Im Giving up


New Member
No matter how hard I try to find some great products for my just seems to make my hair dry out, get hard or seem sticky. :wallbash: I am giving up on trying to find hair products that I can buy in a store because I cant. The only thing that will work for my hair is UBH products. I thought I could get away with buying less expensive products to grow my hair but its not working and making me sooo frutrated because if i just stayed with the products my hair would be WSL by now:sad: I still have a very small amount of product that i put in my hair last night and when I woke up this morning to moisterize my hair it was so soft and i could actually wear a WNG and it look nice. I havent been able to do that for a YEAR!!!:yep: I just wish i would've gave in sooner...ive been prolonging my setback for a whole year and not even knowing it. (last summer i got flat iron happy) OH WELL BACK TO BASICS....oh and someone please hit me upside my head for only wearing my bonnet once in awhile "cuz i was tired" JEEZE!
My hair is the same way, it only likes the expensive stuff :ohwell: I've given up on drugstore stuff too, it just doesn't compare

We are but slaves to the hair, gotta do what it wants---or else! :lachen:
Use the techniques and products that work for you, whatever they may be.

And put on your bonnet!
I am thinking of going back to using Cathy Howse products also, when I was using her method I didn't have to deal with all the knots in my hair I have now.
I understand where your coming from but just like the other ladies said, stick with what works for you. Just like you my hair only likes the expensive stuff. The only cheapie that likes my hair is HE for co-washing.
I totally feel you on that. As I have gotten more into my hair journey more, I am now leaning on the side of using more expensive products now. I have seen improvements from using inexpensive products mixed with expensive products, but I have seen significant improvements with using more expensive products. So, now for the summer I am experimenting primarily using expensive products only to see how my hair handles it.
Anubis, I know EXACTLY what you mean. Nothing... I mean NOTHING works for my hair like UBH products do. Yet I go out there jumping on bandwagons. I do really like Aphogee 2 minute which I use if I'm getting protein overloaded with Cathy's products...Aphogee line is great...and Joico and various oils are good, but I swear if I just stuck to Cathy's products alone and followed her rules to a Tee I would be far ahead by now. I haven't followed her "no trimming" rule because I gradually wanted to dust off my bone straight ends. Consequently I am pretty much the same place I was last year. I've cut off about 5 inches in two years.

The good news is my new texlaxed hari is beautiful and strong. But I am so dissapointed in the length. I find it so hard to argue with hairstylists at each touch up about not trimming. I hate bickering with them.

If your hair is like mine, and it might be because UBH works so well for you, consider protein overload as a potential chronic problem with your hair. Moisturize far more often than using protein. I have even skipped a week and moisturized like crazy with the Lotion Creme Moisturizer after shampooing and it brought me back to normal.

DON'T GIVE UP. You can give up if you want to, but it won't make a difference because the time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well keep washing, DCing and MOISTURIZING. I keep two large sizes of the Lotion Creme Moisturizer ALL THE TIME. I wouldn't be caught dead without it. Luckily I don't live far from a store in Yonkers, NY that carries her products so I can go down there and don't have to wait for the mail delivery. Keep you chin up.

I'm dying to be MBL and I want this to be my year to retain the 6 inches. Happy Hair Growing,