i'm having a hair problem - HELP!


Well-Known Member
After my last relaxer a few weeks ago, I decided to do an aphogee treatment because it had been months since I last did one, and I figured my hair needed a protein boost. :ohwell:

OK... this turned out to be a bad idea. My breakage actually increased after the aphogee treatment. And I will not be using it again... I think my hair is in good enough condition where I don't need that much protein. :nono:

Anyway, I've been DCing overtime to help restore my moisture balance. I've done 3 DC's and my ends are still snapping. :nono: Has anyone else experienced this? How long did it take to restore proper moisture-protein balance?

I really need some words of encouragement right now. :nono:
Well, when I have hair hiccups (shedding or breakage out of nowhere), I like to start with a clean slate. I would clarify with the product of your choice then poo with an ultra moisturizing poo like organix shea butter and dc with ORS RP. If you have time I'd start with dcing w/h for 20 minutes then baggy it and let it sit overnight. It seems like ORS saves my hair no matter what. I also have some really good ayurvedic poos(especially the henna wash) that soften my hair that I'm using now but I guess it depends on what you have on hand.

OR clarify and use your keracare again if you've had good results before.
yea i agree...clarify first then try using a stronger DC than the one u've been using. humecto maybe nice for u on a regular day but may not be strong enuff for ur current hair situation. ORS pak is a good choice.
Well, when I have hair hiccups (shedding or breakage out of nowhere), I like to start with a clean slate. I would clarify with the product of your choice then poo with an ultra moisturizing poo like organix shea butter and dc with ORS RP. If you have time I'd start with dcing w/h for 20 minutes then baggy it and let it sit overnight. It seems like ORS saves my hair no matter what. I also have some really good ayurvedic poos(especially the henna wash) that soften my hair that I'm using now but I guess it depends on what you have on hand.

OR clarify and use your keracare again if you've had good results before.

OK, thanks DivaRox. I will try that in a few days with my next wash. I've been trying not to manipulate it too much till this problem is fixed.
yea i agree...clarify first then try using a stronger DC than the one u've been using. humecto maybe nice for u on a regular day but may not be strong enuff for ur current hair situation. ORS pak is a good choice.

OK. I have some of the ORS packs lying around the house. I stay stocked up. :laugh: I will try that.

What kind of clarifying shampoo do yall use?
I'm sorry, sweetie! :kiss: But this is fixable:

1. Clarify
2. Do a Porosity Control. I know you got one. It restores porosity from damage
3. Deep condition. I LOVE ORS Replenishing pacs but sometimes I want that extra oomph, since my hair LOVES moisture and HATES protein. So I may mix an ORS Replenishing Pac with some Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol in the tub. That stuff is only $2.99 at your local BSS. And some CVS's have it, too!

Keep us posted!
i thought the ors pak was a light protein?

i agree with clarifying first.

i learned from sistaslick that protein cna stay in the hair longer than moisture because of the bonds that it forms within the hair. it's a lot easier to oD on protein than moisture, therefore it will take some time to reduce the breakage from the protein depending on how bad the breakage is.

here's sistaslick's article on breakage from too much protein

Thanks yall. My hair did a serious OD on the protein. :nono:

I will try the clarifying, porosity control, and then DC to see if it helps.

I'm not due for another wash for a few days so I'll report back then. Thanks ladies. :)
i thought the ors pak was a light protein?

i agree with clarifying first.

i learned from sistaslick that protein cna stay in the hair longer than moisture because of the bonds that it forms within the hair. it's a lot easier to oD on protein than moisture, therefore it will take some time to reduce the breakage from the protein depending on how bad the breakage is.

here's sistaslick's article on breakage from too much protein


Dang it! I just read sistaslick's article and this can take a few weeks to correct? :wallbash: Lawd only knows how much breakage I will have by then. I can just touch the ends of my hair and see little broken pieces. :nono: I guess this will force me into a no-heat/bunning routine. I think I just learned a hard lesson about hair care.
After you clarify and what not, try prepooing for a couple of washes as well. When I get serious protein overload I prepoo with a creamy cheap conditioner for a while to help restore moisture balance. I still dc too after washing
I know what you're going through. My hair was just breaking at the ends too. It has stopped DRASTICALLY within a few days. Now, the same things don't work for everyone, but here's what I did. Starting this past Friday:

1) I made a conditioner of black strap molasses, olive oil, honey, coconut oil and ACV. Please don't ask me how much because I have NO idea. I just put mainly molasses in and then added the rest. I got this off of the BHM site. I put it on my hair under a plastic cap for about 45 minutes.

