I'm Having A HAIRMERGENCY! HELP!!!! (pics)

When you're pregnant the hormones in your body change in such a way that you don't shed hair at your normal rate. After you have the baby and the hormones return to normal the hair that would have been shed falls out. In some cases like mine though the person is very sensitive to hormonal changes (I can't take hormonal BC or anything:nono:) and not only does the un-shed hair fall out, but other hair as well. I've had this happen with each pregnancy though this time it is much worse. I started a thread on this a couple months back and there are several others as well with ladies who had the same loss pattern who experienced re-growth:yep:

I know you shed after pregnancy, however previous malhandling of the hairline as well as malhandling during pregnancy would cause breakage. Just because hair is stronger during pregnancy doesn't mean the old rules you followed b4 pregnancy no longer apply.
I think you should get a full wig with bangs. And use a blend of tea tree, lavender and castor oil. use just enough to massage on your edges daily, use on whole scalp twice a week.

I did this yesterday my scalp was killing me and hair breaking/shedding, pregnant and had just done a weave 2 days. Took it out in middle of the night, bought the oils the next day, went to salon to have it massaged into every bit of my scalp. then under heat for 5 mins, then washed with head and shoulders dandruff (i dont have dandruff, but my scalp was tres irritated, i was scratching like a dog). So far sleeping well itch has reduced by 90%, best of all one 1 hair, and i mean not 1 hair on my brush, or comb.
MsCookieSkin you are correct about the handling of the hair however i already hace an receding hairline and i wore nothing but wigs while i was pregnant and kept my hair either braided/twist/flat twist and my hair is comig out around my hairline!

i am going to continue applying castor oil and taking my iron and biotin pills. as well as my prenatal vitamins
it's interesting that a lot of ladies had extreme hair loss postpartum, but know where else. was the hairline weak to begin with? i have never seen this before in IRL, so i am serious in my question.

Nope, I wasn't in the year prior. My hair grew thick and lush during pregnancy and stayed that way until I jacked it up in college. I stayed in braids and didn't relax it the whole time.


Thanks for the info. I never heard of PP shedding before LHCF. Sdestra on YouTube just made a video about it and she had the same pattern. I have had issues with hormonal birth control (Depo) and hair loss, though, so I can imagine how hormones can effect hair. It's kind of annoying how this issue is overlooked by medical professionals.

Sorry to derail the thread, OP.
Kbragg, i'm so sorry, but your edges are coming along nicely. I remember your other thread, and you are not alone. This happened to me, as well as other women in my family ( mostly those who breast-fed, but some who didn't). I chalk it all up to hormones. I love my DD, but when I went through PP shedding, I was like " this little girl done took my ability to sleep, my tiny waistline, my "me time", and she gotta take my hairline too?!":lol:

Castor oil made a world of difference when I went through my shedding phase, and I did a lot of low buns with the sides down over my temple area. Fenugreek helps also, but I already had a lot of milk, and it may increase your supply. Also, once I started moisturizing that area more, the growth took off.

I'm cosigning with the other posters on the convenience of a wig, however, you don't want any additional stress on your hairline.

Good luck to you with the interview!
Hey ladies thanks so much for the help so far! I didn't find the mommy wig but I picked up Keri by Soul Tress in 1B/27. The camera didn't pick up the color very well but she is hot! I'm really feelin myself right now LOL! Hopefully this confidence boost is what I need to land this job. Keep me in prayer today:bighug:

Dang phone lol why is the pic sideways?:lol: I'll upload to photobucket gimme a sec...


I think I'll look even cuter when I put on some make-up:grin:
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Here it is with a little make up on the way to my interview!


Well the interviewer really liked me but unfortunately my availability does work for the position HOWEVER she liked me so much that she referred me to 2 other departments that do match my availability better. The woman over one of the other departments will be calling me tomorrow:grin: I'm still in the game:pepper:
Here it is with a little make up on the way to my interview!


Well the interviewer really liked me but unfortunately my availability does work for the position HOWEVER she liked me so much that she referred me to 2 other departments that do match my availability better. The woman over one of the other departments will be calling me tomorrow:grin: I'm still in the game:pepper:

I love it!!! :heart: Good luck on your other interview!!
I'm so late on this one but the wig looked cute. I hope one of those positions works out for you.