, due to postpartum shedding. When I was Atlanta, my derm prescribed Betamethasone Dipropionate lotion along with minoxdil pills to crush in it. I apply it 2x daily (2 weeks on, and 1 week off). Even though I forget to apply it some days, yet still I see progress with hair fillng in. I also get cortizone shots once monthly. So far, I see hair filling in.

I recently moved to S. Fl and met with a new derm, a black woman. She diagnosed me with alopecia. She said it comes and goes and I will basically have to treat it forever. She suggested going natural (as you already are) and keeping the styles with low stress.

In the meantime I would invest in some Caruso Curlers or magnetic rollers. Once you set, then do a nice saran wrap. No matter the length, it always comes out shiny, full and coifed. Good luck. :bighug:
Your only option is probably a wig. This is a bit off topic, but I don't get the post-partum shedding thing (I didn't experience it). Why does it only occur on your hairline? Was it possibly something else that contributed to it?

Hormones....when the levels drop sometimes hair falls out. My edges fell clean out at 5 months post delivery. They took about 8 weeks to fully recover. I moisturized and sealed twice a day and babied my edges.

As for OP----I would suggest the mommy wig for sure. Check out you tube for some videos to see what u may like. Muffinsismylovers and Ateeya have good wig tutorials.

Good luck:)

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
Best wishes on your interview.:clap: As far as hair. Maybe you can do a spiral set with the curls comin down/forward in the front and then hanging down on the back and sides. Kinda like a pineapple.... Im not good at descriptions.
[B said:
Solitude[/B];13846403]Your only option is probably a wig. This is a bit off topic, but I don't get the post-partum shedding thing (I didn't experience it). Why does it only occur on your hairline? Was it possibly something else that contributed to it?

where you on birth control anytime within the year prior to getting pregnant.

If not then this may be one of the reasons why your shedding was not as bad as another.



I dont recall having shedding either but I was in braids. My shedding after removal seemed normal. I am sure I had some extra but it was never localized, It was uniform throughout my head
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I swear i've never heard of this post partum shedding until i joined this board..i guess i was lucky because i have 2 children and that never happened to me
Get a wig lady and good luck on the interview
I swear i've never heard of this post partum shedding until i joined this board..i guess i was lucky because i have 2 children and that never happened to me
Get a wig lady and good luck on the interview

I've heard of it but never where the woman lost the so much of the hairline.
If anybody knows where I can find the Mommy Wig in the DFW area PLEASE PM me! LOL! That tutorial sold me! I look hot with short hair:grin:
So for weeks I've been praying for and applying for a job and today I got a call for an interview at the number one place I wanted to work!:pepper: I have my outfit picked out, my shapewear ready (cuz ya girl has been misbehaving with the carbs and is a bit bloated:blush:) but what to do with my hair!?!?!

I'm a 4b natural. Right now my hair is chin length stretched in the front, shoulder length stretched in the back. Since I'm at home right now I usually keep my hair in a puff or 2 french braids/flat twists, both with a headband covering my temple area. My natural hair at this length looks best pulled back BUT my hairline hasn't recovered from PP shedding and wearing a headband over it doesn't look very professional.

Hairline before:








It's a drastic improvement from where it was but still not filled in enough to wear my hair in public.

I'm just going to flat iron my hair for my interview tomorrow but DH pointed out, since the position I am applying for is a public position (sales associate) they may expect my hair to look a certain way on a regular basis.

My plan is to like I mentioned flat iron for the interview and wear it straight until I find a nice natural looking wig to wear to work while my hair grows out and hairline grows in.

Can you ladies recommend a realistic and affordable full cap or lacefront? I plan to wear my hair out more when I reach a nice length and have a hairline again lol but until then I need to keep it tucked away sooooo HELP ladies!:grin:

Congrats on the job interview and hairwigharlem has some wigs on sale and some were priced @ 9.99.

I am also having a problem with my hairline and postpartum shedding! My son is 3mths old now! I am currently applying castor oil! What have you been using on your hairline?
destine2grow I haven't really done anything consistent with them. I use sulfur oil on and off when I remember (NJoy's recipe) I still take prenatals, I drink a ton of water and exercise daily. I keep my edges moisturized and try to to mess with them. It's like a poster said in the other thread...it's all about time:yep:

They really should put this info in pregnancy books.:nono:
Just wanted to come in and wish you good luck on your interview!! :)

I would wear a full, fluffy style where I could hide the hairline or a wig. :yep:
Your edges are coming along missy! Keep up the good work. In the meantime, I echo everyone else, rock a cute wig and kill 'em on the interview.
Your edges are filling in nicely. (Mine are filling in too, Thank goodness!)

Those Mommy wigs are too cute, I hope you can find one. Good luck on your interview!