2) I washed rinsed well and then washed my hair with Porosity control shampoo and conditioner.

3) Then I did an ACV rinse (ACV and water). It was 1/4 cup of ACV in 1 quart of cool water.

4) I rinsed my hair REALLY well and then sealed the cuticles shut with a cool water rinse. I then had to dry my hair with the blow dryer. I DO NOT SUGGEST THIS, but I had issues going on. But I will tell you this much, I had minimal breakage just from then. The ACV is a temporary fix, but it worked. My hair also appeared to be MUCH thicker.

5) I've been baggying my ends since then. I've been using whatever conditioner is in the house and then sealed with vaseline (Thanks DSP!!!). I baggied my ends Friday, Sat and Sunday (all day on Sat and Sun).

6) Last night I washed again with the porosity control shampoo and conditioner.

7) Then I put Giovanni Direct Leave In Condioner in my hair and set it with water.

8) I roller set my hair later. HOWEVER, I am not the greatest at rollersetting yet, so it didn't come out too great. So then I had to curl my hair (you won't have to do this if your rollersetting skills are straight :grin:)

Girl, let me tell you. I combed my hair out and I had hardly NO breakage. Between the treatment on Friday, baggying and the Giovanni Direct my hair is SOOOOOO soft with NO breakage. Nomrally when I curl my hair (because there's no moisture) I can't hold a curl. My curls have held ALL DAY LONG today. I had TOO much protein in my hair as well, so I know what you're going through.

The only thing I would have done differently is using an ORS pack and conditioning AFTER I washed my hair on Friday.

Sorry for the long reply.
^ yea that molasses does wonders. i hardly needed any protein treatments during my last stretch b/c of this stuff. it just made and kept my hair so strong. even at 12 weeks post!
Did you do the Aphogee a few days after the relaxer, or during the relaxing process? Maybe you didn't neutralize enough :confused:

ORS Pak is a light protein conditioner, since your hair's on protein overload, I would stick to purely moisturizing dc's

Keep us posted, SB!

Gymfreak, I love that painting your brother made!
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Did you do the Aphogee a few days after the relaxer, or during the relaxing process? Maybe you didn't neutralize enough :confused:

ORS Pak is a light protein conditioner, since your hair's on protein overload, I would stick to purely moisturizing dc's

Keep us posted, SB!

Gymfreak, I love that painting your brother made!

I did the Aphogee a week after my relaxer. And that's when the extra breakage started.

I will keep yall posted.
Well, here's a mini-update:

I have yet to clarify and DC like I was advised. I was too lazy to fight with shopping crowds to go into a store and buy a clarifying poo. :perplexed

Last night, I prepooed with Cholesterol (with heat), cowashed, and DC'ed with Humecto. This time around there is a 75% reduction in the amount of breakage I was getting.

I don't know what did it. The previous wash I had used Chi Silk Infusion as a leave-in... I know it's a restructuring treatment - so maybe it did something to my hair - or maybe it was the moisture infusion from last night.... I'm not sure.

The breakage is not over, but I'm pleased that it's subsiding. It looks like I'm doing something right. :yep: Thanks ladies. :)
Well, here's a mini-update:

I have yet to clarify and DC like I was advised. I was too lazy to fight with shopping crowds to go into a store and buy a clarifying poo. :perplexed

Last night, I prepooed with Cholesterol (with heat), cowashed, and DC'ed with Humecto. This time around there is a 75% reduction in the amount of breakage I was getting.

I don't know what did it. The previous wash I had used Chi Silk Infusion as a leave-in... I know it's a restructuring treatment - so maybe it did something to my hair - or maybe it was the moisture infusion from last night.... I'm not sure.

The breakage is not over, but I'm pleased that it's subsiding. It looks like I'm doing something right. :yep: Thanks ladies. :)

Im glad u are seeing improvement! I would skip shampoo the next couple of washes and just cowash since it sounds like your hair is enjoying the moisture boost!